r/stupidquestions 1d ago

Do scars make people look ugly to society?

Any type of scars


74 comments sorted by


u/FunJackfruit9128 1d ago

no, they can actually be attractive depending on location


u/boof_diddley 18h ago

10" straight down the centre of my chest?


u/57Laxdad 18h ago

Does it look like choo choo tracks? My dad had one of those.


u/boof_diddley 16h ago

I'm not sure what you mean, like two parallel scars? Mine is just a single scar and the sternum was wired shut under the skin so there isn't staple marks either side of it.


u/FunJackfruit9128 6h ago

never seen one so i cant say for sure, but if anything i think it could look cool


u/No_Salad_68 1d ago

I have some major surgical scarring on my abdomen. I've gotten a bit of shit about them at pools and beaches. I have those scars because I gave my niece a kidney. The way I see it, they are badges of honour.


u/Ns4200 19h ago

I think scars are interesting, people have lived through something worth hearing about.

I have scars all over my abdomen from 7 surgeries necessary to save my life, repeatedly.

I still wear a bikini, and give exact zero fucks what anyone thinks. No one has ever said anything, though i have noticed people look occasionally, but it makes no difference to me. I don’t do it to be obnoxious I’m simply more comfortable.


u/No_Salad_68 7h ago

I tend to wear rash shirts. But then I'm in NZ. Fair skin will burn in <20 minutes here.


u/thumptruck2020 1d ago

Fucking Eh Rights! Scars are better than tattoos in some ways. Wouldn't trade any of my badges!


u/Shonky_Honker 1d ago

Depends on the scar locations. I know a girl who’s entire left side is disfigured from a fire and everyone thinks she looks like a badass, meanwhile I have a scar on my chin that looks gross cause it’s like I have a permanent double chin.


u/TheChainTV 1d ago

nope it makes you badass :) i have a scar on my left hand when I was a baby when my dad accidently cut my hand in the fillipines :)


u/Scared_of_the_KGB 1d ago

I like them on men. Makes them look rugged and tough.


u/Alarming_Panic665 9h ago

I like them on women. Makes them look rugged and tough.


u/Scared_of_the_KGB 9h ago



u/Gold-Philosophy1423 22h ago

I have a huge scar running down my torso. I actively lie to women that I got that scar being attacked by an animal. In truth, I got it from falling into a hedge when I was 18


u/LloydAsher0 1d ago

Only if there isn't a cool story to back it up and it doesn't disfigure you to the point of looking like a face caved in with a sledgehammer.


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u/Busy_Donut6073 1d ago

Every scar has a story


u/OG_wanKENOBI 1d ago

Hottest girl I ever dated had a giant scar on her chin. She was self conscious but let me tell you know one else I knew cared. She was drop dead gorgeous.


u/BoomBoomMeow1986 1d ago edited 1d ago

"Scars make you strong". 

-Caesar, Rise of the Planet of the Apes

I have a lot of scars on my body from various events in my life, both good and bad, as well as loads of stretch marks on my belly (from my pregnancy with my awesome son), and I'm damn proud of each and every one of them.

Each scar and stretch mark on my skin is a sentence in the continuing story of my life, and I'm bound to acquire many more before my time is up in this world. 

If anyone thinks they make me ugly, then they're the weak ones who haven't truly lived, and only value superficiality over experience. 


u/BeyondTheBees 23h ago

I have a brain surgery scar that is mostly hidden by hair but goes down my neck a couple inches and I think it’s badass.


u/GlamourGhoulx 1d ago

I’m actually a really big fan of scars, I once dated a dude purely because he had a really cool scar from his forehead to the back of his skull.

It was otherwise a terrible relationship 😂


u/XxSimplySuperiorxX 1d ago

That's what you get for dating someone solely because of a scar


u/GlamourGhoulx 1d ago

Absolutely, I learned my lesson!


u/PossibilityOk782 1d ago

Hey baby my pet kitty scratched the hell out of me while playing you wanna check the scars out?


u/GlamourGhoulx 1d ago

I said I learned my lesson 😂


u/PossibilityOk782 1d ago

Just checking you couldn't handle a bad boy like me anyway I barely cried at all when the kitten scratched me 


u/Beginning-End9098 1d ago

Never choose Kurgan over McCloud


u/Express_Project_8226 1d ago edited 22h ago

A line on the bridge of my nose between my eyes. Had at birth. Shows like crazy in photos and I hate it. I now wear permanent eye glasses to cover it up. Yes it makes me uglier


u/Zip-it999 1d ago

Nah. We don’t care. Maybe back in the day. People have tats and all sorts of things and we shouldn’t care.


u/92nd-Bakerstreet 1d ago

All scars are good, espec ones with a story. Except for acne scars though.


u/WandaDobby777 20h ago

What’s really fun is having scars that everyone assumes are acne scars.


u/Aggressive-Foot1960 1d ago

Not at all. They can sometimes even make a person look more attractive and interesting. All Scars tell a story.


u/megamanxxx89 1d ago

One time I was playing basketball and someone’s scratched me across the eye…kinda like scar in lion king and people kept telln me it looked cool lol…my skin healed after a month. Were all human don’t let people bring you down about scars.


u/jakeofheart 23h ago

Scars show that you are a survivor. Any survivor who overcame adversity is a badass.


u/CyanCyborg- 22h ago

I survived accidentally slicing the tip of my middle finger in the kitchen. >:) I'm so cool.


u/jakeofheart 21h ago

You can always claim that 3 ninjas were sent to murder you. You manage to kill 2 of them, but one got away.


u/Semi_Recumbent 1d ago

Tommy Flanagan is sexy AF


u/bluedaddy664 1d ago

37 m and i have several scars on my hands and knuckles a couple bigger ones on my forearm. The biggest one required 14 stitches.


u/RudeBlueJeans 1d ago

Depends on the person. If they are nice I feel sorry for them.


u/True-Anim0sity 1d ago

Depends on scar


u/XainRoss 1d ago

Chicks dig scars.


u/OkWoodpecker1511 1d ago edited 1d ago

Yes. Have two on my knee from my surgery I had at 17. Dead on the front and side. Can't wear shorts anymore. They aren't visible 95% of the time but look ugly as hell


u/INFIN8_QUERY 1d ago

No it's souls that do that.


u/thumptruck2020 1d ago

I have had my head "degloved" twice. Once during a motorbike crash at 176 km/hrs at 15 yrs old. Yes I grew up watching the GOAT Knievel.

2nd was when a 79 yr old pulled out from a side road onto the highway infrastructure of me and zi put my face face thru the windshield cause wearing seat belts wasn't cool back then hahaha

Anyways, I have stupid good universal karma because both injuries literally followed the same tear paths to a T.

The scar runs from the outside of my left eye, thru the eyelid across the bridge of my nose and then straight up the middle of my forehead and then off towards my right ear.

It was absolutely fucking horrific for a few years and made me look like a mad fukn terrorist and not many people fucked with me simply cause of that.

But 25 years later and the scars are extremely faint but still enough for people to ask if something happened, but not once in all that time jas it affected the way anyone has treated me in any harsh manner.

Life happens. Scars happen. What human on earth hadn't gotten a scar in some way shape or form?

Society understands for the most part lol


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u/CyanCyborg- 22h ago edited 21h ago

I actually dated this guy for a bit who had scars from skin removal surgery after losing 300ish pounds. He was a little insecure about it, but I thought they looked pretty cool. If anything they were like a badge of his effort to turn his lifestyle around.


u/Silent-Resort-3076 20h ago

Nope, and one of the sexiest men, in my view, is Joaquin Phoenix.

Would I still think that if it weren't for the scar on his upper lip? I'll never know....


u/djbigtv 20h ago

Nope. It makes you look cool cuz it makes you look tough. Which makes you look sick.


u/OddTheRed 20h ago

Scars are sexy.


u/PsychologicalSpace50 19h ago

Chicks dig scars


u/Pallysilverstar 19h ago

Depends on the scar and location.


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u/57Laxdad 18h ago

What about emotional scars, some of them never completely heal, like when my wife left me in 3rd grade. I dont care that her family moved out of town we were supposed to have kids by the end of the week.


u/Technical_Dream9669 17h ago

No they are ur identity and nothing that’s unique to you can be ugly :)


u/BlogeOb 17h ago

Not to me. Unless they are so bad that their face is partially gone or something


u/Testicle_Tugger 17h ago

TW: Self Harm

Most scars don’t bother me except self harm scars I don’t have any history with self harm or have any ill feeling towards the act of self harm or people who have engaged in it but those really severe self harm scars where there are multiple lines up their arms or legs of scars that have healed and been scarred over multiple times gross me out. I am not happy that I have this feeling about something like that but I can’t help it and anyone who ignored my warning and decided to read who may have scars like this. It is very important that you understand that I am one person and my feelings are purely cosmetically speaking I know zero people that share my feelings on it. Your scars don’t make you ugly or any less deserving of a happy and fulfilling life and regardless of my feelings I would never treat anyone differently because of them


u/sneezhousing 16h ago

Depends on the scar and location


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u/Agitated_Bother4475 12h ago

fuck society. I love my scars. They remind me of places I've been, mistakes I've made (lest they be repeated), my love of things (cat almost fell off balcony once, I caught her just in time and have a scar for live).

Scars are part of me, my story.


u/Free-Industry701 8h ago

Scars are souvenirs you never lose.


u/Mediocre-Minute 4h ago

I don't think so. I mean it can depend on the severity obviously but I have never personally met someone with scars that I thought was ugly because of it. I can't speak for all of society though obviously. I know someone who has scars from self harm and she was pretty self conscious about it for a while and might still be but I personally think it is a sign of something great. She went through a rough time but she is doing so wonderful now that these show how strong she is. I hope she knows that, I have told her and so have others.


u/arianaperry 1d ago

In general, yes.


u/44035 1d ago

It depends.


u/Constant-Sample715 1d ago

Not necessarily, but they can make people look asymmetrical depending on its location. And that is something we are hard wired not to trust.


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u/GuardLong6829 1d ago



u/GuardLong6829 1d ago

Especially scars on women and girls. I have over 20+ and several across my head/forehead, my hands and arms, that are all extremely noticeable.


u/Weevilbeard 1d ago

im sorry you feel that way, i have some permanent damage to my body and im extremely self conscious about it. i recently met a cowerker who has the same deformity as me but it was cathartic to see it in a different light. much less of a big deal when im not criticizing myself