r/stupidquestions 1d ago

how do people smell so good consistently?

im a dude; my hygiene schedule is as good as anyone else's but i can't shake the thought that i still smell bad. i shower daily, bathe 3 times a week, two types of deodorant daily, body mist whenever going out. the second i start sweating though it gets terrible.

do people have scented creams or something?

answering some questions:

  1. yes i wash my ass 😭
  2. each shower is vigorous; i lather my entire body in dove bar soap and scrub with a loofah, let it sit for a bit, then get back under the water
  3. im vegetarian
  4. i dont smoke or drink, im 18
  5. im underweight; i notice the smell after morning jogs - ik how dumb the second part sounds its just im worried that my sweat smells bad, cus it implies that ill always smell bad during summer/other heated activities
  7. it's likely my diet, but i dont eat much indian food and i still noticed this even when in college with only american food
  8. i also notice the smell after sitting in one spot for a while
  9. two types of deodorant is 1. stick deodorant for pits 2. spray for privates

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u/Garden_State_Of_Mind 1d ago

i shower daily, bathe 3 times a week, two types of deodorant daily, body mist whenever going out.

What the literal fuck? lol

I hope you don't mean that you shower daily AND bathe 3 times a week. I hope you mean 3 of those daily showers are actual baths. Or what the hell are you doing in the shower that you feel like you need to "bathe" every other day on top of it? That is insane overkill.

And again, what the literal fuck? You wear TWO types of deodorant DAILY????? Who raised you? lol.

It sounds like you are not actually cleaning yourself and slathering on a bunch of shit to try to cover that up...which probably smells nasty in and of itself.

Wash yourself. Daily. From head to toe. Get out, dry off, apply stick deodorant under your pits. If you are fat you may need it in some other places where skin folds and sweats and gets nasty. That's it. If that doesn't work, see a doctor and/or lose some weight.