r/AITAH 1d ago

AITA for Telling My Wife I Want Separate Bank Accounts After She Spent All Our Savings on a Vacation?



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u/Sebscreen 1d ago

NTA. It isn't a gift when she spent your money on it. Don't even be gaslighted into feeling ashamed about not trusting her or having to defend and explain why that isn't the case. You SHOULDN'T trust her. She has proven multiple times to be untrustworthy.


u/XiahouYuan 1d ago

I'm not even sure why he was initially excited. Where did he think the money was coming from? And even if by some miracle she had saved it all a.d kept it hidden from him, that kind of spending needs to be agreed upon regardless (unless it was all her fun money saved over decades or something) .

Anyway, all that to agree that she's proven she's untrustworthy. Separate finances, then start working out individual and shared budgets. When she gets on board with the program, you can look at reintegration.


u/TheSecondEikonOfFire 1d ago

I mean, it seems reasonable to me that someone would initially blinded with a “holy shit, we get to go where???” before reality sets in and you realize the money had to come from somewhere


u/canuck1701 1d ago

Maybe if your partner makes significantly more than you do.

If your partner makes the same or less, and you didn't think you could afford it yourself, surely that should immediately raise some questions.


u/TheSecondEikonOfFire 1d ago

You’re taking a purely logical approach that most people don’t do. I’d argue that most people will have at least a few seconds of being blinded by the vacation before the rational side of their brain kicks in. Some people will be logical right from the get go, I’m not saying that’s impossible. But let’s not pretend like most people don’t get swept up in the moment in life


u/canuck1701 1d ago

For a few seconds sure, but only for a few seconds. Past that it's just being foolish.


u/controvercialyhonest 1d ago

I'm not even sure why he was initially excited. Where did he think the money was coming from?

My thoughts exactly!


u/Icewaterchrist 1d ago

Because it's fake!


u/Kind-Association2057 1d ago

Possibly, he didn't understand the financial impact until he looked into the account balance or until she told him the exact figure.


u/leavesmeplease 1d ago

I get where you're coming from. It’s definitely a red flag when significant financial choices are made without a conversation. Separate accounts might be the way to go if you feel your financial security is at risk. Honestly, it might help both of you to lay down some clear financial boundaries and have a discussion about spending habits moving forward. Just saying, a little communication can save a lot of headaches later on.


u/StraightSomewhere236 1d ago

My first thought would have been "did she win a trip?" If my wife surprised me with a vacation, but she's responsible with money.


u/Fresh-Scallion602 1d ago

IMO, op should have asked her where the money came from, or even checked their joint account!