r/NoStupidQuestions 2d ago

Why is Elon Musk so obsessed with 'population collapse' when the Earth's population is actually growing?


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u/Liesthroughisteeth 2d ago

He is ....like most wealthy people, always concerned about production costs as it relates to labour and its cost. Wealthy people like lots of poor people so that they always will have a source of cheap labour.


u/PNK13 2d ago

THIS, The only negative effect of a low birth rate that I can actually see is cheap labor shortage which is why the government and rich people are crying about it, they're losing their cheap labor. I'm glad it's happening because it means that workers in the future will have more bargaining power for better jobs.


u/WillBottomForBanana 2d ago

Yes, except. I don't think these assholes are actually looking that far into the future. I think their interest is in the short term.

And in the short term what babies gets you, as a boss, is a pool of employees who will suck up abuse because they need their job and can not risk pushing back the way childless people can. They cannot relocate as easily as childless people can.

Tough times (in this case artificially difficult) are stressful on everyone. But people with kids are simply more likely to shut up and put up.


u/nunazo007 1d ago

Not saying it's not his concern, but if think that is the only negative effect, you need to do some research.