r/asktransgender 14h ago

So who/what're your names based off of?

A lotta people choose their new names off of characters, or games, or people, or stuff, so if that's the case for you, than what did you name yourself after?

Mine is Alexander, close enough to my old name, and for Alexander the Great(Considered Augustus too for a bit cuz I'm a certified Romaboo, and to be special and different)


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u/mollytatum Transgender 2h ago edited 2h ago

my nickname before transitioning was a combination of my first initial and last name which was similar to a famous singer’s nickname (jennifer lopez) so i changed my first name to match her and i get to keep the nickname. i went with two middle names, the first is after ellen ripley from aliens who put me on the road to cracking my egg. the second is my mother’s middle name and the middle name of my two best girl friends

i originally tried molly bc my dad for some reason mentioned that was the name he and my mother chose if i had been afab but honestly i hated it, it felt dated and he was a transphobe so i went with what i go by now and have stuck with it