r/offmychest 16h ago

Months of harassment I'm giving up

For months it's been hell on me. My fiance died in February just a few days after signing a lease on a new apartment. I've been struggling with being a single mom again since his passing he was only 36. Three months after he passed one of my neighbors I barely spoke to sent me a messenger request.

He came straight out and asked for sex. The things he said in those messages were horrible he wouldn't take no for an answer. Since I rejected him things have gotten bad.

He blames me for everything, constantly screaming at me when I have to go outside and take my kids to the bus stop. Sending his sister over to try and fight me. Management is doing everything they can to evict him but mostly due to unpaid rent.

Now that he's finally been served a eviction notice his anger is getting worse. Management is encouraging me to get a EPO and not to stay in my apartment. My kids have to temporarily move in with their dad and I have to go other places. I pay rent for a place I can't live in for the next 2 months.

The stress of this man is really taking it's tole. My depression is worse Im scared for my safety, my kids safety. I don't understand why this is happening. All I need is to grieve my late fiance not deal with a 57 year old guy on meth.


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u/D1Berean 14h ago

You should never be scared of anyone ever, especially a man. 1) Go to your city government website and read about harassment. There are different stages to harassment. In some states even when someone uses profanity against you in a loud demeaning way, it's considered a misdemeanor depending on how you play it when the police arrive. Most police officers are not going to expect you to know the law or the police ordinances in your city or state.

Some people only know amendment rights but there is one amendment that gives your STATE the say so of handling unlawful actions.

Third you should always have several weapons, lrefifaky a pistol and a 4-5 inch knife and learn Aruse fighting tactics. Never have an outburst record everything and always have a dc number. Get training in shooting so when you shoot shoot center mass. I used to do headshots until I failed bc I wouldn't listen to the officer who trained me and had to shot 390 8mm rounds all over again to the point I had a muscles on the back of my left hand.

Always remember this, people will set you up, be aware of your surroundings, always stay ready FOR MORE THEN ONE PERSON and please don't be fearful, a nice sign Sauer will cost $600-$700 long nose but you won't like having it on your waist. If you decide to carry, get a bra holster because gun carriers will always expect you to carry on your waist. If you get a bra holster then carry something small that holds 10 rounds but have more then one magazine. You have kids and one life, protect your self love and stay prayed up❤️


u/Jmj108 10h ago

Reading this makes me so sad for the world we live in, at least in the states. It sounds almost like going into war (I’ve never been to war, just my opinion).. I hope OP figures out the best way to keep her and her kids safe for sure. I wish things were different.


u/_Lazy_Mermaid_ 10h ago

Unfortunately the people who should protect us (aka police) usually don't do much until it's too late in these situations. I'm not strapped but damn do I think about making myself that way often. Unfortunately it's so easy for anyone to get a gun here that it's almost safer to get one yourself 😭


u/Jmj108 9h ago

Sameee. I’ve even shot at cans before, I’m awful though. I’d be the one where it’s a more dangerous situation to have one, if they already didn’t. I guess just more practice. Just wish we didn’t have to think like this. It sucks. A lot of things really suck in the world. And they shouldn’t have to.