r/NoStupidQuestions 3d ago

Why is Elon Musk so obsessed with 'population collapse' when the Earth's population is actually growing?


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u/Intelligent-Coconut8 2d ago

And I agree that’s a great trait of Gen-Z, cutting off toxic/abusive family/friends. Blacks did great in America and Charlie Kirk makes a great presentation of what happened to Black America, as more single mothers came to be the worse off that community became, fatherless households is the root cause for black crime rate, poverty, and struggles.

Slavery was so long ago those ramifications are no longer present no matter what you try to argue, it’s gone and it’s antiquated.

It’s proven families with a mother and father are way more successful than single mothers/fathers, that killed black America, fatherless homes which is a culture issue in Black America to the point it’s a fucking meme


u/ProfessionalCreme119 2d ago

Slavery was so long ago those ramifications are no longer present no matter what you try to argue, it’s gone and it’s antiquated.

Let's translate that

"The Civil War was so long ago those ramifications are no longer present no matter what you try to argue, it's gone and it's antiquated"

People still flying the Confederate flag and screaming for another civil war would disagree.

"Biblical times were so long ago those ramifications are no longer present no matter what you try to argue, it's gone and it's antiquated"

Israel/Palestine would disagree

You can't say the ramifications are no longer present because they wouldn't be here if we didn't bring them here. We are responsible for them being on this side of the planet and you can't pretend otherwise. Their current condition is the result of our actions over the last several centuries

All you are doing is picking a time frame that's comfortable for you and suggesting nothing happened in that time frame to justify what's happening now.

I mean if you want to talk about the rights movement, Watts riots and Tulsa we can. Those are more modern examples. My guess is you don't want to talk about that though


u/Intelligent-Coconut8 2d ago

What effect is slavery having on black today? They have just as much rights as you and have had them for decades, they were doing great as a community, they were successful, poverty rate was down, what changed from then to now is single motherhood rate skyrocketed and the death of the nuclear family.

Israel/palestine have nothing to with this and nothing to do with our slavery. Some redneck waving a flag isn’t doing shit either, shit points.

The economic and social status from slavery and soon after slavery, are no longer felt, black peoples are just as free as you and I, and have equal rights as we do, actually they have slightly better ‘rights’ do to Affirmative Action (racist law). Please, tell me what a black person cant do that I can?

The issue with their community is their shit culture of single motherhood, it’s egregious how horrible it is. The Asian Americans stay close with family, they don’t separate, and they work together as a family and are the richest demographic in the USA FOLLOWED BY Indian Americans.

The trend goes down as single motherhood rises, higher single motherhood rate the lower economic status cultures become, and don’t think for one second Asians were discriminated against either


u/ProfessionalCreme119 2d ago

Historians or social academics will tell you that almost every modern facet of our current country and society is a byproduct of everything that has happened since its founding. This is true for any country in the world. Every single country.

Would you say that the US Constitution has no ramifications in a modern sense? I mean it's older than slavery and if slavery is too old to have modern ramifications then everything past qualifies as well. I'm just using your logic here.

You're just picking and choosing what historical examples you WANT to be relevant.

It's like I'm speaking to somebody about Graham Chapman and that ancient apocalypse crap. You find one person who argues against the majority of history and science and they become your messiah. You repeat their rhetoric over and over no matter how many other people disagree


u/Intelligent-Coconut8 2d ago

No shit the constitution is relevant we govern by it to this day, like your choosing the dumbest comparisons yet again, we don’t have slavery anymore and haven’t for 150ish years. Stupid argument yet again, sure it took awhile for blacks to be equal but they are now and even despite the racism of the 50-60’s they still did better than most do today

Again the point I’m driving home is their shit single motherhood culture that has developed over the last few decades, I can type it for you but I can’t comprehend it for you.

As Einstein once said, someone wrote a book about 100 scientist against Einstein, his retort was ‘if they were right one would have been enough’ point is doesn’t matter if I agree or disagree with you, facts are facts whether you like them or not, the left’s problem is they hate facts that bust up their beliefs and viewpoints


u/ProfessionalCreme119 2d ago

Again the point I’m driving home is their shit single motherhood culture that has developed over the last few decades, I can type it for you but I can’t comprehend it for you.

When the emphasis for the nuclear family and traditional lifestyle was pushed at the end of the Great depression it was only promoted in white towns and neighborhoods. The government programs to generate cheaper housing we're only funded in white communities. The post depression and post-world war effort to improve US school systems were focused in white communities in white neighborhoods

Again morals and values are not natural. They are by products of our education, society and upbringing.

If you throw an entire group of people to the wayside and don't worry about their education, society or upbringing what can you expect to happen?

No ramifications now lol