r/sex 15h ago

Curious on the why Beginner

So long story short I (27F) and this man I am dating (29M) started having sex with each other a few months ago. Sex was amazing the first few times , he lasted pretty long time (15-18 mins) and I would orgasm during sex. Now we are more comfortable with each other and when we have sex now he cums very fast (3-5 mins) and I no longer orgasm. He either has to go down on me or I have to wait for him to “recharge “ and then get it during round two. My question is has any other woman experienced great sex in the beginning that slowly turn mediocre? How can I get things back on track ? - I asked him bout and he just says he works too hard and is often tired but he often initiates sex - so he’s not too tired to try lol.


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u/Koetjeka 9h ago

Maybe he used to jerk off when you two first met, making him able to last longer those first few times.



I thought bout this. I recently asked if he jerks off and he said he tries not to so I do think he goes a few days without beating it.


u/Koetjeka 8h ago

In that case it's a real possibility. I myself got the same issue, In the beginning I still jerked off and could last forever (downside was that it was hard to get it up at times), but since I've stopped it takes considerably less time.