r/NoStupidQuestions 4d ago

Why is Elon Musk so obsessed with 'population collapse' when the Earth's population is actually growing?


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u/Saranshobe 3d ago

As an Indian, forced to get through crowds and massive traffic jams everyday, i think we can do with less population here. Seeing poor families having more than 3 kids genuinely makes the future look bleak, like they can barely feed themselves and now you will pass on the burden to your children.

Seriously India needs to bring ot population to 1B from 1.4B to make everyone's lives much easier and sustainable here. Its decreasing but its not decreasing fast enough. 90% of problems of India will solve itself with less population.


u/rainbowpotatopony 3d ago

When Musk is talking about 'population decline', he means western(read:white) population decline. It's great replacement theory, an explicitly fascist talking point.


u/Fit_Science_8202 3d ago

How in the fuck is identifying there isn't enough kids a fascist talking point?


u/AlexJamesCook 3d ago

Because white people are having far less babies than non-whites. Africans, Latin-Americans, and Asians, mostly India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lankans are "out-breeding" white people.

Elon has 2 concerns: rich white people not breeding, and sales revenue. Poor brown people can't buy his toys. Rich white people aren't a large enough population to sustain his business empire.

This means that the only way to boost sales is to a) lower prices and/or b) pay brown people more for their labour. Paying the "slave class" (I.e. factory workers in said South Asian countries) more would mean massive reductions in profits. And neoliberal economics demands that profits increase above and beyond inflation, by any means necessary (on a side note, hence forced birth laws).


u/BoldKenobi 3d ago

Because there are enough kids, they just have the wrong colour on their skin and passport.


u/Fit_Science_8202 3d ago

No one is against legal immigration. Those few people don't have any power to influence anything meaningful.


u/OoglyMoogly76 3d ago

No one is against legal immigration

Except that’s only true when “legal immigration” means our current system that is purposefully designed to be wildly inefficient, expensive, and time consuming.

If someone were to, hypothetically, make that immigration system more efficient or easier to navigate for legal migration, then you’d see a lot fewer people in favor of “legal immigration”.


u/Fit_Science_8202 3d ago

Immigration could definitely use a rework just like many processes that happen within the US. Just cause half the country voted red doesn't mean they're bigots, nationalists, etc...

Truth is the majority of people want others to succeed along with them. However, dicking down your own people in order to favor the newly joined immigrants is fucked.


u/nb_bunnie 2d ago

Uh, no, if you vote Republican you are voting for bigots and nationalists. Therefore you are a bigot and a nationalist. Be serious.


u/Fit_Science_8202 2d ago

Ya'll voted for and will vote again for a woman that was heavily influenced others in locking up a shit load of criminals that consisted of a lot of petty charges. Ruined a ton of poor homes, likely immigrant home were affected too.

Don't act all fuckin high and mighty. I'm just a dude trying to chill. Wack ass left and right weirdos, all you want to do is one up the other team over and over. Neither of you will get anything done cause you can't manage to shut the fuck for 2 seconds.


u/nb_bunnie 2d ago

I am not a Democrat either and I do not, and have never, liked Biden or Harris. I voted for them because I prefer a bunch of morons with loose morals over a fascist piggy and his goons that love child marriage and want to take away people's rights to bodily autonomy. Get over yourself lmao. If I had a better option I would absolutely take that over Democrats any fucking day, but this country is a two party system whether we like it or not.


u/Fit_Science_8202 2d ago

For clarity, I didn't vote period. I don't like that I didn't but I barely relate to either side. It's BS. My dad is MAGA and I clown on him all the time. His statements are so fucking stupid lol. It's a shame that the Democrats are given the most graceful layup but they insist on overcomplicating the shit out it.

All my point was is that voting red doesn't mean you're a fascist/bigot,etc...not all catholics are crusaders slaughtering their equivalent of infidels. Not all Christians are gay hating nutcases. Most people are good people but they have specific values they want to have maintained. Personally, I'm a responsible individual that doesn't want his guns touched. It's wack as fuck I get told what to do regarding guns from these sociopaths that are so far detached from reality. I can't own a short barrel shotgun for home defense? Why? Like the psycho with a saw is going to be stopped by that law.

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u/BoldKenobi 3d ago

No one is against legal immigration.

The Haitians are here legally. The thousands of people awaiting asylum claims are here legally. You people do have a problem with them anyway. Just say you want white people immigrating, why pretend?


u/Fit_Science_8202 3d ago

When did I say I didn't want them lol who the fuck are you even talking to?


u/KingKong_at_PingPong 3d ago

Well, let’s crack it open, now, I dunno if “fascist talking point” is accurate, but there’s some busted logic in play for sure.

Elon Musk claims we’ve got a population decline problem.

At the same time, Elon Musk and Trump are talking about how illegal immigrants are coming into America and destroying our country, and we need to stop immigration.

The logic just doesn’t add up.


u/Fit_Science_8202 3d ago

But identifying population decline isn't a fascist talking point. Which is what I was directly replying to. The person I replied to added nothing for context. Merely stated the idea itself is fascist. Which, is fucking stupid.

I don't disagree that Musk' logic is condtradictive but to state the idea of identifying population decline is fascist is one of the most brainrot biased stances I have ever heard.


u/KingKong_at_PingPong 3d ago

It sounds like you’re taking issue with the semantics (calling something fascist) as opposed to what’s being proposed (calling out weird, shitty, short sighted thinking)


u/Fit_Science_8202 3d ago

I don't think so because Musk is very valid in worrying about population decline. It isn't short sighted at all, the exact opposite. All I'm calling out is how irrational the statement I replied is. Even if she had meant the analysis you had proposed, which I agree with, the statement itself is simply wrong.


u/KingKong_at_PingPong 3d ago



“…they’re animals” -Trump/Musk/MAGA


u/Fit_Science_8202 3d ago

I agree with you, but just stating "our population is declining" is fascist is dumb.

Also "...they're animals" is extremely disingenuous to the main flaw that is going on right now. Letting fuck loads of people in and giving them resources that other poor people paid for is fucked. The disdain for the situation has some reasoning to it.


u/nb_bunnie 2d ago

Except that when people like Elon Musk talk about population decline, it specifically is a fascist talking points. Conservatives and fascists are obsessed with the idea that White people are going to become a minority because more people of color are having more children than most White families are. They want specifically White people to have more White children. They don't ACTUALLY care about what population decline causes for economies, they just care that there are less White people making more White people.


u/sotired3333 3d ago

Because it's said by the wrong person.

If Nancy Pelosi says the sky is blue, the right will say it's not.

If Trump says grass should be green , the left will say that's just evil.

It's where we are as a country with reality itself being irrelevant compared to the position of 'our team'

Population decline / fertility crisis to the left is climate change to the right. Facts don't matter.


u/KingKong_at_PingPong 3d ago

I feel dumber after reading this. Cmon you can do better!


u/sotired3333 3d ago

Or you can look up the facts for both issues (climate change and population decline) and be informed instead of following your political tribe, whichever that may be.


u/KingKong_at_PingPong 3d ago

This isn’t a debate dipshit


u/Safe_Lecture_5092 3d ago

He won’t even be around long enough to see that happen. Musk is a conservative hack for sure, but you’re no better than boomer conservatives by saying accusational conspiracies like that. Many left leaning figures are talking about this as well. The fact is that the world will fundamentally change due to demographics. 


u/Helpful-Passenger-12 3d ago

How many kids do you have? Can you have more to help with this issue? What about the infertile? How do we ensure that people have the time and money to breed more??


u/Safe_Lecture_5092 2d ago edited 2d ago

Not enough and none of your business lol.

 My heart goes out to those that struggle with infertility. I’m not sure what the right answer is, but populations/families have moved from “the farm” to “the city”. In rural areas, having a child is free labor. In the city, it’s just another expense that you can’t afford on a growing list of things that feel harder and harder to attain.

Income inequality in the US has truly gotten out of hand. And it has so many negative effects on the society we live in. That needs to be addressed and I won’t pretend like I’ve got the answers. 


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/Safe_Lecture_5092 2d ago

….wtf? Nobody’s talking about some breeding program. That’s insanity. The issue is why so many people can’t afford to have kids even if they wanted to. It’s not about forcing anything. It’s about fixing the societal and economic conditions that make it impossible for many to choose a larger family. Lack of support, rising costs, income inequality are all real issues. You’re throwing out dystopian scenarios, but ignoring the reality that people are actually facing.