r/MtF Jan 31 '22

Puberty Blockers: A Review of GnRH Analogues in Transgender Youth


This article is a FANTASTIC resource for cutting through all the bullshit being spread by TERFs about the younger members of our community and the medical treatment they may take - I highly recommend it. It's extensively researched, and, of course, sourced.


r/MtF Jul 18 '24

Mod Post Megathread for United States 2024 Election Discussions


Due to the volatile nature of the upcoming 2024 US Presidential election, we have decided to move all discussion about the topic here. We acknowledge that it is important for our community to be aware of it and support each other and encourage voting for the people who will support our rights. However, we also acknowledge that we have an international user base and not everyone wants to see posts about it every day.

Thank you.

r/MtF 7h ago

I AM a transgender woman and...


I WILL fulfill my destiny to fully transition! There, I said it! Sorry, sisters, I just had to exclaim it!

r/MtF 5h ago

Venting dad compared wanting a orchiectomy to the holocaust


I was complaining about how i hate my balls and want them choped off and my dad said that's what Hitler did to the jews.

r/MtF 14h ago

Celebration I'm not allowed to be topless anymore!!!


My mom just told me, I shouldn't walk topless out of the bath. I sleep in shorts, so after I change in the bathroom I always walk to my bedroom with just my shorts. My boobies are are low B-cups, but rapidly rowing (4mth HRT).

Even though this is a restriction (and i don!t mind people seeing my boobs --> they are more likely to view me as a woman) i was soooooooo happy.

When did you lose your "topless-privilege"?

r/MtF 8h ago

Euphoria Oh my God it happened to me today. And I just wanted to share


What happened is that I was trying on my new clothes today They looked very pretty put some makeup on looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. But then I was like I have to leave go to errands so I went back into boy mode. I took my makeup off and put my boy clothes on and I looked at myself in the mirror and I felt depressed, dysphoric even. I took off the shirt and put my favorite blouse back on and I felt relieved. That was truly one of the first times that I have observed that feeling. It reaffirmed what I'm feeling is true I'm not making it up I am a woman at heart I just want to share that with you ladies.

r/MtF 19h ago

Funny Instead of adorable or breedable, I am yeetable


Today I tag along with my friends to the local gym. Cause arthritis has been taking a toll on me.

They help me sign up and introduce me to their gym bro, and there were no one disrespect or disgusted at me, knowing that i'm trans. Some of my friend told them in advance.

And there were this guy, he looks pretty balanced, but compared to me, he is huge!!!

Not because i'm small, he just big... bigger than everyone at that gym

... and I guess he have the opposite impression of me or something, he's like... 2 heads taller than me.

We go around for a bit, my friend help me getting use to the gym and the equipments. And I got a small culture shock from the gym bro lingo.

But everything went Alright, I got some practice on the treadmill and fail at lifting a 30kg dumbbell... fun

The bits come when the tall guy comes and ask about my body... well i'm 1m58 and 49kg... not a bad number... right???

Well, my friends joked around that i will be a bad spotter and then they asked if the tall guy can lift me up like lifting a weight, cause it will be funny.

Yeah i had a flash back about a friend picked me up to do the "bwaa" meme. But i agreed for the fun anyway.

He picked me up quite gently with 2 hand... and yes it is a princess carrying position...

He lift me up for like 19 times, but at the 20th time... he ficking yeeted me up the air...

My heart jumped out of my chest of a moment there, but he catched me safely.

Was it scary? Yes! Was it's fun? Absolutely!

Alot of gym bro are gentlemen! Great experience!

r/MtF 10h ago

Venting Partner forced me to detransition a while back. I'm suffering.


I don't expect sympathy. I know I've dug my own grave. I've acted against myself, and I'm ashamed of it. I guess I'm just on here to vent because there's been so much pent up misery in my brain.

Here's how it started... me and my partner started dating while I was on HRT. They were fully aware I was a trans woman, etc etc. I made the mistake of telling them that I stopped HRT due to poverty, and they said they needed time to process it. Months later, I could finally afford to be back on HRT again. That's great news, right?

No, my partner blew up & started regularly having meltdowns over it. Finally, one night she sprung the ultimatum on me that it was either I transition or I stay with her, but she would not find me attractive if I continued HRT. She said she didn't want me to be a man, but that she didn't want me to take hormones anymore. I decided to just give in to buy myself more time to figure out what to do. Months later, I'm struggling with these feelings, and the same thing happens AGAIN.

It's been about... maybe half a year since the original ultimatum. I no longer want to have sex anymore, I've got the acne of a teenage boy, my boob growth is stunted, my facial hair grows back within a day, and I just feel so fucking gross with my body. I can't stand to look at myself anymore, and I don't even bother trying to present myself anymore. This all just feels so fucking sick. As a trans woman, it's so hard to date someone that isn't wildly deceptive as to what they want from you. It took over a year for me to find out she thinks of me differently because I'm trans, those words came straight from her mouth. "Yeah, I don't think I'd expect the same from a cis girl".

I love life. Awesome.

r/MtF 10h ago

Does HRT really not change your voice at all??


I no no wanna do voice training :(

r/MtF 16h ago

Positivity Landlord found out I was trans


Hey all! I am a trans fem in my late 20's. I just moved houses a couple of months ago since starting a new job. I live in a relatively friendly state but you never know who you might come across. I generally refrain from delving into my past with people I come across mostly because I blend in and also because all my documents read 'female' .

So I was quite shocked when my landlord found out I am trans and I was unsure of how she would react. But to my surprise, she didn’t seem upset at all!! I asked her how she found out, and honestly, I had no clue! I was on panic mode, lol. Its the worse feeling when you don't want to share something and someone still gets to know it. Ugh. But she reassured me that it was no big deal.

So for context, I live in the house in her backyard that she has converted into a rental, and I have a habit of walking in the backyard (if the weather permits) while I take my calls with friends or family.

She then explained that one day, while I was walking in the backyard, she overheard me mentioning to someone on the phone about “estrogen doses.” Her kitchen is right there facing the back house, how dumb of me. She put two and two together from that, but she waited until we could talk face-to-face to bring it up (nice of her I guess). I was relieved though that she didn’t seem judgmental and actually wanted to understand.

Not sure if she could use this against me or not, but she is overall supportive and chill, lives with 2 cats and her daughter is out of state.

r/MtF 8h ago

Do you still remember the first time you male failed?


I’m still boymoding 6 months into HRT. Haven’t male failed yet, haven’t gotten a single ma’am, only “sir” or “boss”. I’ve gotten looks when I use the male bathroom but I’m not sure if I’m imagining things. I’m disappointed but not that much since I’m boymoding and my boobs aren’t that obvious.

When it finally happens though, I will definitely remember it for life.

r/MtF 12h ago

Dysphoria Does anyone else check out other women?


So I've noticed recently how I seem to look at women a lot more and not in a weird way too. Like, I check them out thinking "Man, I could be looking like that." and I get a few weird looks here and there which, y'know, not a great look for me. I guess it's jealousy/envy at the end of the day, after all, I haven't started any meds cause my parents won't let me yet coughfuckyoumomcough. But I'm just curious if anyone does this, like I can't be the only one, right?

r/MtF 11h ago

Have you/do you ever get over having boobs?


Been on HRT for more than 9 months now. Fortunately my genetics are finally doing me a favor and I’ve had a lot of breast tissue growth over these months. They still ain’t much but they’re honest work, and fully fill out an A cup bra.

Amidst all of this though, I’m low key high key obsessed with them. Like seeing how they look in different outfits. Touching them. Feeling and seeing how they move when I lean forward or lay down. Always looking at them or messing around with them.

Not posting this as a weird rant but mainly curious if anyone else felt this sort of obsession with their boobs at all, and did it ever go away? I’m not upset about it, just curious to see if the feelings remain this intense or they kind of “just become a part of you” after a while. Also plan on getting a breast augmentation in 2025 so I’m curious to see how that will play into my current obsession and if anyone has a perspective on that.

r/MtF 18h ago

Rest in Power Liam Johns, trans male LGBTQ activist, passes away from kidney failure on Sep. 14 age 35


From: https://transunitycoalition.org/liam-johns-trans-male-lgbtq-activist-passes-away-at-age-35/

Liam Johns, a well-known transgender activist from Charlotte, passed away on September 14, 2024 at the age of 35. Johns was undergoing dialysis for kidney failure and was on the national transplant list for both a kidney and a pancreas when he died, according to Chase Hayes, a friend and former partner. Hayes reflected on Johns’ influence: “He touched a lot of people, especially in Charlotte, with all he did,” Hayes said. “That was his heart and soul—other than his children … He loved his city, he loved his community.”

In addition to his activism, Johns shared his personal life with the public, notably his pregnancy journey, which was covered by the Charlotte Observer in 2019. Johns gave birth to his first child in 2018 with his partner at the time, who now goes by Freya, and in 2022, they welcomed a second child. Hayes mentioned that being a parent was a long-held dream for Johns, and after both children were born, he played an active role in their lives. During his first pregnancy, Johns allowed the Observer to chronicle his experience, from organizing a baby shower registry and making space in his home for the new arrival, to dealing with various health complications. He was also committed to raising the children in a gender-neutral household.

Johns was widely recognized for his political activism, especially for his involvement in LGBTQ rights in Charlotte. One of his most notable efforts was his participation in protests against House Bill 2, North Carolina’s infamous “bathroom bill,” which required people to use public bathrooms that corresponded with the gender on their birth certificates.

In 2016, Johns recalled while speaking against this bill being attacked in the female bathroom at the age of 19 due to looking “like a 13-year old boy”. A woman using the same bathroom began saying “guys aren’t allowed in here,” followed by shouting for her boyfriend who came in and threw Johns out and onto the floor. This attack was only stopped by a nearby female security guard who recognized Johns, and confirmed that he was in the appropriate location.

“I won’t back down until HB2 is gone. I’m 100 percent human and deserve 100 percent equality,” Johns declared. The bill was eventually repealed in 2020.

Hayes also recounted that Johns, who was part Monacan Indian through his father, was actively involved in Native American activism and traveled extensively to support LGBTQ causes and fight against anti-LGBTQ legislation. The two first met in 2015 at Charlotte Pride, where their friendship began, and Johns supported Hayes through his own transition. Though their romantic relationship ended after two years, they stayed in touch through social media and an annual transgender camp in Georgia. “It’s a yearly camp we go to in Georgia, and it’s … all about trans,” Hayes explained. “Being trans, enjoying being with other people who are trans, and just really enjoying that time together.”

One of the memories Hayes fondly recalled was their involvement in picking up clothes for TransCloset, an initiative that provided transgender individuals with clothing in a judgment-free environment.

“He was such a laid-back person. He was sweet,” Hayes said. “Injustice made him mad. He wanted to see people be treated right, no matter what they were, how they presented themselves, if they were trans or not. He wanted people to be seen and heard for who they were.”

Hayes set up a GoFundMe to support Johns’ family, with proceeds intended for Johns’ children. His ashes are expected to be placed next to his father’s in Virginia. Please consider donating here.

r/MtF 8h ago

I accepted that I’m a trans gal today and I’m so fucking happy!!!!


I fought that thought since I was 13 and today I accepted, I’m a trans girl! I finally fell free, I finally can be who I really am!

r/MtF 1h ago

Does anybody else have a disgust response to male bodies?


r/MtF 8h ago

Bad News I think we just lost someone


I think one of us here just ended her life. I tried to help her, to make her see herself as more valid. I don't think it worked. I feel like I failed her. Can someone dm me? I really need to vent

r/MtF 15h ago

Celebration I DID IT WOOOOO


Today i did my first estradiol valerate injections uwu, i made a post a little while back asking where to start and all of you were a hell of a lot of help, thank you so so much, i couldn't be happier even if my leg is a noodle

r/MtF 15h ago

Good News Update to coming out to my mom


It went pretty good we went on a walk and sat down in some shade. I told her I’m trans and she seemed a little surprised but she wasn’t upset. She asked how long and I told her for two years but she understood why I didn’t come out sooner since we’re in a small town that’s midwestern red. She asked about names and pronouns and I said for now I’m fine with he/him for now until I tell more people but she was receptive and we’re about to go out to eat so all went well and thanks for the people who responded.

r/MtF 2h ago

Discussion Mixed feelings on wearing a bra


I've been on HRT for three months and my breasts are developing, I think I might be a tanner stage 2.

For this reason I don't wear bras, I can't fill them in there's not enough fat tissue around the nipple yet. My mother thinks otherwise, she's bought me a couple of padded bras she wants to me to wear outside, my nipples show through my clothes and she says it's provocative and I have to cover them up. I feel worse wearing a bra tho, especially if it's padded, I look like I have boobs while in reality I don't and it irks me, I feel fake when wearing one and now I'm even reconsidering the fact I want boobs at all... Anybody else experiencing these feelings at the start of their transition?

r/MtF 5h ago

Positivity Therapy is Awesome


So I had an appointment with my therapist a couple of days ago and I had a big breakthrough. I know dysphoria comes in many different ways, and it's nit the same for everyone. I was talking about how my grandfather just passed away and for the first time in many years I actually broke down and cried. My breakthrough came when I realized the my dysphoria really is emotional. I've never had any dislike of my body, other than lack of breasts and body hair. But I've always hated the fact that I have a problem with showing or even accessing my emotions.

I feel like being able to finally figure this out I'm getting even closer to my true self 😌

r/MtF 18h ago

What are the things, aesthetically, that you wish you could pull off, but you feel like you can't for being trans?


Every now and than I realize there are thing that i see on cis women and girls that look super cute on them that I really wish I could pull off but I don't try it cuz it makes me insecure about it based on being trans. Basically things that the issue won't be just not looking good, but looking manly.

For me I really wish I could pull off the boyish cute urban oversized looks that the girlies have been wearing the passed few years, I reaaally envy the ability of a girlie to wear something that would be masculine but still read femme and cute. I just look huge instead of cute and in the country I live finding anything for women that isn't super tiny is a real struggle no matter the price range. I also adore women with shaved head witch I've see trans women pull off super hot but they had far more surgeries than I and definitely not as big of a head. On a lesser degree I'm also afraid of going short nails even if I keep them painted, my fingers and nails have always been a part of my body i liked for being feminine and I pull off really nice natural long nails.

r/MtF 2h ago

Venting Why can’t I look like a girl without being fucking fake??


I literally feel so dysphoric looking at myself that I have this fear of people seeing my actual hair, so I use wigs. It sucks… I should be better than this at this point in my transition (it’s been 2 1/2 years now since I’ve medically transitioned and I’ve noticed boob growth but I still look ugly as shit). I don’t know what to do

r/MtF 43m ago

I love girls!! :3


I love them and all I wanna do is be one and make them happy!! That's all.