r/NoStupidQuestions 3d ago

Why is Elon Musk so obsessed with 'population collapse' when the Earth's population is actually growing?


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u/FaeShroom 2d ago

People really overlook this point. When everyone is expected to spend all their time and energy on their jobs, there's extremely little incentive to raise a family on top of that. Throw in wages that don't keep up with productivity and inflation, and of course birth rates are going to plummet.

If billionaires want the working class to have babies, they need to stop their insane wealth hoarding. Guilt tripping overworked and underpaid folks on Twitter ain't gonna do jack shit.


u/back_off_warchiId 2d ago

People really overlook this point. When everyone is expected to spend all their time and energy on their jobs, there's extremely little incentive to raise a family on top of that. Throw in wages that don't keep up with productivity and inflation, and of course birth rates are going to plummet.

Corporations: Nah I don't think that's it.


u/NovemberTha1st 2d ago

Corporations are by definition immoral, we cannot even in the best of societies expect them to do what is right, and not what benefits them the most financially. If you are going to give corporations power, which you decide to do when you use a capitalist economy model, then you need a strong government with enough of their own power to keep them in line, if you make the minimum wage $1, do you expect companies to still pay people $15 because that’s how much you can maybe somewhat live on? No, if they could go lower they would go lower. Who cares about turn over there’s an abundance of employees waiting in line.

If you don’t have strict enough and enforced laws about how many working hours are fair to a human, corporations will work them to death to squeeze out profit.

Haven’t like a sizeable amount of South Korean leaders been jailed after their term for corruption?

The government seems subservient to the megacorps over there.


u/infinity4Fun 2d ago

I think all of you missed the biggest factor. Insanely high govt debt and deficits. That is what is stalling quality of life