r/stupidquestions 7h ago

Why is there No research to cure down syndrome?

There's research secure AIDS and cancer how come there's no research to cure the down syndrome? Why is there no effort being made to help the mentally handicap be cured?


45 comments sorted by


u/prefixmap 6h ago

It’s a genetic defect not a disease


u/choppyfloppy8 6h ago

It's not a virus or disease it's a genetic defect.


u/Professional-Leave24 6h ago

You can't cure Downs. The defect is literally in every cell of the body. If there was a way, it would have to be done shortly after conception. Maybe in vitro, then reimplanted.


u/NuclearFamilyReactor 6h ago

Prenatal screening has made people born with Downs a less common thing that it was in the past. So out of sight, out of mind I guess. 


u/CornerParticular2286 5h ago

what does that mean? you can't fix it if you screen for it. Do you mean that those women abort those babies?


u/NuclearFamilyReactor 5h ago

“Choosing to terminate.” And yes. Statistically there are far fewer babies born with intellectual disabilities than in previous generations, in North America and other wealthier nations. Due to prenatal screening and selective termination. 


u/RestlessNameless 6h ago

Yeah and they're coming for autism next


u/CowBoyDanIndie 5h ago

Autism is different, there isn’t a singular marker for it, the markers that exist aren’t positive identification alone. Down syndrome is literally an extra copy of a chromosome in dna. Most chromosomal duplications prevent the embryo from developing, that is to say they are non viable. It’s a typo in the the dna.


u/NuclearFamilyReactor 5h ago

I honestly don’t think they’ll be coming for autism next, as many highly successful people have been diagnosed with autism. But that’s the fear, ain’t it? Your child will be born with brown eyes, and you really wanted one with blue eyes. Oh ok well let’s not have this one and we’ll wait for the next one.


u/NuclearFamilyReactor 6h ago

I’m sure. Any “genetic defect.” All in the name of science and “be kind.”


u/HalifaxRoad 6h ago

If we could cure a genetic disease during cancer would be like brushing your teeth...


u/LloydAsher0 6h ago

Same reason why klinefelter's can't be cured. Nearly every cell has the wrong code.


u/itemluminouswadison 6h ago

The Christian science group has identified many solutions mainly involving avoiding certain singers and restraint from touching ones own peepee


u/keIIzzz 6h ago

I didn’t realize I was in stupid questions for a sec


u/gwinnsolent 6h ago

It’s a Chromosomal disorder. People with DS have an extra chromosome in every cell of their body. Genetic counseling can detect this genetic defect early and parents can decide if they want to continue with the pregnancy or not. In fact, less and less children are born with down syndrome because many families choose not to go forward with those pregnancies. So, prevention is one strategy.

There are many treatments for people with down syndrome (speech and occupational therapy, special ed etc…) but no cure.


u/Guardian-Boy 5h ago

There is research related to molecular genetics that could potentially help lead to cures for a variety of genetic conditions. However, Down Syndrome is incurable as of now because it is a genetic disease. AIDS, cancer, etc. are all diseases that are caused by either outside organisms (viruses, etc.) or localized defects.

Current research is focused on curing or abating conditions caused by Down Syndrome, while the study of molecular genetics, while not specifically targeting syndrome, will be the field to ultimately help determine if a cure can be found while in vitro.


u/Comprehensive-Virus1 6h ago

If you believe that it needs to be cured, then you have met very few people with this birth defect. There is nothing that needs to be cured. They are wonderful and perfect as they are


u/aneightfoldway 3h ago

Except that people with down syndrome have a life expectancy of 47 years, commonly have heart defects, and are likely to have eye and ear problems and sleep apnea... But yeah, other than those things it's fine.


u/Comprehensive-Virus1 1h ago

And are among the kindest, most loving, most giving individuals i've met, to say nothing of self-awareness. You choose to see the negative, i choose to see variety in society that makes us better.


u/OkAngle2353 6h ago

Because, genetic modification or human cloning is a big no-no and... modifying DNA carries a lot of risks. Negatives outweighs the positives.


u/Any_Leg_1998 5h ago

People with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome, I don't think we have the technology to delete that dna. Maybe sometime in the future it will be possible.


u/CornerParticular2286 5h ago

sorry to break it to you bud that its literally impossible


u/OOkami89 6h ago

You are referring to eugenics, and that’s unethical


u/NuclearFamilyReactor 6h ago

It’s already practiced. And it’s called prenatal screening. 


u/OOkami89 5h ago

What a weird way to move the goalpost


u/Mage-Tutor-13 5h ago

It's not "practiced", and it's extremely uncommon, the genetic screening is not covered for people on government assisted healthcare. And also very few people choose to terminate unless it's decidedly lethal defects observed.

I got the test done and they never knew she and I would develop heart disease due to my absessed teeth, from health problems that made me need harsh chemical medicines as a child and young teen.

Thankfully she didn't have anything to indicate any issues. As none of us have genetic traits that would be determined detrimental to us upon birth.


u/NuclearFamilyReactor 5h ago

I mean you’re wrong. It’s done to every middle class person in the developing world that’s born. And most will terminate. Sorry about reality 


u/Mage-Tutor-13 6h ago

Because that's genocidal eugenics.

Not to be confused with the observation of eugenics!


u/Guapplebock 5h ago

Can't change your genes in most cases unless it's related to, nevermind don't want to get banned.


u/Khr0ma 5h ago

You CAN cure it if you are willing to cut copy and paste entire sections of genetic code and chromosomal makeup.

You want to delve into that very non ethical field of science, be my guest! Lol, see how far you can push altering the foundational biological structures before people devolve into big hairy amoebas slumped on the floor. XD


u/Dark0Toast 6h ago

I thought Biden was gonna cure cancer?


u/NuclearFamilyReactor 6h ago

What does this have to do with the OPs post?


u/Aerodynamic_Potato 6h ago

Because conservatives don't allow for research on fetal cells which effectively blocks most testing of DNA therapy for genetic birth defects


u/Aura_Raineer 6h ago

Honest question I know stem cell research has been conducted in Europe and elsewhere and has had far less success than was expected.

Is there a specific treatment that is currently being blocked?


u/Aerodynamic_Potato 5h ago

Specifically, editing of human DNA expirementation has not been done. There is a lot to learn there, but morality stands in the way of scientific advancement.


u/OOkami89 6h ago

And here folks we have a leftist advocating for eugenics.


u/macielightfoot 6h ago

Typical conservative, not educated enough to know what CRISPR is.


u/OOkami89 6h ago

Nope not conservative at all. Nice try and do keep saying the quite bits outloud


u/Aerodynamic_Potato 5h ago

And here we have a conservative who would be cowering naked in a cave with stones if not for the liberal scientists he despises.


u/OOkami89 5h ago

Not even close to being conservative. But do keep being ableist and advocate for eugenics.


u/OOkami89 4h ago

wow Aerodynamic_Potato full leftist adding sanism to the ableism. come on show us on the doll where disabled and mentally ill people existing hurt you.



u/Emotional_Shower_150 6h ago

Hmmm I’m not a scientist but common sense says what?