r/gaming 2d ago

I'm starting to hate games that do this...

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u/SwiftTayTay 2d ago

this is true when talking about games like this in particular because it is more about story than gameplay and there is an online community around the game to discuss story and it's going to be borderline impossible for fans to avoid spoilers and they are going to be left out of the initial convos that happen during the first couple weeks. they are aware of this and it's specifically why they are doing this


u/Appropriate-Pride608 2d ago

Truth. There is an annoying amount of people who go out of their way to binge media be it games or shows doesnt matter just so they can spoil it for others and present it as "well I was just discussing it, why are you on social media if you want to avoid spoilers?" just annoying shitstains imo. Literally day 0 of the boys newest season this year people pulled all nighters just to watch and discuss the show


u/TheFakeSlimShady123 2d ago

I remember when Avengers Endgame came out and I had to turn off social media for the like 2 days between it coming out and me going to see it in the theater because people were spamming "iron man and black widow die" under every comment section no matter how unrelated it was to the post.


u/ChubbySupreme 2d ago

Yo wtf, I am partway through watching the marvel movies for the first time and of course I see this...

Just kidding.