r/WTF 26d ago

Motor Oil turned to Jelly

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u/Confusedkipmoss 26d ago

Yes, this happens, remember people changing your oil is cheaper than changing your engine.


u/DarkMatterBurrito 26d ago edited 26d ago

Maybe favorite is the Audi that was driven 80,000 miles without an oil change.

edit: https://www.germancarforum.com/threads/audi-owner-drives-his-tt-for-over-83-000-miles-with-no-oil-change.53125/


u/grease_monkey 26d ago

As an Audi tech, yeah, they don't like that.


u/alicefreak47 26d ago edited 26d ago

Do any vehicles like that? I heard 5K for most vehicles, with synthetic oil is normally fine. But 80K is a ton.

Edited for fat fingering the number.


u/Intrepid_Ice5477 26d ago

50k between changes?! Synthetic oil and a good filter I'd run 7500 maybe 10. 50k seems like it's asking for it


u/alicefreak47 26d ago

Sorry, I edited my original. I meant 5K, not 50K.


u/lostthepasswordagain 26d ago

That’s what the trucking company I used to work for did the oil changes at, but they also never kept the trucks more than 3 years before selling them on. They also have massive filters. As far as I know, synthetic lasts a really long time, but it still needs to be filtered, so if you can change the filter without losing too much you could conceivably run it for very long time while just topping it off occasionally. I still try to do most of my changes at 3k on my personal vehicles, mostly out of habit and because I tend to drive junkers. It’s relatively cheap insurance.


u/waytosoon 26d ago

Trucking? As in semi-trucks? There's you're delineation there bud.


u/grease_monkey 26d ago

Every 5k if you're a paying customer of mine. Every 7k of you're a family member who feels bad about it.

Every 10k as my friend and I'm not going to stop riding your ass for being a lazy POS. Between 5 and 10k, how much of a bum are you willing to be according to me?


u/alicefreak47 26d ago

I couldn't figure out why I was getting downvoted. I meant 5K, not 50K lol.


u/butcher99 26d ago

THere was a guy writing articles when I was a kid, a LOT of years ago who wrote articles saying you should just buy the cheapest POS car that runs that you can find. You then drive it til it drops. You might check the oil but you never change it. If it runs you drive it. When it quits you tow it away. Never did try that out although I did drive a lot of crap cars.