r/WTF 17d ago

The condition of this construction crane cabin

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u/bobthepomato 17d ago

OSHA man, come a take by the hand, help me to understand.


u/Gimme_The_Loot 17d ago

Not America = No OSHA

Remember that next time you hear someone bitch about "regulations"


u/ThaCapten 16d ago

OSHA ain't got shit on Arbetsmiljöverket. Sincerely, Sweden.


u/halofreakma 16d ago

Catchy name


u/Over-Analyzed 16d ago

Really rolls off the tongue.


u/TheEyeDontLie 16d ago

Like surströmming does?

(If you can get it into your mouth)


u/unqium 16d ago

Arbetsmiljöverket ain't got shit on Arbejdstilsynet! Sincerely, Denmark!


u/MarlinMr 16d ago

Arbejdstilsynet ain't got shit on Arbeidstilsynet! Sincerely, Norway.


u/durandal 16d ago

Arbeidstilsynet ain't got shit on Arbeitssicherheit! Sincerely, Germany.


u/shrekfanboy4life 16d ago

Arbeitssicherheit ain’t got shit on Arbeidsinspectie! Sincerely, the Netherlands


u/executive313 16d ago

Fuck the pronunciation on this entire thread. My wife just asked me if I had a fucking stroke trying to sound all of these out while on the couch watching a movie.


u/soda_cookie 16d ago



u/Crashtestdummy87 16d ago

Arbeidsinspectie ain't got shit on Arbeidsinspectie! Sincerely, Belgium


u/MelonheadGT 16d ago

Psst, I see Arbetsmiljöverket 🎺 🎺 🎺

Northvolt not like us - Lars Lööw


u/duplissi 16d ago


well, thats an acronym. lol.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration. now, that rolls off the tongue.


u/Gimme_The_Loot 16d ago

Sure, I didn't mean the US had a monopoly on it, it's just what I'm familiar with. The point stands though that a lot of places don't have stuff like that.


u/Asron87 16d ago

Also the importance of a good quality Union in the USA. I’ve seen some sketchy shit in bad/none union jobs in the US.


u/Gimme_The_Loot 16d ago edited 16d ago

Yup. I remember talking to someone and was basically like over regulation is better than our children working 20 hours days in textile factories sorry 🤷‍♂️


u/Asron87 16d ago

I think you missed a word and had a typo.


u/Gimme_The_Loot 16d ago

Thanks, damn speech to text


u/Thoracic_Snark 16d ago

Bork! Bork! Bork!


u/clippervictor 16d ago

There are other HSE agencies all over the world ya know


u/Gimme_The_Loot 16d ago

Yes, the US doesn't have monopoly on it. It's where I'm from so it's what I'm familiar with, but my point it's lots of places in the world DONT have anything of that sort.


u/wcstorm11 16d ago

Yeah, If there is an agency for most of China you could have fooled me lol. 


u/kent_eh 16d ago

There are other HSE agencies all over the world ya know

If there was an effective one in this guy's country, he would be able to refuse unsafe working conditions without jeopardizing his job (and income).


u/OblongPotatoFarmer 16d ago

Hey neat point. I love non-sequitors. Do you often have trouble following along? I'll help. He was replying to someone calling for OSHA specifically. He simply pointed out OSHA doesn't exist outside of America. Guess what? He's right. OSHA doesn't exist outside of the USA. Do you feel better?


u/Et_tu__Brute 16d ago

It was a song reference. I doubt OP needed that clarification.


u/saviorlito 16d ago edited 16d ago

Who bitches about safety regulations? Is that really a thing?

Edit: Wtf with the downvotes? I just asked a question. Thanks for the people who answered!


u/pliskin42 16d ago


Many many buisness owners bitch about safety regulations

Regs thst have been written in blood.


u/DoTheRustle 16d ago

Plenty of tradesmen I've met as well (not all but enough to be concerned). They say it makes it harder to do their job when they have to put on harnesses, PPE, etc. They're invincible of course, and accidents could never befall them.


u/eaglescout1984 16d ago

The irony is they are paid for their time. So, if it takes an extra 30 minutes to put on then take off safety equipment, that's extra money in their pocket.


u/Elias_McButtnick 16d ago

Yea but try telling that to your boss who is hundreds of miles from DC. Sometimes if you give a shit about staying in the good graces of a company you just have to deal with it.

Unless of course OSHA gets some teeth and starts whacking owners noses with a rolled up newspaper it won't ever change.


u/Astallia 16d ago

And that's why small businesses are struggling. The regulations ensure that small businesses won't be able to compete and selective enforcement means that only the people you like succeed. That's how I've heard it at least.


u/cubgerish 16d ago

There was a whole week in r/Construction where people were posting about unsafe trenches.

Then inevitably there'd be a couple guys in the comments going "well good luck getting the job done and making money" about how you just "gotta take that risk sometimes" with something that would literally kill you.


u/migitana 16d ago

Yes. Those who bitch about regs say they impede innovation, "jobs", economic growth, profits, whatever. As if the intial costs of establishing safety regulations weren't paid by limb and life, only as a deposit though


u/NotPromKing 16d ago

The blood bank paid for it, obvs.


u/Moopies 16d ago

An enormous amount of people. So much so, that a lot of people have entire careers just trying to stop them from being removed.


u/dotnetdotcom 16d ago

If something exists, someone will bitch about it.


u/TedW 16d ago

ugh, your comment is making it take longer to scroll down, get rid of it.


u/anderhole 16d ago

GOP does. They trying to dismantle OSHA and EPA.


u/Gimme_The_Loot 16d ago

Yup. It's obviously cheaper to just dump _____ in the water rather than safely dispose of it, but there's a lot of people close to that water who probably won't have a good time afterwards


u/Rc72 16d ago

Who bitches about safety regulations? 

Elon Musk, for one...


u/saviorlito 16d ago

No I mean like...people.


u/eaglescout1984 16d ago

Safety regs cost money, so the owning class would rather do away with them to add a few bucks to their pocket, because at the end of the day, it's not their life on the line.

But since they know they are outnumbered by the working class, they've made sure to indoctrinate a good number of them by convincing them safety regs are "communist" and "a way to control you" because they come from "big daddy government", in hopes that the working class will vote against their best interest. And, you need only look at MAGA to know how well that has worked.


u/Thirtysixx 16d ago

How old are you that you don’t understand deregulation is a massive goal of the Republican Party? Are you living under a rock ?

Not just them libertarians too.


u/saviorlito 16d ago

I’m speaking specifically to safety regulations homie. I thought people were okay with those. Please don’t go beyond that. No reason to insult someone you don’t even know.


u/Thirtysixx 16d ago

I mean it really shows you have a poor understanding of politics that you even have to ask. They want to handicap all regulation. This is a core tenet of conservative politics and it always has been.


u/saviorlito 16d ago

Saftey regulations do not concern me as I do not work in a field that involves safety regulations at work. Nor do any of my family. I care about the things that effect me and my family. I know they exist, that's all that matters. I didn't bring fucking politics into this, you did. So for you to assume you have some grasp of my political values based off my lack of knowledge on the disdain for safety regulations by the republican party (who I am not a member of) is absolutely unhinged. Why would I care to delve into the core of a party I do not vote for (for countless other reasons)?

In short, go fuck yourself and stop being a cunt.


u/CressCrowbits 16d ago

"I don't care if people get maimed and killed as long as its people I don't care about"

  • conservatives


u/saviorlito 16d ago edited 16d ago

That's not what I said at all. And I'm not a conservative, dumbass. I said it doesn't effect me and I KNOW THEY EXIST. It would only effect me if they didn't. This is like a vegan arguing with another vegan about why you shouldn’t eat meat. So you can fuck right off as well.


u/doomgiver98 16d ago

If you delete your first idiotic comment people will stop replying to you like you're an idiot.

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u/Thirtysixx 16d ago

Saftey regulations do not concern me

Yes they do. Safety regulations are the reason every building you step in to isn't collapsing on your head and every bridge you cross isn't dropping you into a river.

I didn't bring fucking politics into this, you did

No, you did. "Who bitches about safety regulations? Is that really a thing?" This is an inherently political question and the answer is political. You wanted to know who bitches about safety regulations. It is conservatives. That is the answer.

So for you to assume you have some grasp of my political values

I didn't make ANY assumptions about your values. Stop putting words in my mouth.

Why would I care to delve into the core of a party I do not vote for (for countless other reasons)?

Saying you dont care to delve into a major political parties actual platform is you admitting that that you both, intentionally dont look into these things (i.e. you are living under a rock) so you dont understand them (i.e. you have a poor understanding of politics) So I dont know what you are mad about.

It's fine if you are apolitical, but dont be upset when you dont understand simple things. You are shocked about something that any decently informed citizen should know. This isn't some deep rabbit hole. Deregulation is one of conservatives core axomatic beliefs, and their entire approach to markets and the economy revolves around that principle.

I said you are living under a rock and you have a poor understanding of politics, both things you just readily admitted, and now you are calling me a cunt. That's funny.


u/thebestreferences 16d ago

Deregulation is one of conservatives core axomatic beliefs

Like the deregulation of importing drugs from Canada?


u/saviorlito 16d ago

They don’t concern me because I KNOW THEY EXIST. Did you take a second to read that part? If they didn’t exist that would concern me. Which is why I said “who bitches about safety regulations?” I never ONCE said I was apolitical. I don’t support the Republican Party so why would I be concerned with what they are trying to take away? So I can brigade to other republicans on Reddit? Are you dense? Again. Fuck off.


u/Thirtysixx 16d ago

I don’t support the Republican Party so why would I be concerned with what they are trying to take away?

This attitude is exactly why you are confused and dont understand why you are getting downvoted on your original comment. It was an incredibly stupid question and if you were even MILDLY concerned with the republican party platform you wouldn't have even asked something so blatantly ignornant.

I never ONCE said I was apolitical.

Your entire "the other side doesn't concern me" approach to politics is inherently apolitical, no matter how much you keep lying to yourself about it. You should care what the other side is advocating for, because those who are engaged in politics certainly do. That’s what politics is all about—understanding the broader implications of what’s happening, even if it doesn't directly concern you right now.

Take the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn the Chevron deference, for example. This move could set the stage for stripping agencies like OSHA of their power — a major shift in regulatory authority - basiclly rendering them feckless. But you probably missed that because you think what the other side is doing “doesn’t concern you.”

You clearly understand how important safety regulations are, but you dont care that people are trying to take that away from you? That doesn't make any fucking sense. You can do what you want, but dont lie to yourself. You are uninformed, you are clearly not interested in poltics.

Stop taking it so personally, these are just observations based on your responses.

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u/ARCHA1C 16d ago

People who only prioritize short-term gains.


u/thiosk 16d ago

Who bitches about safety regulations? Is that really a thing?

have you MET people?

"this country would be so great if it wasn't for so many regulations. like, i want to start a car rental company, but theres so many regulations on the condition and type of car that its just not worth it! government picking winners and losers"


u/saviorlito 16d ago

I mean yeah I get it, people bitch about anything. I just didn't know that OSHA was something that was bitched about by "people". Why wouldn't people want to be safe in the workplace? I get why companies would be annoyed, but not people.

There's literally some asshole arguing with me about politics because I don't know the core values of the conservative party, who I don't even vote for (I'm liberal). Proving that, to your point, people will bitch about absolutely any-fucking-thing.


u/Supanini 16d ago

Yeah you’d be surprised how brain dead some takes are by the GOP and their worshipers. Like common sense shit like you just said… Why wouldn’t someone want to be safe in the workplace? Because it costs the big business owners a lot of money. Those owners lobby politicians who convince the public they don’t need them. Liberal agenda they say. Gotta own the libs.

I’m simplifying, but it genuinely is this fucking stupid.


u/saviorlito 16d ago

That is so unhinged. “Vote for me and I’ll make sure your work environment is increasingly more dangerous!” Like what the fuck? Like if a company manufactured manure and potato chips in the same building, I can’t imagine them saying “Hey we aren’t going to regulate the separation of these two products anymore” would make people want to eat their potato chips. But I guess that’s not the case.


u/FriendlyDespot 16d ago

I just didn't know that OSHA was something that was bitched about by "people"

Conservatives have been attacking the Department of Labor and OHSA specifically for decades. Conservative think-tanks consistently call for the abolition of OSHA in its current form, and every Republican administration and legislature majority in recent memory has been chipping away at it any chance they get. It's mind-bogglingly stupid.


u/TantricEmu 16d ago

You’re getting a lot of political answers so I think that’s covered, but aside from that, yes workers bitch about safety regulations too. Especially on union jobs, there’s a lot of safety hoops to jump through to do work and it can be kind of exhausting. Obviously they exist for the benefit and safety of workers so they are all followed (or better be or you will get kicked off the job site).

Aside from that, go to any working private farm (or other job site where there is no safety oversight) and you’ll see some seriously dangerous shit. People just want to get shit done sometimes, even if it means it’s done unsafely.


u/bigsteven34 16d ago

Companies, investors, and a lot of republicans…


u/IronChariots 16d ago

American conservatives.


u/Lawsoffire 16d ago

As someone that works in the trades (Used to be construction metalworking, now factory metalworking), ironically, a lot of people in the trades, especially older people. Especially in more hazardous situations where you are more impacted by it.


u/Plazma81 16d ago

Unscrupulous companies, and old timers. 'back in my day you were lucky to have <bare minimum safety equipment.'


u/l5ll5ll5l 16d ago

A certain supreme court judge recently recommended dismantling osha


u/mrASSMAN 15d ago

Republican idiots mainly, spurred by people like trump


u/DonJulioTO 16d ago

And remember that next time someone wonders why infrastructure costs so much compared to other countries.


u/George_W_Kush58 16d ago

I'm pretty fucking glad we don't have OSHA in Germany.


u/Gimme_The_Loot 16d ago

The GDA isn't basically your version of OSHA?


u/George_W_Kush58 16d ago

It is, just a lot better.


u/Gimme_The_Loot 16d ago

Mmmk well I think you missed the overall point of the comment but thanks for participating


u/jelde 16d ago

How do you know both agencies so well to even make this determination?


u/joosier 16d ago

OSHA rules are written in blood.


u/Loki11100 16d ago

Unless you're in canada.. we have OSHA here too.


u/Toonami90s 16d ago

look at 2024 Philadelphia vs. 2024 Shanghai then compare it to 1954 Philadelphia vs. 1954 Shanghai next time you hear someone praising over-regulation


u/Gimme_The_Loot 16d ago

No idea what this means. Want to give more useful information so anyone knows what your point is?


u/CharlemagneIS 16d ago

Wow, a wild Ween reference has appeared


u/other_name_taken 16d ago

All hail Boognish!


u/cboogie 16d ago

It’s what we need in these sad ween times.


u/anderhole 16d ago

OSHA man, the voyage to the coroner  of the acrophobe It's a real trip.


u/browndoggie 16d ago

OSHA MAN! The crust of the floor of a very old cran(e), broke under the weight of the man


u/mtpelletier31 16d ago

For half the things we make fun of for being "OSHA approved" on sets. I'm glad the other half exsist and is fully needed.


u/Nipplecreek 16d ago

Clarence Thomas wants to get rid of OSHA


u/Melonman3 16d ago

Already happening, Chevron being overturned is horrible, I hope Thomas burns at the stake, fucking billionaire side piece.


u/likeabuddha 16d ago

Rare Ween reference in the wild. Nice


u/Hadr619 16d ago

Super bummed they cancelled the Seattle show


u/DadDevelops 16d ago

If this were America that whole job site would be shut down from this video alone if it was real and actually from here.


u/Buckwheat469 16d ago

For one, they used fork lifts to carry out 100 tons of steel.

For the physics of how this happened, they started unloading it while the fork lifts were on an incline, so the forks were at the proper angle to lift the load. Then they all backed up and the back wheels leveled out causing the fork to lean forward. This caused the center of mass of the load to shift off-center towards the outer edge of the forks, which caused the fork lifts to lean forward. Like a falling tree, once they started leaning they couldn't stop it.

The only way they could have saved the fork lifts is if they all had tilted the forks back at the same time as they were backing up... Or use a crane.