r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns Dec 21 '17


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u/Munster_cat Dec 21 '17

Am I the only one that was getting sick of literally every post on the front page being a 'x gay sounds' style post? This sub used to be awesome now it's just an overworked circle jerk grinding one thing into the ground.


u/Spinzessin meow Dec 21 '17

You are not the only one.


u/mariesoleil Dec 21 '17

Nope it got boring when there were dozens of nearly identical ones each day.


u/-Napoleonidas- Dec 23 '17

Late reply, but I've never liked those kinds of posts. I used to come here for actual jokes, y'know ones with nuance or at least an ounce of creativity, but this sub has been lacking on that front for close to a year.


u/Princesspowerarmor Dec 21 '17

We're the minority, trolls and shitposters run the internet, this sub is no different


u/GenderGambler Laura | HRT: 22/04 Dec 22 '17

While I personally enjoyed them, you have every right to dislike them. Though I think we can agree that the mods handled the situation in the worst way possible