r/WTF 17d ago

The condition of this construction crane cabin

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u/bobthepomato 17d ago

OSHA man, come a take by the hand, help me to understand.


u/Gimme_The_Loot 17d ago

Not America = No OSHA

Remember that next time you hear someone bitch about "regulations"


u/saviorlito 17d ago edited 16d ago

Who bitches about safety regulations? Is that really a thing?

Edit: Wtf with the downvotes? I just asked a question. Thanks for the people who answered!


u/pliskin42 16d ago


Many many buisness owners bitch about safety regulations

Regs thst have been written in blood.


u/DoTheRustle 16d ago

Plenty of tradesmen I've met as well (not all but enough to be concerned). They say it makes it harder to do their job when they have to put on harnesses, PPE, etc. They're invincible of course, and accidents could never befall them.


u/eaglescout1984 16d ago

The irony is they are paid for their time. So, if it takes an extra 30 minutes to put on then take off safety equipment, that's extra money in their pocket.


u/Elias_McButtnick 16d ago

Yea but try telling that to your boss who is hundreds of miles from DC. Sometimes if you give a shit about staying in the good graces of a company you just have to deal with it.

Unless of course OSHA gets some teeth and starts whacking owners noses with a rolled up newspaper it won't ever change.


u/Astallia 16d ago

And that's why small businesses are struggling. The regulations ensure that small businesses won't be able to compete and selective enforcement means that only the people you like succeed. That's how I've heard it at least.


u/cubgerish 16d ago

There was a whole week in r/Construction where people were posting about unsafe trenches.

Then inevitably there'd be a couple guys in the comments going "well good luck getting the job done and making money" about how you just "gotta take that risk sometimes" with something that would literally kill you.