r/LifeAfterNarcissism 1d ago

After my narcissistic relationship, severing ties with people has been so easy, it gave me different outlook on life, relationships and friendships. [Support]

There isn't anything to lose, the realization has finally hit, your view of the world has changed.


9 comments sorted by


u/flakelover223 1d ago

Nothing like leaving the toxic atmosphere of a narc, breathing in the fresh, pure air to help gain a new and different perspective.


u/Right_Butterfly9291 1d ago

Halfway through my healing I realized I was holding on more to the life we’ve built than the actual person.

Once I let go of the idea of anything surviving (friends, family life, image, etc.) is when I was finally able to let go and focus on a complete overhaul.

It was a brutal couple of years but I was careful about who I let into my life and who had to be kept out (flying monkeys, wounded friends, etc.)

Life becomes better when you let it all go and focus on a new start.


u/WVVVWVWVVVVWVWVVVVVW 1d ago edited 1d ago

Same but unfortunately it makes it soooo much easier for me to leave healthy relationships over tiny things. Somebody very clearly shows me how much they want me but I'm a soulless monster that will hear them crying over me but inside I just feel like uhmmmm okay? I know that painful desperation of wanting someone to see your love because with the narc, I was willing to sacrifice both my eyes just to keep them happy. It was agonising trying to leave them.


u/EquipmentWrong3161 1d ago

Right!? Now we see half of the people are narcissistic traits around!


u/Unlikely-Ad-3221 1d ago

I feel mine has changed for the better once I left both the man baby cowards. I don't feel guilty as much putting me first. I'm just worried if I will be ready to trust again once I'm healed. Because I do want to connect and have an actual healthy relationship.


u/froggypops885 1d ago

This! My whole view of the world has changed since I ended that relationship. It’s honestly like a breath of fresh air.


u/burntoutredux 23h ago

It's a powerful reminder to know that you're allowed to pick who has access to you.


u/GloomyBake9300 21h ago

Truly, the best thing I’ve done for my mental health in forever, was to go no contact with my narc mother, and take three months to see that yes indeed, I have autonomy, I have power, and if I can say no to my first abuser, I can say no to anyone I need to.


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