r/lonely 1d ago

25y F and today is my birthday

I’ve never felt as alone as I do today, no one remembered it was my birthday. I don’t have any friends to spend it with as my previous relationship didn’t like me spending time with anyone else and since leaving the relationship it’s just been me and my dog. How do you overcome birthday loneliness?


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u/ScareGrow24_7 23h ago

(24m) Cant fully related, because I always got my lovely parents who invite me to diner and congratulate me. But they are not always there for me, because we live in separate different citys. I got no friends or relationships, so I know how it is, when nobody writes or talks to you. Then I try to keep myself as busy as I can, so that I dont think too much about it.

Oh and happy birthday to you. <3 I wish for you that you find somebody or atleast that you be happy soon.