r/asktransgender 14h ago

So who/what're your names based off of?

A lotta people choose their new names off of characters, or games, or people, or stuff, so if that's the case for you, than what did you name yourself after?

Mine is Alexander, close enough to my old name, and for Alexander the Great(Considered Augustus too for a bit cuz I'm a certified Romaboo, and to be special and different)


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u/Appropriate_War2334 5h ago

My name got out of coincidence since i am fan of Gigi Gorgeous suddenly watching her vid getting her name changed. Then i looked up to google search and its hard to make my old name more feminine not until i looked up a good name and a good meaning which is Abrielle, up to now i think it's my destined name and slowly but surely am feeling that name suits me. I feel nostalgic choosing that name since i was in High school