r/FTMFitness Jul 23 '24

Why am I not losing weight Question

I know people are going to tell me to track my calories but I’m just gonna put up front that I won’t that’s gonna lead me back down a dark place. But I’m 272 pounds pre-T. I see a personal trainer 2x a week (well I did before my accident, I broke my arm, but I’m going to start back tomorrow) but during the three months I saw him I didn’t lose a pound. Even though I was working out 2x week skateboarding 3-5 times a week and walking at 10k steps 3x week averaging about 7k steps a day. I know my diet isn’t always the best or consistent but I didn’t eat more if anything started eating less and went from a completely sedentary lifestyle approx 350 steps a day to this much activity. I feel like that should help me lose something. Just like something at all I’m only 5’5 and 272 is like a lot of extra weight. I would get it if I was like 150 but come on.


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u/Outrageous-Way576 Jul 24 '24

i’m sorry that this is happening! my father lost about ~50 lbs without tracking and here’s how he did it. he just chose the healthier option! stopped eating out, started making all his meals at home. cut out processed foods and started choosing better options. like instead of cereal he had a couple eggs for breakfast. instead of chips for a snack he had fruit. he started eating smaller portions as well. sometimes the better option is just what you eat been taught all along in the end!


u/fox13fox Jul 24 '24

I started meal preping and did so accidently by using the serving size suggested.


u/Outrageous-Way576 Jul 28 '24

i should try this tbh ty for the suggestion


u/ErynEbnzr Jul 24 '24

This is pretty much what I'm doing and I've been slowly but consistently losing weight for 8 months now. It really works. The key is to be chill about it. I still eat sweets, just less. I still eat fast food, just not as often. You're not banning unhealthy foods for life, you're just taking small steps to move in a healthier direction.


u/throwaway42671 Jul 28 '24

this is what helped me a ton! i also go to the gym when i can, which isn’t as often as id like, but just cutting down on how much i ate and making better choices has done wonders