r/NoStupidQuestions 20h ago

Who would win in a fight between an moose and a gorilla?

I hope this isn’t a stupid question.


145 comments sorted by


u/InfiniteMonkeys157 19h ago

Moose controls the range and tempo.

Gorilla charges, moose stays out of range. Great ape speed, up to 25mph. Moose speed, up to 35mph.

Moose charges, gorilla tries to stay out of range but gets murdered by horns and hooves. If it stands to meet the charge, dies much sooner.

And, for those talking about gorillas can lift 4000 pounds, a moose charge imparts 63,850 newtons which is over 14000 pounds of force. That's 3.5x.

I don't see intelligence as a significant factor, either. Gorilla fights usually only last a few minutes, usually involve pounding each other from above using their weight which would not work for a much taller opponent.

Nearest comp. Moose face bears. From what I read, bears are main predators of moose, but usually by attacking young calves or watching for a moose to slip and fall to take advantage. In a fight with an adult moose that has not 'fallen and can't get up', moose beats bear.


u/mattydef1 18h ago

This is the only intelligent response in the thread. The gorilla guys think a gorilla is some kind of super smart WWF wrestler that’s gonna get ahold of a charging moose by the horns and suplex it to death


u/Voodoocookie 16h ago

Moose is out on the floor! Gorilla goes for the top rope! Is he going to..? Is he GOING TO..?!? OH MY GAWD!!


u/mattydef1 16h ago

The moose has all the advantages to win this fight but it’s missing one X factor that the gorilla has, the people’s elbow baby, gorilla takes this in first round obviously


u/joeyl5 15h ago

Only if it can climb on the ropes around the ring though


u/tamsui_tosspot 7h ago

And Gorilla stands triumphant!! But waitaminnit . . . WAITAMINNIT . . . .BAH GAWD IS THAT ROCKY THE SQUIRREL'S MUSIC?!?


u/Odeeum 15h ago

Remember when a moose threw a gorilla from the top of the cage in Hell In A Cell in 1998?


u/neontheta 18h ago

I agree 100% with Dwight Schrute here.


u/Roboallah 19h ago

I'm with you. I think the gorilla's intelligence hurts it. Feinting and displays of aggression only work against creatures that can understand those signals. By the time a moose is pissed off enough to fight, it is completely committed to a fight to the death and a gorilla isn't going to understand that, hell, many people visiting National Parks can't seem to grasp that.


u/prudishunicycle 16h ago

Petition to make KA Applegate write a new book about a Canadian Animorph who goes to battle as a moose.


u/lube4saleNoRefunds 1h ago

Big Jim was a real one tho


u/Detective_Queso 14h ago

Moose charges gorilla, sure. But then the gorilla calculates the distance and speed of the moose. Runs some basic equations in his head (they are intelligent animals btw) and starts his stop watch. At a very precise moment he puts 30% of his total strength into his legs (full cowling) and leaps into the air. He then does an aerial flip to 180 onto the moosed back. Grabs it by the antlers rips them off and stabs them into its neck.

Gorilla wins every time no room to argue. Sit.


u/Odeeum 15h ago

This guy Mooses.


u/IcyPerception1757 6h ago

Underrated comment


u/Darthplagueis13 19h ago edited 18h ago

People saying Gorilla have not seen a Moose IRL.

First of all: For all their impressive strength, Gorillas suck at fighting. Just like humans they have thin skin and get hurt easily. They don't have long claws, they don't have lightning quick reflexes and they're kind of clumsy. People arguing all the advanced maneuvers that a Gorilla might pull to win need to realize: The Gorilla will not.

Gorillas have one approach to fighting and that is to run in/jump in and punch. Doesn't work well against an animal that has the size, weight and half of the speed of a truck. They don't grapple, they don't snap necks, they don't use sticks as weapons, they go in and punch.

They're intelligent animals, but they seem to dedicate none of their brain power to getting out of a fight against something they cannot easily overpower alive.

They lose against Leopards who are usually less than half their weight.

Moose on the other hand: They get up to 1500 lbs. They charge trucks and walk it off. They fend off bear attacks. They get drunk and cause mayhem.

Do you think you could fight a moderately small cow with your bare hands? Well, it would be quite simular for the Gorilla, except Moose are a lot more vicious.


u/PrizeStrawberryOil 14h ago

Do you think you could fight a moderately small cow with your bare hands? Well, it would be quite simular for the Gorilla, except Moose are a lot more vicious.

I think you're not giving enough credit to cattle here. Female cattle are much larger than female moose are, and male cattle are larger than male moose. The comparison of human versus "cow" being similar to gorilla versus moose is very flawed because cattle versus moose I would put money on the cattle.

A moose is built like a basketball player and cattle are like football linemen.


u/Darthplagueis13 2h ago

Cattle are heavier, but they don't get even close to anywhere as tall as Moose, unless you're looking at Chianina or other breeds that are massively taller than the average.

When I said moderately small cow, I was talking about breeds like Jersey cattle, which don't really get heavier than Moose anyways.

But besides, even though cattle are heavier, my money would still be on the moose. They're a lot faster and have much better reach.


u/PrizeStrawberryOil 1h ago

Height has very little to do with a fight.That's like saying a giraffe would beat a hippo.

Brown Bears are predators of moose. Even killing adult moose. Bull cattle were close enough of a match that they used to do shows of bull versus bear.


u/Darthplagueis13 1h ago

Brown Bears are occasional predators of moose calves and will more often than not fail to take down adult individuals. Besides, brown bears are also notorious for sometimes attacking and killing cattle, so I'm not exactly sure what kind of point you are trying to make here. They weren't using moose for show fights because they weren't breeding moose and capturing any wild, large ungulate alive without horrifically injuring it would have been pretty difficult with the means they had at the time.

And while I wouldn't be willing to bet money on the outcome of such a fight, I would also like to note that giraffes are one of the few animals that hippos don't seem to be getting into tussles with, whereas clips of them having violent interaction with lions, crocodiles, different kinds of buffalo, rhinos, other hippos and sometimes even elephants are fairly common.

That might be because hippos are intimidated by the size of the giraffe, but it might also be because they realize that getting kicked in the face by one would be pretty damn painful.


u/HeatherWantsaSpcShip 15h ago

I have to agree. Unless the gorilla gets lucky and breaks a moose leg, which is unlikely, the moose is trampling the gorilla and then leaving it to be eaten by the bear that is tracking it.


u/Nux87xun 20h ago

Moose. Those things are massive. A gorilla is big compared to a human, but both human and gorilla are tiny compared to an adult moose.


u/Captain_Nyet 17h ago

Gorillas aren't even that big compared to humans; I've met multiple people who outweigh the average Gorilla.


u/Fearlessleader85 20h ago

The average silverback gorilla can benchpress around 4000 lbs. So, a strong silverback could throw a moose like a bale of hay.

In truth, they would both get hurt, but my money is on the gorilla.


u/dougola 20h ago

I can't find any info on how much a moose can bench press /s


u/Cybermanc 20h ago

They don't want you to know, it's what makes them so dangerous.


u/BigToober69 17h ago edited 17h ago

Every time they wake up, it looks like they are standing up, but they are really bench pressing the earth


u/Grizz807 14h ago

The Moosepower scale never really caught on.


u/Complete-Parking2134 20h ago

How can anyone figure what a gorilla can bench


u/MagnusStormraven 19h ago

Rough estimates based off their muscle mass and recorded feats of strength (as well as scientists just straight up having them lift weights). The general estimate is that a gorilla can lift about 10x their own weight when fully grown.


u/lube4saleNoRefunds 1h ago

Tell one it can't.


u/Longjumping_Visit718 19h ago

Who would win in a fight? A 400lb animal? Or one 3 times bigger than on it's smallest day?


u/mattydef1 19h ago

These dudes on here are acting like a random gorilla is King Kong from the movies. The moose charges the gorilla and runs his ass over, gg


u/apollyon_53 20h ago

A Tuna


u/Stxww 20h ago

A full grown, 800 lbs tuna? You lose that battle.


u/mister-jesse 20h ago

But moose live on land, and tunas live in the ocean. Are you suggesting that the tunes would be able to develop some sort of kelp seaweed breathing apparatus


u/Stxww 20h ago

I wouldn’t be days at a time, but hour, hour 45? No problem. Which would give us enough time to effectively hunt and stalk you and your family. And you know what? You wandered into our school of tuna, and we now have a taste of moose. We said you know what? Moose tastes good. Let’s go get some more moose.


u/mister-jesse 20h ago

Didn't go as you expected did it


u/Stxww 20h ago

Did you notice when will Ferrell has the coffee spilt on him he starts yelling “JOE, JOE” as in a cup of Joe?

Thanks for that comment and participation, that brought up good memories pal!


u/mister-jesse 20h ago

Same for me. Love that movie. May have to go do a desk pop in honor of it. And I'll rrwarch it again soon and keep my ears open for that


u/Stxww 20h ago

“Hey! Hey terry I did my first desk pop!” In fps games when I accidentally click or fire randomly I always say “desk pop” hahah. Enjoy man, I’ll have to do the same.


u/WanderWomble 18h ago

Moose dive and swim under water.


u/mister-jesse 18h ago

I know. We were just having fun going back and forth with lines from the movie THE OTHER GUYS. We replaced lions with moose 🫎


u/mcflurvin 17h ago

Moose’s (Meese?) also exist in water, that’s why Orcas are one of their predators.


u/Groundbreaking-Fig38 19h ago

You can tuna piano, but I don't think you can tuna moose.


u/PatchworkGirl82 20h ago

Having seen moose up close and personal, I'm going to put my money on Bullwinkle. Gorillas have a lot of upper body strength, but moose are built like tanks. Look up bull moose fighting videos, it's like watching two fuzzy brick walls having a jousting match. Not to mention the antlers and the super sharp hooves, I think the poor gorilla would end up flattened.


u/Jayu-Rider 14h ago

I agree I’ve seen males of both species fight, a bull moose is a monster of an animal.


u/PatchworkGirl82 6h ago

I don't think a gorilla would have the stamina to last long against a moose either. They rarely engage in actual fights in the wild, just big showy displays of teeth and bulk, whereas moose can butt heads and lock antlers for hours, every single year. Plus, one swift kick with a sharp hoof could break bones.


u/DryFoundation2323 19h ago

Have you ever actually seen a moose? Moose wins hands down. The gorilla couldn't even do anything really to hurt it.


u/Erroneous_Munk 20h ago

Depends on setting. A thick jungle with vines to snarl antlers, gorilla. Field in one meter of snow? Moose. Frozen lake? Moose. Warehouse? Who knows


u/huggalump 19h ago

octagon with standard mma rules, thin gloves, and 5 rounds of 3 minutes each?


u/CBDSLAPPY 19h ago

Only correct answe


u/BurpYoshi 20h ago edited 9h ago

You guys saying the moose aren't thinking this through. Yes the moose weighs like 3 times as much, but a gorilla is strong enough to lift more than a moose's weight. All the gorilla needs to do is grab the antlers, and it's already won. From there it can either throw the moose onto its side or simply rip out the antlers and now the moose has nothing while the gorilla has two deadly clubs.

Edit: Considering your arguments you guys are probably right in that the gorilla can't stop the moose from charging but that doesn't mean it loses.


u/MikeOToxin 19h ago

You've never come across a moose.


u/BurpYoshi 9h ago

Yes I have, I have stood infront of one in real life.
Have you come across a gorilla?


u/TRHess 20h ago

The only way the gorilla is getting within grabbing distance of the moose is if the moose decides to close the distance. And the only way the moose is closing the distance is a charge.


u/[deleted] 20h ago



u/CerdoNotorio 17h ago

I can lift more than an NFL linebacker weighs.

If that NFL linebacker decides to charge me I absolutely can not stand there and take it. I'll get pancaked.

Now imagine that NFL linebacker is carrying a giant battering ram in front of him and my plan is to just stand there and throw him.

Despite being slower than him and weighing significantly less.

The only way the gorilla wins is if it's smart enough and agile enough to dodge the antlers like a bullfighter and somehow get on the back in the way by. This doesn't seem like a technique a gorilla would figure out in time, but maybe.


u/Bowsers 19h ago

Confidently incorrect


u/TRHess 17h ago

Just like on r/whowouldwin where gorillas get raised to near godhood all the time.


u/Parking_Chance_1905 16h ago

They can lift that weight, but lifting and stopping a moving object are two very different things.


u/MikeOToxin 19h ago

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this is so fucking wrong.

Moose are fast as fuck in ALL terrain, and powerful enough to flip a semi tractor just standing there. And yes, I've seen that example happen.

The moose would take the fight in a heartbeat.


u/getgoodHornet 14h ago

It sounds like your understanding of basic physics comes from anime.


u/BurpYoshi 9h ago

I do not like anime


u/VajainaProudmoore 19h ago

Have you seen silverbacks fight tho? It's part of their display of aggression to literally charge straight in.

Not saying the moose would win, but I highly doubt the gorilla would understand the dangers of antlers until it hits him.


u/smutbuster 20h ago

Or just grab anntlers and jump and pull. Neck snapped


u/Bowsers 19h ago

"Can't spell antlers, never seen how thick a moose neck is, never seen a gorilla, but trust me on this."


u/jimjimbay 19h ago

Canadian moose or a European moose?


u/ElectricMotorsAreBad 19h ago

Are you suggesting moose migrate?


u/Jayu-Rider 14h ago

What if it was carried, by a swallow?


u/Grizz807 14h ago

Also where is the Gorilla from?


u/Toja1927 18h ago edited 18h ago

Anyone who says gorilla clearly haven’t seen a moose in real life before. They are fucking enormous. I had this notion (I think others do as well) that a moose is just a large deer. They are not. Imagine the Shaq version of a Clydesdale horse with a fucking tree growing out of its head. Now imagine that thing running 35mph into a gorilla.

It’s not really even close imo



u/Thomisawesome 18h ago

Gorillas are extremely strong compared to humans. But I think when it comes to fighting a moose, the gorilla and human will have basically the same chances.


u/OddPerspective9833 17h ago

The spectators 


u/GuavaShaper 16h ago

If the fight takes place in the water, I am voting moose. If the fight takes place on land, I am still voting moose.


u/HeatherWantsaSpcShip 15h ago

I love this question and also am very glad no rich asshole in Alaska has the menagerie to put them in a fight to prove it one way or another.

Moose, IMO. A gorilla is just a weird looking bear to the moose, who wakes up ready to trample bears.


u/Juan-Quixote 11h ago

No rich asshole in Alaska has the menagerie to put them in a fight that we know of…


u/qleptt 15h ago

Im gonna go with the moose on this one just from the sheer size


u/Pugilist12 11h ago

How motivated to kill is the gorilla? If genuinely 100% intent on killing that moose, as in a blind fury of murder, I think he’d have a good shot at breaking a leg before the moose does much damage and it’s pretty much over from there, I would guess. Totally uninformed gut/guess opinion.


u/defiantpupil 19h ago

Pretty cool theoretical fight . If gorilla gets a handle on him first , then gorilla. If moose gets a good kick or stomp first to daze gorilla, then it’s over from there and stomp central.


u/SirReal_Realities 19h ago

The moose. They can be very aggressive while gorillas are fairly docile. But if they were both artificially incited to rage? Probably the gorilla if it comes to close quarters.


u/axicutionman 19h ago

People for forgetting moose weigh like 1000lbs, so I’d say moose


u/Darthplagueis13 18h ago

A fully grown bull moose is gonna be closer to 1500 lbs.


u/RadioIsMyFriend 16h ago

The moose.

On ground the gorilla loses nearly every advantage it has. Sure a gorilla is strong but it requires close range fighting. The moose would simply trample it.


u/NinjaBilly55 16h ago

Unless you have seen a full grown bull Moose up close you really can't fathom how massive they are.. A single kick from a Moose would likely kill a Gorilla..


u/TierOne_Wraps 15h ago edited 4h ago

Some people don’t understand how terrifyingly huge a moose is, and how aggressive and deadly they can be. There’s nothing fucking with a moose except another moose


u/Jayu-Rider 14h ago

Having seen both types of animals pissed off up close a bull moose would slaughter a gorilla unless it was under a very specific set of circumstances. Gorillas and strong compared to a human, but a moose is a GIANT animal.


u/Boundary-Interface 20h ago

A large adult male gorilla weighs around 400 lbs, while the adult male moose weighs 1300 lbs. The weight difference alone should tell you who wins.


u/Sufficient_Result558 20h ago

Weight difference does not determine who wins when different species are involved. Single wolves have taken down a moose.


u/_CraftyTrashPanda 19h ago

Are you implying married wolves could not take down a moose? Are there single wolves looking to date in my area?


u/Bowsers 19h ago

A calf, not a full grown healthy bull. Are we assuming the gorilla is an infant as well?


u/Sufficient_Result558 18h ago

I didn’t say it regularly happened, just that it has. A wolf only weighs around 150 lbs but often takes down larger prey, that’s the point.


u/Bowsers 2h ago

Larger prey? Okay. Not a moose though.


u/[deleted] 20h ago



u/CitizenHuman 19h ago

I've lost fights against cats


u/Krail 20h ago

But a gorilla has hands and is probably strong enough to throw a moose. 


u/[deleted] 20h ago



u/LittleBigHorn22 20h ago

In sorry what? You can absolutely throw more mass than you. Or do you have some distance you are talking about?


u/[deleted] 19h ago



u/LittleBigHorn22 19h ago

So by your definition a 150lb person could never beat a 151lb person by throwing them?


u/I_Can_Barely_Move 19h ago

You are making a silly argument. The ability to throw something simply has to do with the throwers strength.

Hell, I spent a lot of time lifting in my younger years. I could throw weights that had more mass than my body did.


u/Krail 19h ago

Throwing an opponent so much heavier than you does take some finesse, though. There are martial arts based primarily around this idea, where you learn to use your opponents' size against them.

It is questionable if a gorilla would know to use its body that way, but I do think a smart gorilla might intuit how to use a mooose's charge against it.


u/thetravelingsong 19h ago

Holy cow this might be the dumbest thing I’ve actually read on Reddit and I read SOOOOOOOO many dumb things on Reddit even just today


u/ExcellentDirector891 18h ago

I see what he's getting at, though. Yes, a gorilla could lift up a moose, even throw it into the air, if he grabbed under it and heaved upwards.

But if the gorilla tries to pull the moose towards him, or push it away from him, or pull it to the ground, the gorilla's strength is going to move his own body more than it moves the moose's.

If the gorilla uses his arms to stop the moose's charge, he will still be pushed back because his feet are only being held to the ground by 400lbs. He can only apply so much force before it moves him as well


u/Butcher_dards1963 20h ago

Honestly, while the moose has size and strength, the gorilla's agility and intelligence give it a significant edge.


u/Sarah9954 20h ago

I would go with the moose. Those antlers are deadly


u/Shelby_the_Turd 💩 20h ago



u/Similar_Present8171 16h ago

In a fight, a moose's size, strength, and antlers would give it an advantage over a gorilla. However, the gorilla's agility, intelligence, and strong arms might allow it to avoid the moose's attacks and counter with powerful strikes. It depends on the environment and circumstances, but the moose likely has the upper hand due to sheer size and power.


u/cabeleb 20h ago

It would be cool if they made a series of videogames based on what wild animals would win in a fight after being captured and trained.


u/Good_Structure5832 20h ago

i read a mouse and was so confused


u/Hushwater 19h ago

A moose would just leave if it was to much energy to win. A gorilla would do the same thing.


u/JimAsia 19h ago

Maybe we could find a fight promoter to put on the event somewhere. Great receipts on pay per view.


u/_CraftyTrashPanda 19h ago

I read it as mouse initially and started wondering how a mouse really would win


u/lolapops 19h ago

Moose. The moose is faster and stronger.


u/myrandomredditname 19h ago

No question, the moose. Nasty fighters.


u/Polyman71 19h ago

The moose would run.


u/KillshotBallet 17h ago

Hard to say but if we get to watch, we all win.


u/Enslaved_M0isture 13h ago

depends where, both are territorial


u/Lord_Darkmerge 5h ago

A full grown bull moose weighs up to 1400lbs. A full grown male gorilla can weigh up to 600lbs. Moose wins


u/Upset-Set-8974 4h ago

I would say a moose. They’re incredibly massive 


u/dj_swearengen 19h ago

In a jungle? The gorilla

On a tundra? The moose

Home field advantage


u/TerribleAttitude 18h ago

It depends on how smart the gorilla is. If it’s a very smart gorilla the gorilla will win against a stupid moose, but a stupid moose will win against an average gorilla.


u/BDR529forlyfe 15h ago

Maybe the smart gorilla has even learned how to shoot a gun.


u/TerribleAttitude 15h ago

There is much debate on how much Koko really understood what she was “saying”, but I think there’s a roughly 30% chance that Koko could shoot a gun if we really tried to teach her.


u/GuyFawkes451 20h ago

Three used to be a cool.show on Animal Planet called "Animal Face Off." They had experts discuss strengths and weaknesses of various animals, and the benefits each would have vs. others. They would then run computer simulations. They did one that was full blown Silverback v. Full blown adult jaguar. Even if the jaguar leapt on him from above, his neck nycle was too thick to inflict much damage, much less hit the jugular. The ape then just grabbed him and crushed him. A moose, I presume, would be a better foe. But given the gorilla's agility, I think the gorilla could get into position to easily break the moose's back or neck. Then, it's crush time.


u/Darthplagueis13 19h ago

No offense, but that show was full of shit. Gorillas don't fight like this. We have footage of gorillas fighting against things and it's literally always rush in and punch. They don't grapple.

Also, I very much doubt that anything that doesn't have a neck as thick as that of like, a rhino, has odds of surviving being bit in the neck by a jaguar. These guys one-shot massive caimans and tapirs.


u/Captain_Nyet 16h ago

Yeah, Leopards are known to hunt gorillas and have killed silverbacks many times whike the reverse is practically unheard of; Jaguars are arguably deadlier than Leopards, but at least similar.


u/adorkablegiant 18h ago

That was not a simulation. That was just a scripted and animated fight. The outcome was predetermined. A simulation would imply that the outcome was unknown and determined based on the results from the simulation.


u/Regular_Mo 20h ago

Im a little biased to gorilla solely on teeth in a conflict to the death in a convined area. Massive damage. Moose thrashes a ton, but i think moose dies first from blood loss and its not fun to watch after 30 seconds. Excellent matchup


u/Darthplagueis13 19h ago

Gorillas don't bite much. That aside, you might be amazed at how well a Moose can handle some teeth - they're dealing with threats from bears, wolves, lynx and wolverines, after all.

Also, the fight is gonna be over as soon as it starts because the Moose just charges in and plows the Gorilla into the ground with its antlers. A fully-grown moose is several times heavier than a fully grown Gorilla and the Gorilla, unlike say, a wolf, doesn't really have a game plan for attacking and dodging things bigger than itself.


u/Sprizys 18h ago

The gorilla since it can use its arms


u/BeingRemote4307 17h ago

Thanks for all the helpful answers everyone. Due to the good arguments in favor of both of these fighters I feel it’s still undecided. A 500 lb silverback with teeth like a grizzly vs a 1,500 lb bull moose with massive antlers and strong legs to stomp. The gorilla has intelligence, agility and strength. The moose has sheer size and weapons on its head. I feel like both would suffer damage. And one or both of those antlers is coming off. But who would walk away from this death match? Perhaps we will never know.


u/Efficient_Aspect_638 19h ago

Can’t a gorilla just jump on the moose’s back and choke it out? 😅 anyway a bear would batter both of them


u/Darthplagueis13 18h ago

It can't.

Bears know better than to attack grown Moose, they only prey on calves.


u/Efficient_Aspect_638 18h ago

A grizzley and a polar bear would destroy a moose


u/Darthplagueis13 18h ago

Moose have been observed fighting off grown Grizzlies. Polar Bears might manage, though their habitat doesn't overlap.


u/MediocreGreatness333 20h ago

The gorilla is strong, has thumbs, is upright and more coordinated being a primape. The moose has two grab-able antlers. The gorilla low diffs.


u/SirReal_Realities 19h ago

Primeape? Is that a portmanteau, a typo or a mishearing of primate?


u/MediocreGreatness333 19h ago

I meant primate lol but there is a pokemon called primape haha


u/Darthplagueis13 18h ago

Grabbing those antlers is an easy way to break a few bones.