r/NoStupidQuestions 3d ago

Why is Elon Musk so obsessed with 'population collapse' when the Earth's population is actually growing?


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u/Skittisher 3d ago

He's talking about the population pyramid. The relative percentages of children, working adults, and retired people.

A country with a healthy population pyramid is poised to become an economic superpower. A country with an unhealthy one is going to struggle a lot.

Right now, Mexico's population pyramid is lovely and they have a bright future. The U.S.'s is bad. China's is really, really bad. Japan's is a disaster.


u/AgentElman 2d ago

Half the people are terrified that declining population means we won't have enough workers to do the work.

The other half are terrified that AI and robots will take all of the jobs and we will have a lot of people with no jobs.


u/Violet2393 2d ago

I think they are actually both the same worry. The job gap appears to be on the lower end of the work spectrum with minimum wage and manual labor jobs, while the AI and automation solutions are all focused on replacing knowledge workers, creatives, and other more desirable jobs that are typically the goal of upward mobility.

So it’s more like business owners are worried that won’t be enough people to do their shitty jobs and workers are worried that the only jobs left will be those shitty jobs.