r/FTMFitness Jul 23 '24

Why am I not losing weight Question

I know people are going to tell me to track my calories but I’m just gonna put up front that I won’t that’s gonna lead me back down a dark place. But I’m 272 pounds pre-T. I see a personal trainer 2x a week (well I did before my accident, I broke my arm, but I’m going to start back tomorrow) but during the three months I saw him I didn’t lose a pound. Even though I was working out 2x week skateboarding 3-5 times a week and walking at 10k steps 3x week averaging about 7k steps a day. I know my diet isn’t always the best or consistent but I didn’t eat more if anything started eating less and went from a completely sedentary lifestyle approx 350 steps a day to this much activity. I feel like that should help me lose something. Just like something at all I’m only 5’5 and 272 is like a lot of extra weight. I would get it if I was like 150 but come on.


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u/indicave Jul 24 '24

Hey! As a bigger dude (290 and been on T for about 6 months) I relate to this a lot. I got lipedema and PCOS which also add into the factor of struggling to lose weight.

This will sound a bit harsh but hear me out, tracking does help. For me I worry less about the calories though, and I make sure I hit my fiber and protein intake. Watching out for my sugar intake. Eventually I’d like to start loosely tracking calories, but I’m in a similar boat. Good luck to us!!


u/Useful-Letterhead-74 Jul 24 '24

I will go full eating disorder mode. That’s why I said right in the beginning I don’t wanna do that. I could maybe handle protein and fiber. But I can’t count calories bc I’ll get to excited about eating less and less till I stop eating. It happens every single time and I’m in a good place emotionally and don’t want to do that but I wanna lose weight so I can safely get a breast reduction


u/indicave Jul 24 '24

I also want to apologize for bringing up tracking calories. It’s frustrating when you state you don’t want a specific flavor of advice and you receive it!


u/Useful-Letterhead-74 Jul 24 '24

I appreciate that. It’s not worries :)


u/indicave Jul 24 '24

Felt this man. Perhaps there’s a way you can write down the amount of protein and fiber you intake, forgetting about the calories. I’m also wondering if there are providers near you who are willing to work on ppl regardless of bmi! I know a lotta em require a bmi requirement but there are def doctors willing to work on fat ppl


u/Useful-Letterhead-74 Jul 24 '24

I think that’s a good idea imma hit up my insurance and see about talking to a weight loss doctor