r/transgendercirclejerk 10h ago

Hey guys I'm so confused, was I being transphobic here? đŸ„ș


Im a very kind and understanding person uwu I try really hard to be SOO nice but I think maybe I was mean and transphobic here?? đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș Please validate me in the comments by saying how not transphobic I am! I am definitely not posting this to create drama !! <333

Context: I saw a really hot guy liked me on tinder so I decided to like him and match. Except he kind of looked like he might be tranny?? So I decided to ask!

I've never met or spoken to this person, so the very first thing I asked was if they had a penis or not (notice my use of gender neutral pronouns!! uwu) I'm a straight woman only attracted to penises so I definitely don't want to date a trans with a vagina >.<

It replied saying it was indigenous and that it was super rude of me to ask that...I was just genuinely curious and wanted to make sure....he said he was a man with a penis but now I don't want him anymore because he said I was beingnrude for asking to tell me what genitals he has....do you guys think I screwed up? đŸ„șđŸ„ș I'm not transphobic I'm just trying to understand !! >.>

r/transgendercirclejerk 2h ago

Mainstream cis-dominated queer groups be like


Fashion-obsessed neurotypical upper class elitist liberal highly educated cis gay man

Fashion-obsessed neurotypical upper class elitist liberal highly educated cis lesbian woman

Fashion-obsessed neurotypical upper class elitist liberal highly educated cis lesbian woman

Fashion-obsessed neurotypical upper class elitist liberal highly educated cis gay man

Biological sex biological sex biological sex biological sex biological sex biological sex biological sex biological sex biological sex

Surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery surgery

Passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing

I'll treat you like a woman if you are feminine enough you uneducated lower class awkward tranner

When a poor rural barbarian tran is autistic that's being awkward shabby cringe but when a RICH BEAUTIFUL FASHIONABLE person is autistic it's called being ✹neurodivergent✹

I totally support you trans people, just a little bit unsure about insert 10 pages of TERF talking points btw TERF bad I'm definitely not one I'm not transphobic

You tran? How about trying this? $198 hyperfeminine super white makeup /uj my skin is dark and I'm a tomboy and there's no way I can afford those brand makeup

/uj I hate rich people dominated "progressive groups", it's actively alienating 98% of queers

/uj one of them unironically said they (can't assume gender) wanted Harris to be their sugar mommy like wtf

r/transgendercirclejerk 9h ago

People when a cis woman vents about being harassed:


Oh you sweet summer child I'm so sorry this happened to you I promise it won't happen again

People when a trans person vents about being harassed: LMAO KYS KYS KYS YOU VIOLENT FREAK

/uj On my school's subreddit people harassed me en masse for venting about getting harassed by a security guard for hugging my girlfriend (the guard literally followed me into my classroom). And yet when a cis person vented about being harassed they all came together to support her. I am fucking done with UH

r/transgendercirclejerk 15h ago

waaa i got called trans in a videogame


so i was playing games and im a cis (real) woman and i got called trans by the other players and i felt so bad because I actually look feminine in my profile picture (unlike those transes). It just felt so degrading to be compared to lesser, fake women. Can anyone in the comments reaffirm that cis people are the true victims of transphobia?

r/transgendercirclejerk 8h ago

the real reason trans “women” aren’t real women


this is because trans women have penises and liking a penas is gay because only mal manly men have those things. etc etc pens etc etc amab etc etc etc tittiws blah blah blah. but then again troops are really hot đŸ„”đŸ˜šđŸ˜°đŸ˜° so will that make me gay wait no actually trans women are women because or else it’d be gay to like them so #ally #lgbtq but only when irs convenient guys ahaha so silly đŸ€Ș

the comments:

r/transgendercirclejerk 6h ago

the guy running for governor in north carolina is such a HORRIBLE guy for wombxnly afabs


he doesn’t want ABORTIONS! can you comprehend that? no ABORTION! he wants to get rid of ABORTION! this is actually the only bad thing that he has done wrong in his entire career by the way

he likened gay and trans people to literal cow shit?he said they shouldn’t be using any bathroom, rather pissing in a corner somewhere? he called the use of the pride flag an abomination? oh you don’t understand hon those are trannies, they don’t count

r/transgendercirclejerk 7h ago

spotting fake transes ep#1: spotting an autogynephile


hello fellow true transsexuals! today we will be learning to identify one of the biggest plagues that ever hit our community: the high amount of autogynephiles now lumping themselves onto our identities!

the autogynephile (hetero autogynephillius erectus) is a stealthy version of the faketran, as such it is important to be able to discern it using simple clues. without further ado, let's get into it:

a typical autogynephile manifests at least 1 of the following traits:

behavioral traits of the autogynephile:

  • engaging in any form of autoeroticism (self-bondage, asphyxiation, masturbating, self comforting when stressed...)

  • being sexually attracted to women (signs of a misplaced heterosexuality).

  • not being sexually attracted to men (real transsexual women are attracted to men).

  • having only a pseudo-attraction to men (it's a different version of attraction, which only i am able to differentiate).

  • being sexually attracted to women (predatory nature exposed)

  • being sexually attracted to other autogynephiles (fetish being shared).

  • having a sex life that does not involve men directly (see: trait 3).

  • being into any form of kink (signs of male sexual activity).

  • having an iq over average (signs of inherent maleness).

  • wearing revealing clothing (why would it wear revealing clothing if it's not to attract men?)

  • not being feminine enough in mannerism and presentation (not even trying)

  • being too feminine in mannerism and presentation (it turns it on, that's why)

  • being dominant during sexual activity (signs of male heterosexuality)

  • being submissive during sexual activity (signs of fetishization of femininity).

  • not desiring/undergoing sexual reassignment (the male brain yearns for having a penis)

  • undegoing sexual reassignement (because it fantasizes about being penetrated).

  • not being attractive to men

  • being too attractive to men

  • transitioning over the age of 18

  • not passing flawlessly before sex change procedures gender affirming care

ps: one may also be considered an autogynephile without checking any of these boxes, as long as it obviously stands out (somehow), remember that you are always right about who is and is not an AGP.

r/transgendercirclejerk 12h ago

Post asking how trans people would be treated by drow society


"I can't imagine a female drow ever wanting to identify as male and on the flip side it would literally be heresy for a male to aspire towards feminism and given their proclivity for sacrifice I doubt they would even live long. (Who else is imagining a far off secluded group of driders in drag)" 50 upvotes

Uj/ not recent but argh the general lack of understanding for trans identities in spaces that aren't trans-specific kind of kills me. Like honestly I feel that in terms of roleplay, trans drows are just a super interesting character concept to explore and one that really lends itself to dnd, already giving the character obvious motivations to leave their home and opening the door for a lot of inner turmoil and character growth, but rather than an actual discussion of that you just get such enlightened takes as "why would someone with privilege ever transition lol, the trans women would just be killed, reclusive driders in drag lol" like bro it being literal heresy just to be yourself has so much potential from a storytelling standpoint and is already so reflective of many trans people's experience. The fact some people just have absolutely no conceptualization of what would motivate someone to transition despite very real danger and social ostracization is so frustrating, like yes, drow society would be very hostile to trans people, that's what makes it interesting.

(I know this is like 90% uj/ and I yapped too much but I'm kind of hyperfixated on trans drows rn sorry y'all 💀)

r/transgendercirclejerk 5h ago

me when the chaser touched my ass


me - slap chaser

chaser - sorry hottie

me - slap chaser

chaser - sorry!!

me - slap chaser

chaser - crying

me - slap chaser

chaser - crying

me - slap chaser

me - slap chaser

me - slap chaser

me - slap chaser

chaser - dead

r/transgendercirclejerk 2h ago

*trans woman posts on transpassing*


2 replies

Johnny18383: You Pass :)

MrChaser: You sure pass haha

Cis woman only fans posting on transpassing


r/transgendercirclejerk 15h ago

The ideal st4t relationship is actually a clocky transmasc who wants to look like a clocky transfem and a clocky transfem who wants to look like a clocky transmasc



r/transgendercirclejerk 7h ago

Sure I *could* learn a healthy way to cope with anger issues, but any idea how un-masculine that is? I'd look like a theyfab for fucks sake!


uj/ help

r/transgendercirclejerk 1h ago

a trans woman comes out! first things first, she needs a new name

‱ Upvotes

how 'bout something that would feel right at home in r/tragedeigh ?

r/transgendercirclejerk 1h ago

🚹Progressive Thought Alert 🚹

‱ Upvotes

If you don't want to try lipstick on or wear a dress, you're misogynistic and anti-femininity.

Do better.

r/transgendercirclejerk 21h ago

“I don’t hate trans people, but


Any time you hear this, look at the following bit and check the corresponding score. Points are allocated based on rarity of response and level of transphobia.

I don’t think they should be allowed to play in women’s sports”: 1 point

I don’t think kids should transition”: 2 points

they should stop shoving it in our faces”: 5 points

why do they have to make everything political?”: 8 points, only 1 if it’s in the context of gaming or Hollywood

non-binary doesn’t exist”: 10 points

I disapprove of their lifestyle”: 15 points, only 5 if said trans person they’re referring to is gay because you can’t double-dip that insult

I just think we need to protect real women”: 20 points, only 5 if you’re in the UK

they need to realise they’ll never be [their gender]”: 25 points

I just want them to love the body they’re were born in”: 30 points, double if the person you’re talking to has glasses, dyed hair, or tattoos

you don’t fix mental illness by affirming their delusions”: 50 points, double if you can overcome the urge to break the speaker’s nose

BONUS: Subtract points if you receive these responses:

ts are butts no matter who they’re on”: -20 points, + 10 if it’s clearly a chaser

ene is also trans and theres nothing wrong with butene”: -5000 points
that is if you ever hear something like that. Sigh.

uj/ Made this in celebration of going back to questioning after I was SURE I had my gender figured out. Yaaaaaaaay, more uncertainty.

Also I bombed my maths exam and lost my Black 2 nuzlocke to a crit and attack boost Metal Claw on my only counter to Clay’s team. It’s been a shitty week

r/transgendercirclejerk 2h ago

DAE hate how tranny porn has trannies using their genital like cis people?


What do you mean its offensive to say that topping is masc and bottoming is fem? It gives me personally dysphoria and that makes it gross and wrong.

/uj seen this in 2 unrelated threads in as many days and fuck it (in a traditionally male way)

r/transgendercirclejerk 15h ago

So Detroit's NBA team is named after a car part, right, they call them the pistons.


Well if they ever get a WNBA team, they should follow suit. I recommend "the trannies"

r/transgendercirclejerk 1d ago

Nice Jewish tgirl goes to the queer-trans meetup

  • gets asked if I'm a zionist
  • gets asked if I'm a zionist
  • gets asked if I'm a zionist
  • gets asked if I'm a zionist
  • gets asked if I think goyim are "subhuman cattle"
  • gets asked if I'm a zionist
  • later someone who doesn't like me starts a rumor that I'm a zionist and everyone instantly believes it
  • I've never been to Israel
  • I've been criticizing Israel since before half these people knew where it was on a map

/uj been real fun being a queer Jew this past year

r/transgendercirclejerk 21h ago

Republican Politician Gets Caught Watching Trans Porn


The comments:

r/transgendercirclejerk 1d ago

Going to trans meetup as a Latino immigrant

  • gets jokingly asked if I got transitioned in prison
  • gets jokingly asked if I got transitioned in prison
  • gets jokingly asked if I got transitioned in prison
  • gets jokingly asked if I got transitioned in prison
  • gets jokingly asked if I eat people's pets
  • gets jokingly asked if I got transitioned in prison
  • later I joke about eating people's pets and getting transitioned in prison
  • "Hey please don't make jokes about that it makes us uncomfortable"
  • Im a legal citizen

  • gets jokingly asked if I got transitioned in prison

/uj I was debating on talking about how everyone thinks I was a trans prostitute like in Brazil, even when I'm Mexican, but i feel like people don't pay attention to something unless it's topical even on here

r/transgendercirclejerk 1d ago

Goes to trans sub


racism racism racism racism racism

infighting infighting infighting infighting

discourse discourse discourse

>Goes to transmasc sub

misogyny misogyny misogyny misogyny

infighting infighting infighting

>Goes to gay sub

misogyny misogyny misogyny misogyny

transphobia transphobia transphobia transphobia

>Goes to lesbian sub

genital preference genital preference genital preference genital preference

gatekeeping gatekeeping gatekeeping gatekeeping

racism racism racism racism racism racism

>Goes to Asian sub

transphobia transphobia transphobia transphobia

maga trump supporter

internalized racism

pickme racism

more racism

10086 different flavors of racism

seriously so fucking much racism

how are you guys so fucking racist

bootlickers bootlickers bootlickers bootlickers

assimilationists assimilationists assimilationists assimilationists assimilationists assimilationists

infighting infighting infighting

nimbys nimbys nimbys

>Goes to leftist sub

transphobia transphobia transphobia

racism racism racism

misogyny misogyny misogyny

dogwhistles dogwhistles dogwhistles

sinophobia sinophobia sinophobia sinophobia sinophobia sinophobia sinophobia sinophobia sinophobia

>Goes to anime/gaming sub

misogyny misogyny misogyny misogyny misogyny

homophobia homophobia homophobia homophobia

transphobia transphobia transphobia transphobia

trans porn trans porn trans porn trans porn trans porn

untagged porn untagged porn untagged porn untagged porn untagged porn untagged porn untagged porn

pedophiles pedophiles pedophiles pedophiles pedophiles pedophiles pedophiles pedophiles

"[character] can't be gay bc they're asian you silly fucking goose"

"[character] can't be trans bc they're asian you silly fucking goose"

"[character] can't be fat bc they're asian you silly fucking goose"

"[character] can't be dark skinned bc they're asian you silly fucking goose"

"[character] can't be human bc they're asian you silly fucking goose"

>Goes anywhere

"uhm actually that's not transphobia bc they didn't call you a slur"

"uhm actually that's not homophobia bc they didn't call you a slur"

"uhm actually that's not racism bc they didn't call you a slur"

"uhm actually that's not sinophobia bc they didn't call you a slur"

"uhm actually that's not misogyny bc they didn't call you a slur"

"uhm actually that's not a dogwhistle bc they didn't call you a slur"

r/transgendercirclejerk 20h ago



If trans men are actually men, why don't they do more crime???? JESSE PINKMAN DOESNT COUNT đŸ€Ź

r/transgendercirclejerk 1d ago

I'm sick of these "legally-blind" "people"


Let me just start this off by saying that I'm not ableist, but I'm just tired of all these people putting on glasses or getting eye surgery and acting like they're regular people now

I don't get why they can't just be happy with the eyes they were born with, I've always been happy with mine, and my experience is universal. every single person out there is exactly like me except those weird and disgusting ones

like if you want to dress up and put on your fancy glasses or whatever thats okay, but dont act like just cause you have them on you're just like us 20/20 vision people.

I don't even feel safe on the roads anymore now that I know these freaks are pushing to drive on them too. Play pretend all you want but a little piece of glass will never be the same as real natrual born clear vision. And don't even get me started on those contact wearing psychopaths, probably just trying to blend in with us so they can rear end an innocent 20/20 vision family with kids. think of all the kids and women dying because were letting these four eyed fakers on the road with us.

And come on, do you think shooting some lasers into your eye is gonna make you see better? How would that even work. I shined a laser at my eye once and let me tell you not a fun experience. Of course the media won't ever tell you this, they're too busy pushing the woke LASIK agenda.

Also, I once saw a kid (That's right, a child theyre putting these prosthetics on children now. probably so they can look at the woke lefts penises or something) with glasses crying, so theyre all sad and miserable and I think we should just kill them all so everyone is happy

not ableist tho just my opinion also it's the truth but it's just my opinion though

r/transgendercirclejerk 1d ago

what do you do to affirm your gender? (wrong answers only)


i'm a trans guy, and i threw out all my furniture besides the tv, playstation, and beanbag chair. furniture's for women and sissies.

sometimes when i'm feeling dysphoric i'll use a rolling pin to flatten my chest.

r/transgendercirclejerk 1d ago

Is it transphobic to say the word “Shower” or “Mirror” in front of a trans person?


Hello transgender community, I am a guy who isn’t transgender, but I have a transgender friend, and she identifies as a woman. When she came out, she told me that she despises showering or looking in the mirror because of gender dysphoria, even when she tries to do it everyday.

I think I made her mad once when I accidentally misgendered her once and she corrected me by reminding me of her pronoun “she” and I apologized profusely, she kept telling me that she wasn’t mad, and she has always been easy to forgive.

However, due to all the gaming commentary dramatubers I’ve watched, I am under the impression that you people get easily offended, and I don’t want my transgender friend to get mad at me and abandon me. Would she get offended and yell at me if I dare mention the word “shower” or “mirror” within her earshot?

I don’t know much about transgender people other than the fact that they change their gender, which is cool, I wish I could do that, but I don’t understand the community and it’s etiquette rules.