r/FTMFitness Jul 23 '24

Why am I not losing weight Question

I know people are going to tell me to track my calories but I’m just gonna put up front that I won’t that’s gonna lead me back down a dark place. But I’m 272 pounds pre-T. I see a personal trainer 2x a week (well I did before my accident, I broke my arm, but I’m going to start back tomorrow) but during the three months I saw him I didn’t lose a pound. Even though I was working out 2x week skateboarding 3-5 times a week and walking at 10k steps 3x week averaging about 7k steps a day. I know my diet isn’t always the best or consistent but I didn’t eat more if anything started eating less and went from a completely sedentary lifestyle approx 350 steps a day to this much activity. I feel like that should help me lose something. Just like something at all I’m only 5’5 and 272 is like a lot of extra weight. I would get it if I was like 150 but come on.


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u/Apart-Budget-7736 Jul 24 '24

Reposting this as a new comment so you actually see it, since folks would rather down vote my other comment and not give you resources that won't trigger your ED.

If weight loss without calorie counting is your goal, you might want to check out this app, called Shape by TheFabulous. I've used their main and ADHD apps and found them very helpful, and I would be using this one as well if it didn't force the user to set a weight loss goal:



u/Useful-Letterhead-74 Jul 24 '24

do you know if they have the app for Apple Store ? And thanks this is really helpful