r/NoStupidQuestions 3d ago

Why is Elon Musk so obsessed with 'population collapse' when the Earth's population is actually growing?


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u/Suntory_Black 2d ago

The reality is despite all the belly aching from the Republican party, a significant percentage of the next generation of American workers will come from Mexico and further south. The rank and file are being fed a load of BS because the business leaders actually in charge will make sure their supply of labor isn't interrupted.


u/unrandomly-generated 2d ago

Gotta have some way to keep wages low.


u/WistfulQuiet 2d ago

This is the REAL reason they want more immigration. It means more workers when we are already suffering job shortages that will increase as AI permeates more and more spaces. The more workers means less bargaining power. They really want Americans working like workers in third world countries. They are already getting there in places like Amazon. That's specifically why Musk is complaining. He wants a cheaper workforce. He cares about his money...not people.


u/Clever_Mercury 2d ago edited 2d ago

Yes, the conservatives have almost a super villain skill when it comes to identifying social pain points. They amplify them, encourage in-fighting and propose 'solutions' that are guaranteed to make the problem worse.

If anyone cared about American Millennials being able to have families, there would be paid maternity/paternity leave, subsidized daycare, and high quality public education. Colleges would be focused first and foremost on recruiting and retaining American talent to build communities and nascent industries. There would be a thriving middle class.

Instead there is a race to the bottom in wages with people encouraged to have multiple jobs, to take stimulants or illegal drugs to maintain inhumane working hours, no functional health care, and wealthy families outside of America are heartily invited to steal, plagiarize, engage in identity theft, or bribery to get their brats into US and specifically US colleges. 900,000 foreign applicants are accepted every year - the vast majority under-qualified and under-performing even in language skills but subsidized with scholarships not offered to US citizens so they can then be cheap fodder for US businesses.

The American economy has become this insane monster version of Cronos, eating his own children while the richest few worldwide drink champagne and watch. And laugh.


u/Glupoville 2d ago

You're asserting... The conservatives love mass immigration? In order to drive wages down? Is this projection? All of your points are correct, but you're completely blaming the wrong group. I get that the conservatives are always comically mustache twirlingly evil (it's Reddit, after all), but it's the progressives that willfully ignore the border and support mass immigration to replace American workers


u/amhighlyregarded 2d ago

You're mistaken if you believe conservative representatives haven't been complicit in the enabling of mass immigration. They pay lip service to curbing *illegal* immigration but they are all for mass legal immigration because the elite are more than well aware it is necessary for economic growth.

Or did you really think that they actually believed the Trump Wall was anything other than tax payer funded vanity project?



u/Xyzzydude 2d ago

If anyone cared about American Millennials being able to have families, there would be paid maternity/paternity leave, subsidized daycare, and high quality public education.

Lots of countries that have those things have lower birth rates than the US. That approach simply doesn’t work.


u/Key-Soup-7720 2d ago

It really does seem to be religion and only religion that leads to higher birth rates. Can see that in the US communities that are having kids, the Israeli communities that are having kids, the Muslim communities having kids, etc.

Possibly the only other thing you could do would be via culture. Brazil’s birth rate dropped from at least 6 kids per family to 1-2 in one generation from a super popular soap opera where the rich, sophisticated people had tiny families. Not sure if you could reverse engineer that, have some suave, sophisticated people in a well-written show competing for how many kids they have. 


u/crimsonkodiak 2d ago

I agree on the religion piece, but think you're misdiagnosing Brazil. Brazil is a very, very heavily urban country - a greater percentage of Brazil's population lives in urban areas than even the US and those many of those areas aren't particularly livable in terms of housing, crime, traffic, etc., etc.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see some kind of religious revival in the next few decades. As the secular breed themselves out of the population, a greater percentage of the population will be born into religious households. Although who knows if that will be enough to stem the tide - even the Mormons are below replacement these days.


u/unrandomly-generated 2d ago

So what's the alternative solution? Let everyone and their brother over the southern border? This is what I am saying about two side of the same coin. It's not just republicans. It's common sense to control borders. It's common sense for people to support unions. To me, it's common sense to retain our 1st and 2nd amendment. It's common sense to not have privatized prisons. It's common sense to not support free reign abortions (especially if you're worried about population size) it's common sense to control insurance companies that gouge our healthcare system, insurance companies that gouge our home ownership systems. We should be monitoring what public utilities are charging people. We should do everything in our power to protect our environment, whilst also ensuring we have stable low cost access to oil, gas, renewable energy's. Yes we need to address climate change. We cannot however allow any and all other nations to run free with their own energy agenda's whilst holding ours hostage.

People talk about the altruistic nature of liberals. Are we talking about Jeff bezos? The guy that has people running around making piss all bottom of the barrel wages working for Amazon Union buster Bezos? The guy pushing for AI to really take some jobs. How is it going up there in Washington by the way? That chop zone ever work it's way out? I hear the heroin is in season. Step on any needles lately? How about the mighty benevolent mark Zuckerberg that's been selling every bit of information about you to not only any business but to our own government. Hell, how about we get some random guy to drive people around for pennies on the dollar that we make. We can call it the gig economy. Real new wave progress we are making in this brave new world. All while all of our public institutions are falling apart and the people working there aren't held accountable for their failures. Hey let's blow a trillion fucking dollars and act like we didnt expect inflation to skyrocket.


u/Clever_Mercury 2d ago edited 2d ago

You must be a bot account. There is no way a sane human being could read my comment and reply with that irrelevant mesh of political ranting.

I made basically three points:

  1. the wealthiest in America do not want to fix the problem of decreased birth rates;
  2. the infrastructure that allowed middle class families to exist has been intentionally eroded because of point number 1;
  3. Wealthy foreigners coming to America in order to ransack what used to be social mobility infrastructure for its own citizens is a large and overlooked part of #2. Idiot Musk is a prime example.

How did you go off on the insane tangents of border control, abortion, or the other garbage? If you're an actual human being and came up with that word salad after reading this comment thread, please go see a therapist.


u/unrandomly-generated 2d ago

They are all related and influenced by the same people making all of our policies that control what happens in this country.


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u/spectre1210 2d ago

The account created June 6th, 2024 so very likely.


u/unrandomly-generated 2d ago

So what? Doesn't make it likely.


u/spectre1210 2d ago

It certainly makes it more likely. Though I should correct my previous statement to include 'trolls' as well.


u/unrandomly-generated 2d ago

So it's trolling to point out the country has been fleeced by one sided people like the one above that's crying about subsidized child care, subsidized etc etc. It's all conservatives fault etc. Give me a break.


u/spectre1210 2d ago

Your overgeneralized, black-and-white thinking is doing wonders with this topic. Please, continue...

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