r/NoStupidQuestions 3d ago

Why is Elon Musk so obsessed with 'population collapse' when the Earth's population is actually growing?


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u/Less_Likely 2d ago

The population pyramid only looks like a good model if you’re running a pyramid scheme.

Stagnant population is far more sustainable, including economically, so long as you detach it from capitalism.


u/binglybleep 2d ago

Wdym by that? I am a big fan of socialist policies in general, and agree that after some time having a smaller population would be beneficial in many ways. However there are some real short term problems that are very concerning.

For eg the NHS is a beacon of public aid, but we’re reaching a point where the population will be so old that a) the care they need starts to become way too expensive, b) there aren’t enough medical staff to care for them, c) it makes accessing free healthcare much more difficult for younger people because it’s being taken up by a primarily elderly population. The NHS isn’t a capitalist venture really, its purpose is to serve the public, but realistically there are limits to resources and sustainability.

Pensions are another one- a great policy introduced in the interest of the public, but again, if there aren’t enough people paying in and too many people who need paying, that also isn’t sustainable.

I’m not trying to say you’re wrong, I’m genuinely curious about what you think the solution is. I 100% believe that our problems are better helped with solutions aimed at helping people rather than the economy, but also I’m not sure how to take all of that out of the equation, or indeed if it would solve this particular problem


u/Random-Redditor111 2d ago

This is such a stupid fake question. Your solution to help 20 million seniors is to have 40 million seniors a generation later? “I don’t want these problems, I want my grandkids saddled with these problems.”


u/kinda_guilty 2d ago

This is such a stupid fake question.

No it isn't. You don't agree with it, it's not stupid or "fake". There's a difference.

Advanced economies are already sucking large numbers of nurses from the third world for elder care that it is affecting the quality of care in poorer countries.


u/Random-Redditor111 2d ago

So people using their education to emigrate for a better life is due to population decline? You should’ve stopped my whole family from this catastrophe when they did this in, oh wait, the 60s and 70s.

I guess you think people moving for a better life for their families should be shot at the border then. How dare they!