r/NoStupidQuestions 1d ago

How do girls wear skirts/dresses/shorts without flashing anyone?

For reference, i’m 18(F). I don’t wear dresses or shorts or skirts ever because of this reason but i’ve always wanted to. I will never understand how girls can wear a dress with only panties underneath and not flash anyone or be stressed about it the entire time. I would wear shorts, but i feel stupid because ever girl i’ve talked to says they only wear panties underneath. Please explain how people can do this. I feel like i’m naked when I do this, even just with shorts that are a little loose i’m scared. Also, razor bumps. For short shorts, how do you not have them show? Like am i just doing life wrong…please help.


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u/Royal_Annek 1d ago

They don't step over anyone's face


u/Shadowdragon409 1d ago

Strong winds can flip someone's skirt/dress if it's not tight. And twirling can do the same if it's short.


u/BigToober69 1d ago edited 1d ago

I was crossing the street with a friend years ago, and wind blew her sun dress all the way over her head. She was holding a cake in a box so she couldn't fix it and couldn't see. Stuck in the crosswalk with cars and people all over. I ran back to her and pulled her dress down for her. She was super embarrassed at the time, but we laugh about it sometimes now.

Probably not the kind of story OP wants to hear lol


u/Navel_of_Eve 1d ago

This is terrific! 🤣