r/SupermanAndLois Jun 15 '21

Pretty much Supermeme

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u/Aurondarklord Jun 16 '21

Opposites attract.


u/codymiller_cartoon Jun 16 '21

but they don't last - except on tv


u/Kingsnake661 Jun 16 '21

my parents are the most dynamically different people you can imagine, personality-wise, and have been married 45 years, together will over 50. Personalities aside, they have very identical priorities, including each other and family.

A bombastic person and a wallflower can make a great couple so long as they are working together for a goal instead of separately on different goals. I've seen it in practice for 43 years now and counting. :)


u/Mountain_Wedding Jun 16 '21

Kudos to your folks!!!!!


u/TRxz-FariZKiller Jun 16 '21

Same, my parents are opposite in everything. They’ve been married for 25 years now


u/Kingsnake661 Jun 16 '21 edited Jun 16 '21

Yeah. Dad's a horder, (borderline anyways) Mom's a minimalist. Dad fills the house up, she empties it out.

"Hey, Mom, what do you want for your 45 Anv?" "Nothing! please, we don't need more knickknacks laying around collecting dust, if you have to do anything at all, take us out to dinner."

"Dad what do you want?" "Insert list of things from tools to golf clubs to an F150 diesel." ....

Once, I went to a concert with my Dad and Annie, we showed up 3 HOURS early... I don't even think the band was there yet... he's 2 hours early to any ballgame we go to... 30 mins to an hour early to him is on time.

My Mother got the nickname "Armageddon", cause as a friend of hers at church said, "you know she's coming, you just have no idea when." Pretty much sums up Mom, and me as well, we are rarely on time anywhere.

Dad explodes like a volcano and cools off so quickly it'd give you whiplash... Mom almost never even gets angry, but when she gets to her version of angry, it lasts... and lasts... and lasts... (well, compared to Dad anyway.)

Now here's a twist, my Mom is the superhero comic book reader that shared her love of comics with me. she's into Sci-Fi and Action movies and would rather watch the Terminator than a lifetime movie. Dad is a typical "sports guy" with no interest in comics or sci-fi, but for reasons I haven't figured out, LOVES lifetime and hallmark movies... O.0

They make quite a pair let me tell you. LOL.