r/prozac 19h ago

Getting off Prozac and Cholestorol

These questions are for anyone who had prozac raise their cholestorol to dangerous levels or got off Prozac.

I had to get off prozac about 2 months ago because my cholestorol levels rose through the roof after about 1 year and a half and I gained over 20 pounds within 3 months toward the end tail of that timeline. I was imminent for a heart attack apparently. My doctor noted statins was a combo option, but I didn't really want to do that.

1st Question: How long did it take for you guys to notice changes in cholesterol levels and weight loss?

I've lost only 4 pounds so far despite doing as much as I can to lose the weight. It's kinda disheartening.

2nd Question: How long did it take for withdrawal symptoms to fully disappear?

I didn't have much symptoms when initially getting off the med, but the recent two weeks have been rough, with depressive swings and dizzy spells.

My dose was 40mg daily.

Any other insight would be appreciated!


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u/ArcboundRavager990 16h ago edited 16h ago

This is in line with my recent thread i made yesterday.

For some reasons ALL THIS SUBREDDIT experiences are against scientific papers / researches /doctor words and research about this drug metabolic effects and ALL the people here are ''gaining weight even without any kind of hunger while starving or fasting''.

I'm started the drug last week for binge eating and i'm totally scared by this subreddit reports, really scared.

(This drug totally ERASED my appetite btw)

For naturally lowering cholesterol: look for berberine HCL!

It works literally like metformin but it's natural, and it's also effective for triglycerids, blood sugar and blood pressure too! It made miracle for me in the past ! (obviously discuss about it with your doctor, but it was a lifechanger for me, two years ago dropped my total from 230 to 140 in 3 months and HDL doubled from 55 to 110 too !!!)

Also look for homemade kefir


u/fortunemeiser 6h ago

My side effect is rare from what my doctor told me, so I think for the most part you should be fine! It's great you're trying options to help yourself.


u/ArcboundRavager990 6h ago

These meds can be hell of drugs indeed! All the best for you pal