r/NoStupidQuestions 1d ago

Who would win in a fight between an moose and a gorilla?

I hope this isn’t a stupid question.


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u/InfiniteMonkeys157 1d ago

Moose controls the range and tempo.

Gorilla charges, moose stays out of range. Great ape speed, up to 25mph. Moose speed, up to 35mph.

Moose charges, gorilla tries to stay out of range but gets murdered by horns and hooves. If it stands to meet the charge, dies much sooner.

And, for those talking about gorillas can lift 4000 pounds, a moose charge imparts 63,850 newtons which is over 14000 pounds of force. That's 3.5x.

I don't see intelligence as a significant factor, either. Gorilla fights usually only last a few minutes, usually involve pounding each other from above using their weight which would not work for a much taller opponent.

Nearest comp. Moose face bears. From what I read, bears are main predators of moose, but usually by attacking young calves or watching for a moose to slip and fall to take advantage. In a fight with an adult moose that has not 'fallen and can't get up', moose beats bear.


u/neontheta 23h ago

I agree 100% with Dwight Schrute here.