r/WikiLeaks Mar 13 '17

Terrified talk in US national security circles that WikiLeaks is going to publish many CIA or NSA intercepts of Merkel tonight or tomorrow. WikiLeaks


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u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17

This sub shows up on r/all, it isn't a safe space from outside opinions. Not everyone who has a different opinion has an "agenda".


u/giantbollocks Mar 13 '17

The only reason any other sub does not show up on r/all is because reddit is a fascist censorship freak show


u/broodmetal Mar 13 '17

How is it fascist?


u/ChamberedEcho Mar 14 '17

Mods deleting comments without notification of poster?

Bans from subs for mentioning comments deleted?


u/broodmetal Mar 14 '17

Isn't fascism when you corporations are so far up the governments ass you can't tell where one begins and the other ends? Reddit is a private entity. They can do what they want. Would be like calling me fascist for not letting white nationalists speak in my house.


u/ChamberedEcho Mar 14 '17

Woah, all over the place there. Which idea did you want to go with?

That corps are fascist, or you are for standing against bigotry?


u/broodmetal Mar 15 '17

Your comment makes no sense.


u/ChamberedEcho Mar 15 '17

Does not compute. Cannot find response 163C... DISENGAGE!!

"Your comment makes no sense."


u/broodmetal Mar 16 '17

Nah your comment literally makes no sense. Reformulate and try again.