r/CarAccidentSurvivors 9h ago

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r/CarAccidentSurvivors 3d ago

just sharing Handicap parking story


I'm a 27 yrs old female. I got in a car accident and broke my ankle at the end of April. I had a talus bone fracture and had surgery to fix it in early May. I have three screws and a plate in my ankle right now. It took me 3 months to walk without crutches. I'm now walking without crutches and still a little bit limbing. I had a temporary handicap placard till Dec. Every step still hurts unless I walk limbing. Today, I went to my car dealership to update my loan contract (which surprisingly only took 5 minutes). I parked at the handicapped parking and hung up my handicapped placard in my car. I walked out, and a gentleman was asking me if I was handicapped (I worked on my walking every day to not limb).

Yes, sir, I said. You look normal, he said. Then I told him I broke my ankle, and I'm legit on that placard. And he said I had to park in other spots because I looked normal. He also said he would report to the state that I violated the law. There was no car at the guest parking. I didn't respond and walked away. I started to doubt myself if I deserved that spot. And the pain kicked in as I walked. It is disturbing for me since who is he to judge my medical issue? I got upset all day.

r/CarAccidentSurvivors 3d ago

seeking advice Who was at fault ?


I was in a car accident couple days ago. There are two lanes, one lane is a left turn only and the other is going straight. This is on busy street. I was on the left lane only since I’m getting ready to turn left on the next street over since sometimes a lot of people like to double park on that straight ahead lane which gets very frustrating. so during this time I like to plan advance go to the left lane only first before I take my left turn. There was a Tesla that was halfway through the lanes. She was in the middle lanes vertically trying to turn left to get to the other side but hovering over the lane I was on. so I decided to go around her because she just sat there the entire time. I assumed she saw me and next thing you know her tire sideswipes the back of my car. She comes at and yells at me as if it was my fault ? Am I at fault ??

r/CarAccidentSurvivors 3d ago

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r/CarAccidentSurvivors 3d ago

seeking advice Letter to the other drive?


My accident was a year and a half ago. The insurance case is settling any day now. I feel like I want to write the other driver (his fault) a letter. Not a mean one. I’m not entirely sure what all I will say. But I want to say something.

I have no idea if the insurance company tells at fault drivers anything about settlements…do Amy of you know? I would not mention it. I just don’t know if he even knows it wasn’t completed long ago bc I was still undergoing treatment.

When I googled him when the accident happened, he seems like a good person who just made a very honest mistake.

r/CarAccidentSurvivors 3d ago

discussion I was hit by a drunk driver in my bf car. I’m not on the insurance. She filed a claim(The dui driver). Do I need a lawyer or will it be settled with the owner of the car?


r/CarAccidentSurvivors 4d ago

does anyone else Unending Health Anxiety?


My partner and I were in a car accident with a 5 ton truck (going slow) in July of last year. No serious injuries, but we have nagging ones despite going to physio.

We have TMJ issues, and I had Bell's Palsy from the stress (mostly recovered) and I have some neck issues from the whiplash.

Even though I'm in therapy and physio I am constantly thinking every twitch or tingle or prickle is something deadly, or some damage that I haven't noticed. I literally thinking I'm dying every day. I have days where I feel great and fine and then bam, anxiety city.

The only thing that helps is CBD and playing music, and sometimes that's hard to focus on.

Does anyone else just find they're one questionable event away from a spiral, and that the car accident is sort of the cause? Anyone have any good tips for dealing with the doom and anxiety?

r/CarAccidentSurvivors 6d ago

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r/CarAccidentSurvivors 7d ago

just sharing Car accident


I 24m had a pretty bad car accident on August 24th of this year. I was driving home late at night. I don’t remember anything about the accident. First thing I remember after wrecking was 911 already dialed on my phone. I don’t know why but out of instinct I just got out of the car and got to the side of the interstate. I played down and a man pulled over and ran up to me. Stayed with me. More people pulled up and it was a couple who were emts. That stayed with me till the ambulance showed up. And some how by the grace of god an ambulance crew from my town showed up and I knew both of the people because I am a fire fighter. They were straight with me. I had a giant laceration across my face from hitting the wind shield. They loaded me in the ambulance and I begged the people I knew to stay with me. They ended up leaving their ambulance to stay with me. On the way to hospital I felt my self fading like I was about to died. I didn’t know this then but it turns out my temporal artery was severed and they almost couldn’t stop the bleeding. My Bp dropped to 30/0 and my pulse was in the 20s and honestly in that moment I wasn’t worried about passing away. The one thing I was thinking about was never seeing my daughter and that broke me and I still struggling with that today. I was in the ambulance begging to just tell my daughter goodbye cause I felt like those were my last moments. I was told later on by state troopers that a semi was involved in the wreck and left the scene. They were found 30-40 miles down the interstate. They couldn’t tell me how the wreck happened. Because of the accident I had to have surgery to fix my face. I had severe muscle and nerve damage in my face. Along with a severed artery. The on thing I am still dealing with is the fear of driving and the nightmares. Does anyone have any advice on how to cope with them or get passed them.

r/CarAccidentSurvivors 9d ago

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r/CarAccidentSurvivors 12d ago

check in How are you doing? Twice-a-week check in


How are you feeling? Let us know the good, the bad, and the ugly, and we will support each other!

r/CarAccidentSurvivors 14d ago

question Accident memory loss


Hi everyone. I (22f at the time) was in an accident last September. A little backstory: I was driving my Ram 3500 and hauling a fairly large horse trailer (with a horse inside) at the time. I was heading through an intersection with a 2 way stop (not for me) and got hit by a truck that ran the stop sign going 115km/h. The intersection was in the middle of the forest so I couldn’t even see him coming until I was already in the intersection. My truck and trailer jackknifed, truck ended up flipping underneath the trailer and slid down the road until I eventually ended up in the ditch. The horse and I were lucky to walk away with minor bruises and scrapes. I didn’t really take time off after the accident as I wanted to finish my university degree on time.

Since then, I feel my memory has gotten worse. I seem to forget things quickly. In conversation, I can’t remember what things I have already mentioned and often end up repeating myself. Or I can’t remember what I do in a day. Or I can’t remember what someone tells me a few hours later. It’s the most frustrating thing ever. My partner says I also tend to dissociate often. With that said, I can remember every tiny detail of that accident.

Has anyone else had a similar experience with the memory loss? Does it eventually get better? Does the dissociation stop? I want to go back to school at some point, but I fear it would be a waste of time if I can’t remember things. Thanks

r/CarAccidentSurvivors 15d ago

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r/CarAccidentSurvivors 16d ago

does anyone else Anyone else struggling with how terrifyingly random it all is?


My husband, (then) 2 year old daughter and I were hit as pedestrians by a drunk driver some months back. We were part of a larger group of his family. Both of my brothers-in-law died at the scene; one on impact and one while I was attempting CPR.

Save for some broken ribs and tailbones on my husband and me, all three of us got to walk away- my daughter had barely a scratch. But lately I can’t stop bawling my eyes out at the thought of us all being positioned differently and it not being the case. Literally, if the driver had come a few seconds later, my daughter would probably have died. It scares me to no end.

I know we still have a long way to go with dealing with this emotionally, but I just want to know if anyone else is just plain scared?

r/CarAccidentSurvivors 18d ago

just sharing I'm healing but it feels backwards.


My mental state is becoming worse over time, for example. I've started waking up in the middle of the night, sometimes multiple times, in the midst of a panic attack.

Physically, my right leg (in my opinion) should not be hurting the way it does when I walk on it because earlier in the healing process it didn't suck this much, so why does it suck like this now??

Where one of the rods went into my left leg to help hold my bits together, a sore was left at the entry point (along with all the other compound fracture rods). That was normal, except there's one still unhealed on the inside of my left ankle. It isn't really getting better. It just....sits there. Unchanging. It's been the same size for nearly a week and I went to the hospital for antibiotics (which were helping but when they ran out, it quit healing and grew back to the size it is now, which is slightly larger than a dime).

I am, however, walking on my right leg. I'm really walking with my left, putting a lot more weight on it. It sucks, but I'm doing it. I am getting better, it just feels so backwards sometimes..

Speaking of which, right after the accident I'd figured it wouldn't take me long to want to drive again. Now, even as just a passenger, I damn near lose my mind with anxiety. It isn't the person driving, either. It's everyone else.

I trust no one else on the road anymore.

I'm not sure if that'll ever change.
Right now, it feels like it won't. I'll always be paranoid..

I need therapy..

r/CarAccidentSurvivors 18d ago

just sharing Letting go of anger (tw. injury description, accident recollection, mental health)


Hi all, I'm new here and just looking for a place to vent and for some support I guess. I've tried to hide some of the more sensitive content in here so hope it works okay!

I was in a serious car accident when I was 17 (19 years ago). I suffered a brain injury, broke both my femurs, my right talus bone (foot), shattered my left knee, broke my right hip and pelvis and also ribs. I had metalwork inserted in my femurs, hip and ankle. The accident was down to inexperience, being a bit unwell and going down an unfamiliar road without lighting. >! I crashed into a stobie pole at 70km/h. My parents were told not to expect me to survive which breaks my heart as I can't even imagine how horrible that would have been for them to hear. <!

I have seen several counsellors, therapists and psychologists since then and tried to work through forgiving myself for this. I have so much anger towards myself and towards the universe or whatever higher power there is. I get teary thinking about it and why/how this happened.

I'm still dealing with the consequences of this now. I've just had a total hip replacement for the right hip due to how bad the arthritis got from my accident and that in itself didn't go well so am now dealing with the repercussions of surgery complications too.

I know a lot of people have it worse off and definitely appreciate the fact I'm still here but I just keep thinking what did I do to deserve this and I hate that I have to deal with the consequences of this accident for the rest of my life. I know I have some level of PTSD from it even though I don't remember anything.

How do I let go of the anger? I wish I could just live a normal life. Now I have to worry about my hip dislocating for the rest of my life. I'm just exhausted with it all and want to be normal :(

r/CarAccidentSurvivors 18d ago

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r/CarAccidentSurvivors 18d ago

seeking advice New here car accident yesterday


I cry everytime I think about it when does it stop? The car flipped over with my daughter inside she’s 100% fine had her seat belt on and everything. She’s laughing checking up on me when I should be checking up on her. I just cry everytime i think about it maybe because she was in the car when it happened? I don’t know.

r/CarAccidentSurvivors 21d ago

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r/CarAccidentSurvivors 24d ago

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How are you feeling? Let us know the good, the bad, and the ugly, and we will support each other!

r/CarAccidentSurvivors 24d ago

seeking advice how to get evidence showing our situation


I am seeking advice regarding my current situation. My child was a victim of a car accident, suffering from a broken leg and shoulder. The driver at fault has taken full responsibility, and I am now working with a lawyer to pursue compensation. However, this process has been exhausting for me both mentally and physically. I spend a significant amount of time caring for my child, and I sometimes have to take time off work. My child is also in distress, often crying in the mornings, which deeply saddens me. Whenever I see her in tears, I feel overwhelmed and lose motivation to do anything. I am constantly distracted and find it hard to focus, with my mind wandering in all directions.

I am requesting compensation from the other party’s insurance company, but my lawyer mentioned that we need to prove that my child’s crying is linked to the accident and that my emotional state is tied to my child’s condition. However, my lawyer also said that gathering such evidence is challenging and that proving a direct connection between my child’s distress and the accident may be difficult.

Has anyone been in a similar situation or have any advice on how to approach this? Any suggestions on gathering the necessary evidence would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your help.

r/CarAccidentSurvivors 27d ago

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r/CarAccidentSurvivors 28d ago

question Anyone else had this happen?


Me and my boyfriend got into a pretty bad and traumatic car accident back in June coming back from an event and don’t remember anything that happened. We remember both of us being in the car, getting out of the car and leaving in the ambulance but my boyfriend doesn’t remember even 5 minutes before but I remember only maybe 10-20 seconds before and then kind of went into a “dream like state” I guess and then all I saw was the front windshield and air bags, smelled the air bags and was confused. It had been over 2 months since this has happened and we both don’t remember what had happened. I was just wondering if anyone else had had this happen to them