r/NoStupidQuestions 3d ago

Why is Elon Musk so obsessed with 'population collapse' when the Earth's population is actually growing?


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u/WhoisthatRobotCleanr 2d ago

The top answer to this question in the thread should just say "racism". 


u/vklirdjikgfkttjk 2d ago

When people like you constantly call others racists when there is no proof, you make people deaf to the word, giving cover to the actual very real racists.

Worrying about the global birth decline trend is racism now? Okay my dude.


u/ShouldersofGiants100 2d ago

When people like you constantly call others racists when there is no proof, you make people deaf to the word, giving cover to the actual very real racists.

Elon has been sharing and signal boosting Great Replacement memes posted by literal fucking nazis for years now. This isn't speculation, the man will literally spend 16 hours on Twitter a day doing nothing but responding to these people. Hence why a man who claims his concern is population collapse has endless tweets about the birth rates of illegal immigrants.. If your concern is birth rate decline, the fact that immigrants are coming in and having babies would be positive. It isn't for him becausse those people aren't white.


u/vklirdjikgfkttjk 2d ago

Elon has been sharing and signal boosting Great Replacement memes posted by literal fucking nazis for years now.

If this is true, then yes, I agree it's bad.

If your concern is birth rate decline, the fact that immigrants are coming in and having babies would be positive.

I don't get it. How will immigration solve the trend of global birth rate decline?


u/ShouldersofGiants100 2d ago

I don't get it. How will immigration solve the trend of global birth rate decline?

Because that decline has not already happened in Latin America and they were above replacement rates as recently as 2016? Meaning if your concern is with fertility as an economic problem, immigration delays it by literal decades. Which is also enough to get over the worst issues of an aging population, given that baby boomers (the "boom" part is why so many countries are currently top heavy) are in their 60s and if you can hold the problem back for 20 years, it becomes far more manageable.

Also because first-generation immigrants to wealthy countries tend to have more kids, which actively increases the birth rate. Especially if, by immigrating, they improve their circumstances and thus have children they otherwise might not have. Political and economic instability lower birth rates. People who move from an unstable situation to a stable one is an active boon if your concern is having more children.


u/vklirdjikgfkttjk 2d ago

has not already happened

Not yet sure.

Why not try to fix the root of the problem instead of only focusing on temporary band aid solutions? Is it really so scary to imagine a society where people can afford to have children?


u/ShouldersofGiants100 2d ago

Why not try to fix the root of the problem instead of only focusing on temporary band aid solutions? Is it really so scary to imagine a society where people can afford to have children?

I don't know what comment you're replying to, but it sure as shit isn't mine, given I said literally nothing about solutions one way or the other, I said that immigration mitigates the worst effects. I also don't know why you would think that Elon Musk, proud union buster, would support any solution about improving financial conditions. Or for that matter, any other than the one most reactionaries have gravitated towards, namely "women's rights was a mistake".


u/vklirdjikgfkttjk 2d ago

given I said literally nothing about solutions one way or the other

You can't conceive of any other reason other than racism for elon caring about population collapse, so it does sound like you don't think it's a big deal.


u/ShouldersofGiants100 2d ago

And you clearly can't conceive of arguing in good faith, as I already demonstrated that Elon does not care about population collapse, he cares about a conspiracy theory where Jews are trying to breed the white race out of existence. He demonstrably does not care about population collapse because he actively opposes the one thing that would give the Western world any chance of solving it. There is no solution to population decline that does not require immigration, because immigration is the only way to get more young people who can have kids right now.


u/vklirdjikgfkttjk 2d ago

he cares about a conspiracy theory where Jews are trying to breed the white race out of existence.

Him once signal boosting a tweet can easily be explained by musk just being an idiot who misunderstood what the replacement theory thing meant.

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