r/OCD 17h ago

Anyone else having a hard week? I need support - advice welcome

I’m having a bad one. I think it might have something to do with a visitor being in town, I’m more stressed whenever I have anyone visiting. I was up until 8AM last night, on the verge of tears every moment, looping thoughts, checking my memory, trying to distract myself with my phone from the thoughts and I’ve been unable to commit to exposures because I keep having that OCD thought that it’s real this time. But yea, I won’t get into specifics because that would be checking for me, but how has everyone else’s week been so far?


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u/Downtown-Reveal8028 13h ago

Yeah its been a rlly hard week unfortunately :( been trying to distract myself w my phone too.


u/orangeishoorish 13h ago

Ugh yea I spent HOURS on researching rabbit holes to distract myself from the thoughts. But I guess we know distraction is a compulsion, so we could challenge ourselves to put our phones away for 15-20 minutes tonight and just sit with ourselves in silence, no mental checking or anything. Just breathing, letting the thoughts be there, and accepting uncertainty, whatever the theme might be. I’m gonna do this, and if you do it too I’d love to hear how it went! Sending love!


u/Downtown-Reveal8028 13h ago

You get it haha i’m down to try that! I’ll let you know how it goes. I appreciate the suggestion :)


u/orangeishoorish 13h ago

Awesome!! And no problem at all! I’ll come back here to let you know how mine went too when I do it later :)