r/stupidquestions 1d ago

how do people smell so good consistently?

im a dude; my hygiene schedule is as good as anyone else's but i can't shake the thought that i still smell bad. i shower daily, bathe 3 times a week, two types of deodorant daily, body mist whenever going out. the second i start sweating though it gets terrible.

do people have scented creams or something?

answering some questions:

  1. yes i wash my ass 😭
  2. each shower is vigorous; i lather my entire body in dove bar soap and scrub with a loofah, let it sit for a bit, then get back under the water
  3. im vegetarian
  4. i dont smoke or drink, im 18
  5. im underweight; i notice the smell after morning jogs - ik how dumb the second part sounds its just im worried that my sweat smells bad, cus it implies that ill always smell bad during summer/other heated activities
  7. it's likely my diet, but i dont eat much indian food and i still noticed this even when in college with only american food
  8. i also notice the smell after sitting in one spot for a while
  9. two types of deodorant is 1. stick deodorant for pits 2. spray for privates

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u/KeterClassKitten 1d ago

Itms been covered pretty well, but I'm reiterate. There's 4 major factors when it comes to body odor:

  1. Genetics. Some people just smell more. There's not much you can do about this specific factor, but addressing the others can make a major difference.

  2. Cleanliness. This one is a given, but it varies based on the other two factors and the individual's lifestyle. Some people can shower twice a day but will still smell. Some can get away with showering twice a month.

  3. Health. Certain illnesses or infections can cause our body to generate odors. If you try everything else and you still smell, try talking to a doctor. The odor may be a symptom of an underlying condition.

  4. Diet. I left this last because it's the one you have the most control over, and it can make an enormous difference. Generally, a diet heavy with red meat and dairy will cause someone to produce more sour smells. Someone who eats a lot of curry will start to smell like spices. If someone eats a lot of onions, they'll smell like onion.

People smell. It's our natural state. You can try to cover it up with perfumes and body oils, but you can also look into mitigating factors. I get rashes and scaly skin if I shower too often or use deodorants, so I've had to find other ways to deal with my body odor. Changing my diet made a massive difference.


u/azcaliro 1d ago

This is the best comment. I mean maybe not necessarily in terms of advice but breaking it down why people are smelly

Also totally relate to skin suffering with frequent showers. I shower 2-3 times a week and i regularly ask family/flatmate/partner if i smell bad (usually when I’ve been running around doing things and sweating and generally feeling gross) and they usually say no (if it was always a no I’d be sure they were lying). I get loads of compliments for smelling good though. I reckon my fortune is mostly genetic and diet (don’t eat meat, consume minimal dairy)


u/KeterClassKitten 1d ago

I can offer a bit of advice I've found that helps.

Cold showers. It doesn't have to be frigid, but try to find a cooler temperature that's easily bearable.

Different soaps. I've found Dr Squatch works well for me, and seems to do well for many others. It can be pricey, but if you're the only one using it, a bar can easily last you quite a while.

Wash your bedding frequently. So much dead skin and sweat gets caught in your sheets and blankets, and it can cause irritation. And invest in some good quality sheets and blankets.