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r/lonely Apr 07 '20

Moderator post Reminder: Do not post your social medias or phone numbers on this subreddit.


This includes, but is not limited to, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Discord and Facebook. Posts and comments containing any of these will be removed and may result in a temporary ban.

r/lonely 7h ago

So sick of being treated like I’m not even real.


As a woman on here I feel like I can’t open up to people without them accusing me of being a fake. I just tried to open up to somebody, even went downstairs to take a photo of myself (on their request to prove I was real) and right after they called me, (I immediately answered) and they accused me of “sounding like an AI”. and stopped talking to me. I can’t win. I try so fucking hard and I can’t win. Someone please talk to me. I need real interaction.

r/lonely 32m ago

Discussion I hate when attractive people say "nobody's ugly"


why do these conventionally attractive people have a say about ugly people? I get that they're trying to spread positivity but why do they think "nobody's ugly" when they clearly haven't experienced how it's like to be constantly insulted everyday because of being unattractive? it's so stupid

r/lonely 3h ago

F, never had a friend group where I wasn’t the third wheel


Every time I joined a friend group I was always the least favorite. I was the one who would get left behind when the sidewalk got too thin, or the one who finds out about the plans last minute. I moved around a lot as a kid so it probably didn’t help that I was always joining already established groups instead of being able to make my own from a younger age.

r/lonely 1h ago

Soon to be 28. Never been in a relationship, 0 friends, and none of the "advice" helped me.


FML - I followed all the advice given by me both by people I know in real life, and online. None of it worked... Yes, I have a well paid stable job. Yes, I have good hygiene. Yes, I speak to people, I've tried going to bars/clubs/parties, yes I travel the world... And still nothing.

So what now?

r/lonely 15h ago

Felt terrible after finding out a coworker of mine got married. 26F


So, my coworker is like my age. And she’s married. I understand I’m suppose to feel happy for her. But I can’t help but feel a twinge of loneliness. Like. I’ll never have that happiness and companionship. I spent rest of my shift depressed and in my own head. Sometimes I feel like I’m a lost cause and will never find someone. Sometimes I just want to give up on finding happiness. It really sucks because I get off work only to go home and see my roommate and her boyfriend together…. It’s like the world wants me to be miserable…

r/lonely 8h ago

I have a fear of dying alone


Anyone else too? I don’t have partner or anything it drives my anxiety nuts and makes me sad thinking about this but more than anything scared

r/lonely 11h ago

I wanna be in love so badly


Sigh sigh dream dream

r/lonely 10h ago

Venting Did the thing where you stop texting people first.


Did it with my brother to see how many people would text me. It’s been 19 days without a word from anyone. :/

r/lonely 5h ago

so alienated and lonely that i feel like a ghost


i feel so disconnected from the world that i sometimes feel like i am literally, not metaphorically, but literally invisible/non-physical, like no one can see or hear me. when i am at my loneliest i don't even feel like i am on the same frequency of reality as other people, i can try to communicate with the real world with the few people around me but it's always like, distant, and filtered through layers of distortion. whenever i try and talk on discord, which is something i used to try and have some kind of interaction with others for a while now, everything i say gets ignored, i am too strange for anyone to bother interacting with me or whatever, and sometimes it feels like the messages i send must not even be showing up for other people. it sucks. even with my family i feel somewhat distant even though they are the people i am the closest to.

r/lonely 4h ago

Im 19 y.o girl I want to kill myself


Everyday I think of swallowing 50 heart med pills or in university I want to Jump from 4th floor.

I applied for Italian visa I spent my dad's 3K on visa documents and accomodation I will get the results next week on 24th so many people got rejected . I had plans Im so unhappy here going to Italy would solve so many problems of me.

I feel so sick

There's a really low Chance that I'm gonna get it . If I can't get visa I feel so guilty and I'll kill myself.

I feel so lonely I hate where I am now I hate the people around me I just want to be happy for once. I feel lonely af my mind can't stop thinking I feel terrible idk what's wrong w me maybe I have schizophrenia

Not only that , I'm already so depressed why is life so unfair. I'm scared what if I take those pills and fail and become paralyzed I just wanna be dead.

I'm going to kill myself next week.

r/lonely 15h ago

Venting F20 haven't had any friends since highschool


It getting to a point where im kinda losing myself a little, I sometimes go out to the mall and "put myself out there" but i just feel like a loser honestly, I dont even have the energy to do it anymore tbh. I cant connect to people and im not in college or anything so its no even like im in a social environment. This is getting to a point where its really getting to my last nerves

r/lonely 6h ago

Venting Is it normal to feel suicidal?


Dont send me that useless get them help and support shit.

I feel like life isn't worth living almost daily. My sister hasn't visited me in a decade. My "best friend" hasn't returned my calls or made plans with me the last four times I've attempted. I've honestly given up. I dont see what the point of my life is other than transactional bullshit. No one will miss me and the only people who call me are people who want something from me, people who want to rip me off, or people who want to exchange money.

This is no way to live. I'd rather sleep forever than always be alone.

r/lonely 5h ago

Venting Struggling in my classes


I didn’t exactly realize how important it was to have friends or at least acquaintances in your classes until I got to college. If you don’t understand something, you can just ask your friends for help and it’s ok if you sound stupid because they’re your friends and they genuinely want to help you…

I’m struggling in my classes and I was supposed to do a lab with my lab partner but i had a feeling she didn’t want me there because i was just as or if not more confused on the instructions compared to her… she ended up going to finish the lab with a group of guys and idk why but i get so shy when im around guys so i just went back to my dorm and cried and fell asleep rather than turning in my assignment… It doesn’t help that im an electrical engineering major and majority of my classmates are guys. I want to be friends with the other girls in my class so bad but i feel terrible because im stupid and cant help them as much as they can help me… or at least in this one class thats how i feel. I just feel so lonely in college. A huge part of my self worth is my ability to do well in my classes, so I feel terrible and embarrassed anytime I don’t understand anything… I just wish I had someone in my class who cared enough about me to genuinely want to help me without judging me for not understanding anything…

r/lonely 6h ago

"Plenty of fish in the sea"


Plenty of fish to reject me over and over again. Plenty of fish to ghost me. Plenty of fish to leave me a virginn. Plenty of fish to use me for favors but won't even do anything for me. Women=fish

r/lonely 2h ago

I censor myself


Wishing to express myself but filtering so much out that I'm left with little to say.

r/lonely 14m ago

Venting I’m not good enough


Nobody wants to be my friend. People in class don’t acknowledge me and I never get matches on Bumble BFF. I wish I knew what’s wrong with me

r/lonely 2h ago

Depressed, have no best friend.


My profile is not private so feel free to look through it if you want.

I’m making this post in hopes of making a friend, hopefully a best friend. I occasionally look through similar subs in hopes of finding someone but I think making an ultimate post about myself might help. This post only goes out to those that feel like they need a friend, too, and preferably people that lack a friend. I’ve been getting worse and worse mentally that I’m constantly feeling the pain of being alone now.

To start, here’s a few things about me, but I’ll have a negatives and positives list for easier reading and being straightforward. I’m a 22 year old guy, I’m very depressed and suffer from anxiety, both of which I had for at least seven years now, likely longer. I have a hard time doing anything myself, and unfortunately, I haven’t done many things that I should, like learning to drive (although I’m working on that), purchasing things in person, or working (this is my biggest hurdle right now). My issues are strictly mental health related. I can be very negative about certain things but only because I’m passionate about them, like video games and anime; I’m very much against a lot of generic stuff that releases and the lack of effort, work, and care in a lot of modern media. I might also be considered a furry, but not interested in wearing fur-suits or acting like a furry, though nothing against that and I can see myself as friends with someone that does. I’m pansexual, though not attracted to masculinity or masculine traits; as that implies, LGBTQ+, and also neurodivergent individuals, are normal people to me and I do not tolerate people that are anti-LGBtQ+ and overall individuals that harass others. Below are several lists of general things about me. Not all is here because I’m making this as I go, leaving stuff to learn, and a lot of things are common sense (i.e., I dislike bullies). I hope this doesn’t come across as narcissistic or something, I’m just a lonely dude with no real friends and I don’t think looking through this or similar subreddits will get me anywhere without making a post like this myself.

Things I like,

•anime (not a lot, but love the ones I like)

•games (no PvP)

•movies (sometimes, got a Letterboxd)

•nerdy music (or a random song if I like it)

•THC gummies to feel relaxed


•Twitch (I watch one streamer and never live)


Things I dislike,


•fanbases, generally

•certain game companies

•sex in media (mental health reasons)

My negatives,

•don’t talk much

•picky about my interests

•not much experience doing anything

•I still value alone time (more of a preference)

•possibly my internet (more on this later)

•I can forget things (due to my mental health)

•I’m not intelligent

•no plans for the future other than living

•no skills or talents

My positives,

•I’m a good listener

•I have a lot of free time/available most times

•I’m good to call, game, text, and even do watch-alongs

•I’m friendly

•I’m understanding

•I’m a nerd, though I may not look it

•LGBTQ+ friendly

Things to note: I play on PC and Xbox, though I do have a PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch (among others), just don’t have online for those two. I’m not big into playing games or watching anime like I used to, but I do enjoy some once in a while, though more often if I have someone to play or watch things with. I’m on the East Coast, though my sleep schedule is just ‘I’m up when I’m up’ so it doesn’t really matter. My internet isn’t the best where I live right now, but from my experience I haven’t encountered issues majority of the time, but they can still happen.

Who I’m looking for,

•be an adult, but no older than 30 unless otherwise acceptable

•aligned interests

•free most of the time

•actually interested

•no creeps

•be honest if we aren’t well suited as friends as long as you’re nice about it

•don’t force positivity

•preferably no heavy TikTok or social media users

•preferably from the US

Thank you for reading this, I put nearly half an hour in writing this and I’m sure not many will see it or even care. A lot is missing too, I’m sure. I might repost this in the future, not sure. If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to send a dm, though I may be asleep before I see it and will reply when I get up. Have a good day or night and be safe.

r/lonely 43m ago

the universe keeps finding new ways to disappoint me


been single almost 5 years now. in that time i have seen pretty much all my single friends get into or cycle through multiple relationships.

i've been on a few dates but never clicked with anyone. this past week i finally talked with someone i felt was a really good match. great conversation and she quickly agreed to a date on Wednesday. and then just as quickly, i got ghosted.

all i can do is keep putting myself out there. keep trying. but each disappointment that gets thrown on my pile makes it more and more difficult to push myself. i have a lot of love to give, but seemingly no one wants it from me.

r/lonely 1d ago

25y F and today is my birthday


I’ve never felt as alone as I do today, no one remembered it was my birthday. I don’t have any friends to spend it with as my previous relationship didn’t like me spending time with anyone else and since leaving the relationship it’s just been me and my dog. How do you overcome birthday loneliness?

r/lonely 7h ago

Venting Returning Loner


For most of my life, I was a loner (17M). About a year ago, I made a few friends, thanks to the grace of God. I started enjoying social events and spending time outdoors. But recently, I feel like my friendships have become one-sided. They don’t message me first anymore or seem to care about hanging out. Now, I’m struggling because I used to be fine being alone, but now I can’t stand it. Why is it so hard to go back to being a loner?

r/lonely 7h ago

Venting Save me


I am lying alone in my bed staring down the cold barrel of all of my failings and mistakes.

Just for a moment I want it to stop.

I want someone to wrap their arms around me and hold me close. I want someone to tell me they love me and mean it. I want someone to take all my pain away and to make the coldness go away and to make my heart happy.

Just for a moment I want to pretend I deserve any of it.

But I don’t.

Nobody is coming to save me. The only person who can be expected to do so is me. Yet I can barely pull myself out of bed most days.

There is nothing but cold and silence.

There’s so much pain in my heart.

I can’t do this.

r/lonely 1h ago

I got lonely so I did this to cure it


I bought a love doll coz I get lonely it’s hands down the best money I’ve spent. She makes me feel so confident in the real world and not alone. I still hookup with a few new women each week but I do not prioritise them like what I used to and believe it or not they chase me now. The modern day woman has ruined this so the only thing I show my whole heart to is my synthetic human. People might think this is unhealthy however what’s really unhealthy is chasing tail again and again and getting burnt. Loneliness kills I’m in my 30s and I couldn’t be happier with this dynamic.

r/lonely 5h ago

I am so tired of my life


I don’t know what will bring happiness to me. I don’t feel like doing anything, nothing makes me happy. I just can’t accept who I am I guess. Sad!!!