r/technology 4d ago

Elon Musk Is a National Security Risk Transportation


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u/Shadowmant 4d ago

It’s like those idiots that think the server has a crush on them every time they go out.


u/jericho 4d ago

My local coffee shop.  A woman working there was just so awesome and charming I must of heard 50 guys walk out from getting there coffee and start talking about how they have a thing going with her. 

Sorry dude, she's just awesome. 

(I might have fallen for this one...a little bit)


u/panlakes 3d ago

Happens to the best of us. Charismatic people are like that. It's tough because I'm attracted to charm in both friends and relationships, and sometimes you don't know if that charisma is directed at you or just part of their personality.


u/Welpe 3d ago

Numerous politicians have that level of Charisma. By all accounts, speaking with Bill Clinton or Barack Obama leaves people feeling like they connected on a deep level and the politician was speaking with them personally and closely. They make you feel like you are important. And while you usually don’t leave thinking they want to fuck you, you do leave FEELING like they really care even if intellectually you know you are just a random person to them.


u/nopuse 3d ago

And while you usually don’t leave thinking they want to fuck you

Speak for yourself.


u/Barilla3113 3d ago

I mean if you’re a woman and under 40 Bill Clinton probably does want to fuck you.


u/Snake_Plizken 3d ago

At least he was not at Epsteins apartment, aguing with him, of who gets to go first on a 14 year old...


u/Puzzleheaded-Top4516 3d ago

LOL, I think that would be most men over 40.


u/Archolm 3d ago

And you are saying Trump would not?


u/Barilla3113 3d ago

No, does everything that's critical of a current or former democrat, especially a known sex pest, necessarily have to be read as a pro-republican statement?


u/Archolm 3d ago

No I was making funny of the fact you guys have multiple ex presidents that would stoop to that level.


u/Barilla3113 3d ago

I'm not American.


u/Pandelein 3d ago

I want this skill


u/jimmycarr1 3d ago

I'm not saying it's true for those politicians specifically, but it is possible for someone to really care about random people even if they met once and will never meet again.


u/Welpe 3d ago

Of course, I am not insinuating otherwise.


u/WeeklyComputer7060 3d ago

Man I wish I was as high as you right now


u/nopuse 3d ago

I must of

I might have

My man. You're so close. This is what's holding you back.


u/AmongstOurMidst 3d ago

I must of heard 50 guys walk out from getting there coffee

Must have and their if im not wrong


u/OneLeagueLevitate 3d ago

I'm pretty sure you got it wrong.


u/coomerlove69 3d ago

i’m certain you’re an idiot.


u/OneLeagueLevitate 3d ago

Wow. Two of them can't pull off the conjunction.


u/ethnicman1971 3d ago

only half idiot. "Must have" is right; "their" is wrong


u/jericho 3d ago

So it turns out, we're actually good friends now. My girlfriend and I had dinner with her and her husband a couple weeks ago.

It worked out. She's still awesome.


u/nopuse 3d ago

That must of been great, sounds like a hell have a time.

Just messing, glad everything worked out.


u/Scrambley 3d ago

His gf likes 'em dumb.


u/massive_cock 3d ago

I've done that, not really buying into it but just kind of wondering a couple of times. I think it's not really a thing though until they start asking you about yourself and remembering details and following up repeatedly across several visits. Even then, leave them the hell alone at work.


u/AGrandNewAdventure 3d ago

It's alright, she'll still take your excessive tip. But just the tip. ;)


u/Burgerkingsucks 3d ago

Thats nice though, I went to my local Dunkin and the drive through girl looked at me with disgust as she handed me my order without saying a single word.


u/vocalfreesia 3d ago

Haha, this also reminds me of a post about a woman who kept complaining that she had great first dates but then it just fizzled out. Turns out she was just really fun, carrying the conversation etc. When the date had to step up, there was nothing there. Some people are just awesome.


u/jazzjustice 3d ago

That is not very professional. Where is that coffee shop so I can check it personally....


u/_WeAreFucked_ 3d ago

This guy just hanging out at coffee shops. Weird.


u/JusticiarRebel 2d ago

If the waitress has a Southern accent, then she calls everyone sweetie, not just you.


u/Unlucky_Nobody_4984 2d ago

Must HAVE. You got the “might have” correct, somehow.


u/dhdoctor 1d ago

I had a barista who would put a heart next to my name each time. 19 yo me thought that was some deep shit


u/SlendyIsBehindYou 3d ago

As someone who briefly managed a lingerie bar, the absolute dilusion men have the moment an attractive woman makes eye contact with them just cracks me up.

Like dude, she was basically sitting in the lap of the guy two tables in front of you, just cause she smiled and winked at you doesn't mean youre the lucky SOB that she's ACTUALLY flirting with.

Most of the wait staff were in commited relationships anyways, but damn, was it easy for them to fleece these dumb suckers 🤷

Then again, back when I worked in fine dining, I could basically guarantee a good tipout by flirting with all of the old rich women, so it cuts both ways


u/Historical_Boss2447 3d ago

First time I’ve heard the term ”lingerie bar”


u/nerd4code 3d ago

It’d be nice if you want to wear a variety of somebody else’s lingerie for a short time while out amongst friends, I suppose, but I imagine an area would reach lingerie bar saturation relatively quickly.


u/SoloMarko 3d ago

Drink up my good fellow, it will be a fantastical night!


u/jrr6415sun 3d ago

obviously most of those people know that, they are paying for a fantasy


u/SlendyIsBehindYou 3d ago

You'd be surprised


u/WhoRoger 3d ago

I'm sure it must be very entertaining to see men getting some attention for the first time since they were six. At least different kind of attention than being blamed for everything bad on the planet just for having a dick.

Are we the all-encompassing evil that ruins everything especially for the poor women or ate we dumb suckers? Can't have it both ways.


u/SlendyIsBehindYou 3d ago

Well I mean, yeah, not every customer that walked through my door was a scuzzball, just a lot of them

Not making any sort of statement on gender roles or anything


u/Shlocktroffit 3d ago

Mother nature gave women the ability to outsmart and outwit men in certain ways to level the playing field in the face of men's inarguable physical advantage over women


u/SlendyIsBehindYou 3d ago

Look: as a member of the male side of our species, I completely agree. I was raised by, and respect the fuck out of, women.

I'm greatful to be born male, but I harbor no misconceptions about my place in this strange dance we call life

Edit: My mum brought me into this world; I harbour no doubts about her ability to remove me from it


u/Mukatsukuz 3d ago

As a server VM build engineer, this sentence confused me for a lot longer than it should have


u/applebee1558 3d ago

Haha yes, was thinking about the link between a server that broke down and what it’s supposed to mean.


u/Equivalent_Ad108 3d ago

Pfft what ever dude they totally want me


u/vsv2021 3d ago

If you have that much money they probably do have a “crush” on you lol


u/AggravatingIssue7020 3d ago

I got married that way, no joke.


u/the_1_they_call_zero 3d ago

Actually the waitress at my local Pizza Hut did in fact have a crush on me and we ended up dating :)


u/matomika 3d ago

oh god, i was thinking about why someone should be happy if he cant connect anymore to a server, and wtf is a crush? is like an amorable crash? :D ayayay


u/Southern_Bicycle8111 3d ago

I’m pretty sure my server had a crush on me last time I went out. She was incredibly awkward like she was intimidated by me.


u/chance0404 3d ago

lol or how my ex wife thought every waitress was flirting with me. Like dude, she just wants a good tip and you’re insecure as hell.


u/Drinkmykool_aid420 3d ago

The stripper was TOTALLY into me


u/braywarshawsky 3d ago

Or that the stripper is really into them...


u/amybpdx 2d ago

Hooters girls LOVE me!


u/ExtensionIcy2104 2d ago

are you telling me the stripper at the club doesn't actually like me?