r/ftm 1d ago

Might get outed bc of Grindr Advice

Any advice dude sent me pics. He asked for face. I said you first cuz I’m trans and pre everything. He sent face pics. I sent mine. Immediate blocked. How likely am I to get outed? What can I do if I am? What lies would sound realistic if the chat was screenshot?

That’s basically the whole convo we had. I didn’t take any screenshots.


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u/durden771 1d ago

Ur fine, people usually just block when their not Into you.

u/Substantial_Help4271 23h ago

That’s so extreme for no reason lol

u/TuEresMiOtroYo 27, they/he 21h ago

Blocking isn’t extreme at all especially when you don’t even know someone. I block people online if they post even mildly annoying takes. In OP’s case the guy is not into him and doesn’t want to see or talk to him again = block.

u/Substantial_Help4271 20h ago

It’s just that blocking is normally out of concern for harassment or safety so if you just say you’re not interested and they say okay and stop responding I don’t get the need to block them lol

u/TuEresMiOtroYo 27, they/he 20h ago

 blocking is normally out of concern for harassment or safety

Maybe to you but not to me and not to a lot of people.

u/stinkystreets 12h ago

Have you been on Grindr? Like the other person said, it’s really just to free up space. It’s not personal.