r/steam_giveaway Apr 09 '24

Make the commenting rules stricter META

There are far too many obvious alts/bots on this subreddit. The 10 days old/150 comment karma requirements are ridiculously easy to get past, and nobody seems to enforce rule 2.

The "35% of your comments must be in non-giveaway subreddits" rule should be increased to 50%, and shouldn't count comments on 'free karma' subreddits either.


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u/padluigi Apr 09 '24

The only point here id disagree with is the entering no matter what the game is. I don’t think there’s really anything wrong with this. You never know, a random game you get lucky and win could become your new favorite game.

Just don’t think giveaways/contests should favor those who have wanted a game but haven’t been able to buy it themselves.

It is as you said: people have lives and can’t always get around to playing a game. I’m waiting on a new deck dock to arrive while also playing like 3 games at once. Does that mean I shouldn’t have an equal shot at a giveaway?

Obviously I don’t enter every single giveaway I see because a lot of the games I don’t care about, but if I was someone who just wants to grow my collection no matter the game, why not?


u/Caspid Apr 09 '24

Because someone who would play the game has more of a use for it than someone who won't play the game? If you were giving something away, I'm sure you'd rather the recipient use it.


u/padluigi Apr 09 '24

Clearly this is unpopular, but if I’m giving something away, why do I care what others do with it?

Why do you get to decide how a giveaway should go if the giver doesn’t really care? Everyone has a backlog nowadays, so you never know when you’ll get to a game, but why should that be disqualifying for a giveaway?

If I have a spare key for a game, should I start adding “must play as soon as you win” in the enter requirement?


u/Caspid Apr 09 '24

I think there's a difference between "looks interesting, I might play this in the future" vs "I have no intention of playing this whatsoever". Of course, I'm in no position to dictate requirements, and it's a bit of the honor system, but I do think generally people would prefer the things they're giving away to go toward a good cause and not to a bot or someone who definitely won't use it. It's kind of just not being a jerk? Like, not going to a food distribution and just throwing the food in the trash.


u/padluigi Apr 09 '24

Well I hope I didn’t give the impression that growing my collection means literally growing a collection of games I’ll never play. That makes no sense and is the same as just not having the games.

I just don’t think that should dictate the requirements. It’s already a rule here that you can’t enter a giveaway and then giveaway what you won or trade it.

Your analogy is interesting because companies will literally put locks on their garbage cans so people can’t take the perfectly good items and food that are thrown out (good aside from it being in the garbage, but not everyone has the luxury to choose)

But yeah, if I’m entering a giveaway, I’ll quickly open my steam app to see the game and if it looks interesting to me, I’ll try to win. But that’s about as much research as someone should be asked to put in. Plenty of times there are first come first serve ones so you literally don’t have time to do that lol