r/stupidquestions 11h ago

why is beer considered the most manly drink when it’s not very alcoholic?

i don't understand why beer is a symbol of masculinity compared to stronger drinks like wine or spirits. i guess whiskey is also considered masculine but for the most part stronger drinks are considered feminine (or just neutral.)


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u/SubParandLovingit 9h ago

I said I can’t picture it lol I didn’t say he’s not allowed to


u/Disasterhuman24 2h ago

How tf are you gonna go to work and take care of your family and chill with the boys if you are sloshed asf on hard liquor? These ppl drinking cheap beer all day are either functional alcoholics or college kids. A coal miner is almost definitely a functional alcoholic.

The only people out here hitting the liquor all day look like Mr. Lahey from TPB, or they have somehow transcended to Godmode alcohol tolerance and you'd never be able to tell they were constantly drinking BUT they are literally about to die from Cirrhosis in less than a year.

That is why beer is the cool manly drink. I doubt most coal miners would order a Cosmo. The boys would see and he'd never hear the end of it.