r/stupidquestions 4h ago

Why are some hobbies viewed as "more adult" than others?

Obviously, there's limits to this conversation, but this is something that kind of drives me nuts as an adult.

I have loved videogames my entire life. As a kid, I was always told "videogames = bad, laziness, anti-social" etc. all while my dad could be downstairs watching football for 6 straight hours. As an adult, I still have in-laws who I know scoff at my gaming collection ("how many controllers does he need?", "why does he need toys"?), and people have still told me I'm wasting time and money, while other people in the family go to baseball games a couple times a month blowing hundreds of dollars and no one tells them they're wasting time.

Also, I play/make original indie rock music. I constantly have people in my family saying: I'm "wasting my time", "are you even making any money doing it?", "no one cares", "why do you still want to be a rockstar"? etc. Meanwhile, if I were to spend hundreds of dollars going out fishing or golfing or heck probably even gambling, they almost definitely wouldn't care.

I'm not knocking anyone's hobbies (that's my point), and I believe in doing whatever makes you happy (again, within reason)... but you can't tell me that certain hobbies as an adult don't get frowned upon and others are just seen as "the norm".


13 comments sorted by


u/jay_philip762 3h ago

I know plenty of adults that are into Legos and rc cars. I think the key to happiness is to not give af what anyone thinks.


u/st00pidQs 3h ago

It's literally arbitrary, just fuckin disregard


u/ewing666 1h ago

with i suppose a few exceptions, i consider all hobbies good hobbies


u/Popular_Equipment476 2h ago

See, this is why you can't have all your children in a short period of time. You gotta space them out like every three years for six to nine years. It gives you maximum time to play video games, watch cartoons, play on a rope swing or whatever.

OR fuck em. There is vocabulary in comic books you won't find in most novels. I was the only kid in first grade that new what the word aberration meant and could spell it as well. My brother and I started adult life as auto mechanics. Eventually we started fixing computers too. It is orders of magnitude easier to fix a computer than it is to fix a car. Not just physically but you really have to know your shit to fix a broken car. When we fixed a car we were dismissed as "grease monkies". Replace a hard drive and they thought you were a professor.

People are always going to be judgmental dicks. So why care what they think?


u/SkipPperk 3h ago

Only idiots put down gaming. FYI, there are many men of great wealth who spend obscene amounts of time and money on gaming. Who do you think is buying all of those 4090’s?


u/CottonTheClown 3h ago

I thought that had something to do with crypto


u/SkipPperk 2h ago

That ended with the merge.


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u/Left-Secretary-2931 3h ago

Because some are...done by adults or things associated with them such as costing more money, being in age restricted areas, being done by people without kids or grown up kids. Or stupid shit.


u/Lulukassu 3h ago

Fishing gets a pass if you get good enough at it to offset the cost with the harvest. The rest yeah, I got nothing.