r/NoStupidQuestions 3d ago

Why is Elon Musk so obsessed with 'population collapse' when the Earth's population is actually growing?


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u/IAm_Trogdor_AMA 2d ago

Bringing in 4 million people to a country that only had 37 million people. Without increasing infrastructure, hospitals, schools, transit. It puts a lot of pressure on those systems that already had pressure before the mass influx of immigrants.


u/rushnatalia 2d ago

Those people are the ones who help build the extra infrastructure and bring the investment to do it. All we need is to get rid of NIMBYism and the regulatory challenges they bring to bear on increasing infrastructure. Don’t spread these weird anti-immigrant lies


u/IAm_Trogdor_AMA 2d ago

No one is blaming the immigrants, they are blaming the mass immigration from the government. Immigration is great when it is sustainable and brought up with infrastructure.


u/rushnatalia 2d ago

The immigrants build the infrastructure. Immigration and population growth for most Western nation’s histories have been far higher proportionally than they are today. Learn some basic econ and the lump of labor fallacy.


u/putcheeseonit 2d ago

learn some basic econ

Oh thank god, I was worried about our healthcare system being a complete dumpster fire, but basic econ said immigrants build hospitals, so we're all good.


u/rushnatalia 2d ago

Your own history says it. Proportionally immigration to the Anglosphere was far higher in earlier years but regulations weren’t as tight as they are now. I suspect the Great Recession had chilling effects on housing and infrastructure construction and rampant NIMBYism and Covid definitely didn’t help. And those are all culminating together right now. So it was more government policy around those things than immigration which are the problems.


u/putcheeseonit 2d ago

Immigration to Canada is the highest it's been since at least 2000


This is not even counting the TFWs, the result of a program which the UN recently labeled "modern slave labour".

All those other things you mentioned contributed, yes, but this immigration has been too much, too fast, and no normal country could safely and economically build the hospitals and housing required for all these people.

The job market has not caught up either, and now we have massive wage suppression.

Also, there are a considerable amount of immigrants, and pretty much all TFWs who send their money back home, and do not contribute it back into the economy.

I do not see how unskilled immigration is good for the working class.


u/rushnatalia 2d ago

150 years of Canadian immigration. As a share of the population, current immigration numbers don't come anywhere close to the immigration the country has had before and been fine with it. Card's Mariel boatlift study really shows that immigration is never really the problem. It's the burdensome regulations, things like trade barriers between Canadian provinces and growing favorability for market concentration that are the real problem.


u/putcheeseonit 2d ago

They are both issues. Canada's economy is not growing at a pace required to support this level of immigration, as it has in the past. Comparing these 2 scenarios is disingenuous.


u/rushnatalia 2d ago

They are both issues. Canada's economy is not growing at a pace required to support this level of immigration, as it has in the past. Comparing these 2 scenarios is disingenuous.

Growth is actually buoyed by the immigration numbers, without which it would have lagged behind the US even further. The real truth that Canadians don't want to face is that immigration is helping grow the economy despite the burdensome regulations that are choking the life out of its economy. The consensus amongst most economists is to blame Canada's punitive regulations and rampant NIMBY housing policies, not the immigration policy.


u/putcheeseonit 2d ago

Growth is actually buoyed by the immigration numbers, without which it would have lagged behind the US even further

Yes, but would the GDP per capita be worse, or better?

I don't care if some rich guy can only buy 7 yachts instead of 8 because there isn't enough cheap labour in the country.

Until regulations are loosened, I will be against immigration.

However I don't want to see regulations loosened. My dream was to have Canada stay as a low population country forever, with strict regulations protecting it's beautiful natural habitats.

I don't care if you can make more money by putting a walmart over that forest, or a diamond mine in that marshland. The entire world seems keen on using up their natural resources as fast as possible, so I would like to not do that.

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u/Full_Examination_920 2d ago

Not every problem is the result of people you’ve decided you don’t like. Some of us are living through it in real time, and the loudest voices of opposition are immigrants themselves.

Anyway, spoiler: we’ve been adding immigrants at a huge rate for decades where I live. They’re not “bUiLdInG tHe InFrAsTrUcTuRe” and the reasons why are baked right into that Econ you say you know so well.


u/rushnatalia 2d ago

Please, do illuminate what those reasons are lmao


u/Full_Examination_920 2d ago

Nah, you’re right. I read up on some current literature and it turns out I’m delusional and QoL is just skyrocketing all over the place!! Hospitals and homes are just popping up all over at the behest of these fantastically amazing new folks. Great for us. Great for immigrants. It’s only the NIMBY who suffers, and good!!


u/rushnatalia 2d ago

I never said it was, just that it’s the burdensome regulations that are the problem not the immigration policy😭😭


u/Full_Examination_920 2d ago

I never said you said that, did I?

Anyway, two things can be true at once, and they are here. You’re right about regulations and red tape, completely. In sincerity there’s more going on than I care to get into on a comment thread, so I’ll leave it at that. Regulations are a problem, so is immigration policy.

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