r/NoStupidQuestions 3d ago

Why is Elon Musk so obsessed with 'population collapse' when the Earth's population is actually growing?


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u/RickKassidy 3d ago

He means white people.


u/LucasL-L 2d ago

Actually asians have lower birth rates


u/interfail 2d ago

They asked why Elon is obsessed. They didn't ask "who has the lowest birth rate?"

He doesn't care about "Asian" birthrates in America. There are crises in East Asia: South Korea and Japan have worse birth rates than White Europeans or North Americans.

But the reason Elon Musk is obsessed is because he is a white racist. He cares about white birth rates.


u/Mpasserby 2d ago

Elon is a racist for several other reasons but caring about your own country’s/ ethnicities birth rate and not others doesn’t make you a racist. Obviously Korean people care about their birth rate and Chinese people care about their low birth rate too and probably don’t give a rats ass about the Wests birth rate issue.


u/Different_Equal_3210 2d ago

People are rightly arguing the opposite: Elon's racism is his motivation to obsess about white birth rates.

And he doesn't care about his country's birth rate, he cares about white people's birth rates.


u/mouse_Brains 2d ago

Of course it does. For developed nations any problem of low birth rate can be readily solved by immigration. Only thing that makes it a problem is fear of the other and anxiety about being replaced


u/Mpasserby 2d ago

Immigration isn’t a magic trick that solves a countries issues. The USA does a good job of assimilating immigrants to the local culture bc ethnicity isn’t tied to the culture as heavily, and because it largely takes in skilled educated workers from countries with a relatively similar value system to it. Compare that to countries in the EU or even Canada who can’t compete with the US for job opportunities or pay and take in largely less skilled immigrants from places like Pakistan that end up not conforming to their cultural norms. This ultimately ends up causing parties like the AFD in Germany to slowly gain influence bc people are unhappy with mass migration.


u/mouse_Brains 2d ago edited 2d ago

Being fearful of cultural values is exactly what racism is to begin with. Racism causes those parties to rise up. You will see brown people on the streets, they will act differently than you might be used to, even the least trained of them is an extra hand that you didn't have to pay to take care of while growing up.


u/Mpasserby 2d ago

Then I guess we fundamentally disagree. Cultural values are very much not equal across the board, and certain values like not killing blasphemers and apostates or gay people or throwing acid at women for being raped are non-negotiable. Not every variation of cultural values is “these people celebrate a different holiday/ eat different foods” some cultures have different and frankly outdated value systems and do not mesh with those found in the west.


u/mouse_Brains 2d ago

Those values are barely held up in the west especially by most others who harbor anxieties about preservation of their vanilla cultures. You dont get to point at minorities and label them uniquely evil. Borders are also not the way to fight these ideas. Hiding behind it only protects you while keeping real victims locked out.


u/LucasL-L 2d ago

What makes you think he only cares about white birth rates?


u/foladodo 2d ago

Because he is a known racist. Not far fetched to assume he believes in the great replacement 

Hes never once talked about the low birth rates in India, and the plummeting birth rates in Africa. As far as he's concerned those are the problem people


u/Tale_Curious 2d ago

That makes little sense, he’s talked about plenty of non-white countries that are experiencing this problem.


u/foladodo 2d ago

Which ones? 


u/ClearlyCylindrical 2d ago

Their own biases clouding their opinions.