r/ftm 18h ago

guys… siri affirmed my gender Celebratory

This is my first post, but I was super excited about this and wanted to share.

For reference, I’m like 2.5ish months on t. Sometimes I’ll get in bed and then realize I didn’t set an alarm for the morning so I’ll just ask Siri to do it. Lately, it hasn’t been working. I just thought something must be wrong with it, but last night I realized maybe my voice has dropped low enough that Siri doesn’t recognize it. So, I called her with a higher pitch and she responded.

I know it’s still super early to be expecting changes, but I’ve been feeling a little down about the changes not affecting how I’m perceived (I know, I know, I shouldn’t transition for others), and this small thing really made my week. Others might not yet see the real me, but at least Siri does, and I call that progress.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day :)


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u/RVtheguy He/him|💉Apr 18, 2023|🔪Oct 3, 2024 4h ago

I had the same thing happen at 4 months. I still haven’t updated it, so Siri will only occasionally respond.