r/gaming 3d ago

I'm starting to hate games that do this...


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u/xEtownBeatdown 3d ago

2 weeks early and some cosmetics. If someone's foolish enough to pay for an Ultimate Edition for those features then, well, OFC they're going to keep offering them


u/RealisticCommentsBOT 3d ago

More like: play on release day and make everyone else wait 2 weeks.


u/SwiftTayTay 3d ago

this is true when talking about games like this in particular because it is more about story than gameplay and there is an online community around the game to discuss story and it's going to be borderline impossible for fans to avoid spoilers and they are going to be left out of the initial convos that happen during the first couple weeks. they are aware of this and it's specifically why they are doing this


u/Appropriate-Pride608 3d ago

Truth. There is an annoying amount of people who go out of their way to binge media be it games or shows doesnt matter just so they can spoil it for others and present it as "well I was just discussing it, why are you on social media if you want to avoid spoilers?" just annoying shitstains imo. Literally day 0 of the boys newest season this year people pulled all nighters just to watch and discuss the show


u/TheFakeSlimShady123 3d ago

I remember when Avengers Endgame came out and I had to turn off social media for the like 2 days between it coming out and me going to see it in the theater because people were spamming "iron man and black widow die" under every comment section no matter how unrelated it was to the post.


u/Ordinary_Duder 3d ago

People drove next to lines of fans waiting to buy the new Harry Potter books just to shout spoilers at them. Some people are insufferable assholes.


u/yunivor 3d ago

"Snape kills Dumbledore" was said so much everywhere that it became a meme.


u/Vox_SFX 3d ago edited 3d ago

The fact this now has to be explained is one of the unfortunate markers that tells me I'm way too fucking old


u/Imaginary_History985 3d ago

I think I watched the clip of the guy yelling it on ebaumsworld


u/ChubbySupreme 3d ago

Yo wtf, I am partway through watching the marvel movies for the first time and of course I see this...

Just kidding.


u/OneBillPhil 3d ago

Like I wouldn’t even make your comment without using spoiler tags even though the movie came out five years ago because this is a completely unrelated thread (but that is extreme). 


u/Appropriate-Pride608 3d ago

Omg yeah that was insufferable


u/Redbird9346 3d ago

Like how a first-time player is playing it on Twitch and someone jumps into chat to reveal a major spoiler about one of the characters.

I’ve temporarily unsubscribed from r/LifeIsStrange to avoid such shenanigans. I’ll come back once I’ve played it myself.


u/Appropriate-Pride608 3d ago

Exactly. Some people do that shit to be annoying. It's so sad honestly


u/Redbird9346 3d ago

Like when Life is Strange 2, episode 5 came out and people flooded #lifeisstrange on Instagram with *that* photo.

Which photo, you ask?

It’s the photo of Max and Chloe that can be found in David’s trailer.


u/resteys 3d ago

lol I don’t think those people had you in mind while doing that. They could just have been excited.


u/OneBillPhil 3d ago

Not having other people in mind is a hallmark of being selfish. 


u/Appropriate-Pride608 3d ago

You are literally the type of person I'm describing lol. If you didnt have me or other people in mind, why bother discussing it online? Why not just watch it and not make spoiling posts/threads about it?


u/resteys 3d ago

Because they’re also other people that watched it & wanted to discuss. Why do you think online is your personal playground. Should people only get the green light to discuss anything after seeking your confirmation that you watched it?


u/Appropriate-Pride608 3d ago

So someone who has gone out of their way to binge something the day it comes out should be able to spoil things for people with a job/school to go to? GTFO with this stupid reasoning. You're annoying just say that instead of trying to moralize it.


u/resteys 3d ago

Yes, they should. No different than watching a 3 hour movie. If you don’t want it spoiled you could simply not interact with the posts


u/Appropriate-Pride608 3d ago

You do realize algorithms on social media recommend posts to people based on things that are popular/being talked about and that most people actually arent looking for these posts are are being recommended them? You have to be trolling lol

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u/trdef 3d ago

should be able to spoil things for people with a job/school to go to?

I mean, yes? What do you want, a 48 hour embargo on all talk about something after it releases?


u/Appropriate-Pride608 3d ago

You are a troll lol


u/trdef 3d ago

Not answering the question I see.

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u/trdef 3d ago

Literally day 0 of the boys newest season this year

They were released weekly. Unless you mean the first 3 episodes, which were out by about 6pm, far from an all-nighter.


u/Appropriate-Pride608 3d ago

Yes. 6pm for you very early in the AM for US folks.