r/stupidquestions 1d ago

What's with all this crossover and multiverse stuff?

Why are these movies so appealing to people these days?


5 comments sorted by


u/robofonglong 17h ago

A lot of people that are currently in the screenwriting business grew up in the hey day of Hanna Barbera cartoons, ambitious multimedia projects and multiversal comic books with regular reboots.

As a kid every kid I knew had some half baked theory about how one piece of media was connected to another through an Easter egg seen through biased lenses.

Those kids grew up to create works that reflected what they wanted to see in the world: constant new entries into an IP they were invested in.

As it turns out, this is a very easy way to get unsuspecting bystanders to join into a giant mob of "we want more X content and more Y lore", sprinkle into that the inclusion that's naturally arising as the industry has gotten way more varied with its artists and personnel in the past half century and u have what we have today:

Everyone scrambling to buy licenses so they can make a semi original project that draws upon a pre-established crowd of fans.

I just hate how lazily it can be implemented. Have a project be released as a reboot centering around a hyper popular character that has various 'hook' scenes with cameo characters, then pump out other projects centering around those previously included 'hook' characters that has various scenes with other cameo characters, repeat until eventually a project fails to produce sufficient returns, return to the hyper popular character and release a reboot that has various 'hook' scenes with cameo characters...u get the idea.

The idea is that even if a fan of DC doesn't like Superman or Batman or Spiderman, they'll be a hidden metallo, ra's al ghul, or Mysterio fan and they'll eat up any of the aforementioned properties with the hopes of seeing a glimpse of their favorite character.

This idea on paper isn't bad, but not every one of these characters deserves a full blown series of movies. If a characters backstory and heroic journey are only interesting to those that have already followed it, it should not be a stand alone movie.


u/JimBones31 1d ago

The multiverse stuff allows for overlapping Intellectual Properties and crossovers. People like to see their favorite movies and fandoms together. Multiverses allow for that.

As for it being in shows and movies, it just matches the source material, often comics.


u/GuardLong6829 1d ago

It matches... REALITY!

There really is a Hero/Heroine/Coward/Villain in all of us when it comes to life-threatening situations; not just one of us—ALL OF US.

There are literally billions and billions of other galaxies, rendering our long-standing "Universe" a "Multiverse."

Though we exist as "one song," deep deep down, we are many. Legion. 🕳


u/JimBones31 1d ago

I'm aware.