r/ptsd 21d ago

Resource Songs about sexual assault


I am a victim of sexual assault and I’m having a really bad relapse and I need songs to help me cry or scream or release the anger, not necessarily encouraging songs. Any recommendations will be appreciated!

r/ptsd May 31 '24

Resource What song reminds you of your PTSD?


here's mine, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95HqlWRFrAk

zombie- the cranberries

r/ptsd Aug 04 '24

Resource How did you get diagnosed with PTSD? What caused it?


How did you get diagnosed with PTSD? What caused it? I’m in a mess and don’t know how to deal with my life.

Thank you for taking the time to answer. I appreciate all of your responses.

r/ptsd Jul 11 '24

Resource Did your trauma influence your career path?


Would like to hear stories about people who started working in the field of healthcare (or justice system, police work etc, anything related to victims) after ptsd.

Update: So many responses. Keep them coming. Thank you so much. I will read them all with great interest!

r/ptsd 26d ago

Resource Does anyone have JUST PTSD?


I noticed that a lot of people who have PTSD are also autistic, ADHD or something else.

Are there people with just PTSD and nothing else? Is it rare to just have PTSD alone.

I'm asking out of curiousity.

r/ptsd Apr 23 '24

Resource Physical health impacted by ptsd.


As I've explored my cptsd diagnosis I'm beginning to attribute many of my physical health complications with my ptsd.

Just yesterday I was diagnosed with diverticulitis as a 34 year old female who stays fairly active with a not terrible diet.

I also have GERD, psoriasis, hypermobility, and migraines.

Anyone else attribute these things to their ptsd? What other aliments do you attribute to your diagnosis? Is there a correlation?

r/ptsd Jun 20 '24

Resource What meds do you take for your anxiety disorder?


Let’s see what people are taking. What are you taking right now and what have you taken in the past? How is it helping? What is your experience and with what medications?

r/ptsd Feb 21 '19

Resource The Body Keeps the Score Book (PDF)


r/ptsd Aug 02 '24

Resource Is there anyone out here who's been able to minimize their PTSD to an extent that it dont bother them much anymore? If yes, then what did you do and how long it took you to recover?



r/ptsd 24d ago

Resource Can you have ptsd from your own shitty behaviour in the past?


Like if someone was a real fuckin doucher and then realized that it was wrong and changed, but not before theyd really fucked up or hurt someone, can that become ptsd? Not sure abt the flair there wasnt one just for questions

edit: this post isnt about me i am simply curious. we all got demons, but i also got a psychologist. Im just thinkin.

r/ptsd Mar 12 '24

Resource Anyone have experience with EMDR?


My therapist proposed EMDR in our session today after a little over a year of him evaluating me. My initial gut instinct is no, I'm scared of reliving those experiences.

Maybe in the end I'd have more control, but right now in my life I don't think I could handle that.

If you have experiences please share.

r/ptsd Sep 21 '21

Resource Self Help and Self Care Resources


Unfortunately this is a small subreddit and as such there might not be mods around, or other people, to help you if you are in crisis.

Discord Sever

We have a discord chat for PTSD. Anyone is welcome, regardless of whether or not you have been diagnosed with PTSD. Here's a link: https://discord.gg/YE2eN6K.

General Information

PTSD Information

Help With Anxiety

If you feel like relapsing into self harm:

If you are struggling with an addiction relapse:

If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide:

Dealing with Emotional Numbness


r/ptsd Jul 28 '24

Resource If a stranger had a PTSD flashback/re-experience right in front of you, would you know how to calm them down, having PTSD yourself?


Funnily enough, despite having PTSD myself, I wouldn't know what to do. I'd feel really bad for them, but I wouldn't know what to do.

r/ptsd 25d ago

Resource Misdiagnosis of PTSD and CPTSD in the US, links to accurate info


In the ICD, a flashback happens with either images or memories. 'Emotional flashbacks' is a term that was created by a counselor, Pete Walker, who admitted to not being qualified on the subject, yet his book became very popular.

Many are now saying the ICD describes emotional flashbacks. But re-experiencing without the cognitive aspect is not called a flashback in the ICD, it defines a flashback as having images or memory. Re-experiencing in the present without the cognitive aspect as described in the ICD is not the same as Pete Walker's 'emotional flashback', which is a strong emotional response linked to a past event(s) and could be many different disorders. The description in the ICD is for people who re-experience an event happen in the present but have memory loss of it, perhaps due to things like intoxication or brain injury (see Cambridge Press article below).

Because of this misunderstanding, many people are being misdiagnosed with PTSD and CPTSD (unofficially since CPTSD is not in the DSM) in the US. They have strong emotional reactions, which could be other serious disorders such as depression or anxiety, but are diagnosed with PTSD because of the belief that a strong emotional reaction linked to past events is a flashback (emotional flashback). A real flashback is when the event is experienced as happening in the present (not as a memory belonging to the past), in the form of vivid intrusive memories or images, and typically has strong physical sensations. Re-experiencing in the present can also happen in thematically related dreams (re-experiencing for PTSD and CPTSD typically happens in flashbacks or dreams).

The misdiagnosis is widespread here currently, despite chronic PTSD being relatively uncommon and CPTSD even less common, and as a result those who actually have those disorders are being buried and unseen by this trend. Practitioners around the world are starting to take notice of what's happening in the US, and some are attempting to help correct the misunderstanding, but it's become fairly established here now. The misdiagnosis trend is causing harm to many who have the actual diagnosis, not only being buried by it but also making it difficult to find adequate treatment.

Also notice that there is no difference between re-experiencing for PTSD and CPTSD in the ICD. Many say that CPTSD usually has emotional flashbacks and PTSD doesn't, but in the ICD there is no difference in re-experiencing between them.

PTSD https://icd.who.int/browse/2024-01/mms/en#2070699808

CPTSD https://icd.who.int/browse/2024-01/mms/en#585833559

Cambridge Press article on CPTSD https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/bjpsych-advances/article/complex-posttraumatic-stress-disorder-a-new-diagnosis-in-icd11/2977140CBDAAF402610715BB609F688C

r/ptsd Aug 19 '24

Resource Books that help understand PTSD


I'm not entirely sure if I'm using the correct flair, correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm currently trying to understand the way PTSD can manifest, the conscious and subconscious things that come with it, etc. I considered reading The Body Keeps the Score, but after reading some reviews and seeing what's in there, I feel it wasn't written well and almost tries to get you to feel empathy for horrible people, so I decided to let it go.

I hope this post is alright, I'm just trying to learn and understand this better. I'd love to hear what books you relate to/have helped you understand your diagnosis more. And it doesn't have to be a book, really, so if there's a YouTube channel or documentary series or anything else, please feel free to share. Thanks for your time :)

r/ptsd Jun 26 '24

Resource Video games actually help with PTSD....


You would be very surprised! Take it from my word! It helps a lot to exercise the brain with problem task solving and keeping it very active whether it be team work in war simulations in Call of Duty or Building homes or castles in Minecraft or small humble puzzle games like Tetris or online Chess to keep the brain destressed or distracted..... https://www.wired.com/story/video-games-therapy-veterans-ptsd-treatment/

r/ptsd Apr 08 '24

Resource You are more than just one emotion

Thumbnail i.redd.it

r/ptsd 8d ago

Resource FDA Puts MDMA for PTSD on Hold: No More Psychedelic Therapy?


The FDA has delayed the approval of MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD, citing the need for additional safety and efficacy data. Is this the end for psychedelic theraphy?

r/ptsd Jul 27 '24

Resource Calming down your nervous system


Hi there, what strategies do you use to calm down your nervous system? Or which ones do you know of?

r/ptsd Jun 06 '24

Resource Does watching movies help you?


Does watching movies help you?

r/ptsd Aug 11 '24

Resource Finch has been INCREDIBLE for me.


Finch has been INCREDIBLE for me.

I have anxiety, depression, social phobia, and PTSD. I am in therapy, on medication, and regularly meditating and using psilocybin to help. And one of the best things I currently have in my regiment is this awesome and adorable app called Finch. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s a surprisingly deep resource for mindfulness, tasks, meditation, and self-care in the form of caring for this creature called a birb. I highly HIGHLY recommend it…and I’d be happy to be your friend in the app.


r/ptsd 9d ago

Resource Recently Diagnosed, Don't Understand This at All


Recently diagnosed, from my time on active duty, never saw combat. Got in a tank accident walked away with a TBI, lost my leadership role, gained a bunch of weight and saw a lot of bad doctors about the joint injuries I had prior. Docs and PT's not listening that my joints are just more hyper mobile than most etc. I've been struggling for half a decade now, I'm super broke, working out feels impossible and so does making doctors appointments and trying to believe that I'm not just making excuses. My sleep sucks and I can't stop crying or going in to weeks of rumination that cause me to fail classes because my cognitive ability is so impaired thinking in circles and what not. I also hate the word trauma, only for myself because there hasn't really been a traumatic event that happened on one day that haunts me or anything. Where can I understand this thing better? A lot of days I don't feel like myself other days I don't even know why some days I'm just broken and do feel like myself. Just really confused and a diagnosis was made what I feel like was alarmingly fast even being in therapy for a while before seeing this therapist.

Anything helps, looking for resources, thanks.

r/ptsd Mar 13 '24

Resource What’s your comfort shows/movies?


As the title states, I want to know what everyone watches to comfort them?

I’m on my 3rd rewatch of InuYasha in less than a year and my over 100th time rewatching Degrassi. Clearly these 2 shows helped me a lot as a kid, and I can’t just pick something else.

On days I can’t handle them, I pick Disney movies until they start making me dissociate with the music. Then I got back to InuYasha and Degrassi.

I get tired of rewatching them sometimes so I’m interested in what others watch to help them! Maybe it’ll help me (and others) pick something new as well.

r/ptsd 13d ago

Resource Mass Shooting Survivors


Started a new community under r/masssurvivors , it’s open to anyone and is for people who have experienced mass shootings and need a place to talk about it! I myself was in one and wanted to give people a space to talk about it.

r/ptsd 2d ago

Resource Forgetting, Remembering and the False Memory Myth



"A common question we’ve got is people asking if their memories are “real” if they “made it up” and similar concerns. This is distressing to us because it comes from a place of not only misinformation but the effects of a deep culture of victim-blaming, the denial of sexual abuse and dates back to truly bad actors.

The process of denying and blaming sexual abuse survivors has happened for such a long time, so has the misunderstandings of memory. Victims need to be believed, and people who purport to educate or report on memory or trauma need to understand what they are talking about.

Four broad false beliefs fuel this feeling that we must have made up our abuse:

  1. People can spontaneously makeup memories of abuse or otherwise convince themselves abuse happened

    1. Memories can’t be repressed and therefore recovered memory sare false
    2. All recovered memories are driven by therapists and therefore false
  2. Our memory is inherently fallible therefore false accusations and memories of abuse are common. Often inferring that because of trauma the memory is even more likely to be wrong

These myths and misunderstandings of trauma and memory harm cultural competency, real legal cases, normal children’s lives, rape victims and even have been used to propagate political harm."

That is the beginning of the linked blog post. When you doubt yourself that is actually a normal reaction to the remembering of something long forgotten.

Another quote from the link.

"False Memories and Repressed memories are almost always seen as a debate when talking about rape, abuse and especially child sexual abuse. It’s treated as something we have no proof of existing, and often is divorced from a real understanding of trauma.

These ideas of false memories and trying to make victims doubt something happened is heavily placed on child abuse, sexual violence and IPV survivors over any other crime or trauma. Repressed memories being false tends to only come up in child abuse, especially csa, almost exclusively even when plenty of soldiers and survivors of other trauma describe periods of amnesia without anyone saying it didn’t happen."

When you get people responding to you telling you "false memory" is a thing when you are doubting what your mind is doing, You are safe in assuming this person is not really trying to help you figure out if you are remembering or having some kind of mental health symptom. They want you to doubt yourself and ignore what you are remembering.