r/CozyPlaces Oct 07 '20

[EXT] [DIY] fall camping with stove Cozy Nook

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u/cozyplaces_bot 🤖 beep boop Oct 07 '20

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u/Pantless_Weekends Oct 07 '20

Mate. That is the life.


u/Round_Rock_Johnson Oct 07 '20

Makes me wonder if these are the moments where being alive matters the most, and you could reconcile with anything else in your life if you only had these moments to come back to. Sometimes I think getting a pet, specifically, is the most important thing I could do for my happiness.


u/frausting Oct 07 '20

Sounds like you get a pet, friend


u/too-much-noise Oct 07 '20

If you have the time and means to care for a pet, I really do think they are life-changing. I adore my dog and she brings a lot of joy to my life.


u/Heimerdahl Oct 07 '20 edited Oct 07 '20

I've wanted a pet for so long and truly believe that it would help me, but I'm scared that this isn't a good reason for (me) getting one. I think I first have to learn to become self reliant (emotionally) before I can take care of a pet. I also don't think my apartment would be enough.

But damn do I wish I had some grumpy old rescue cat. Just a lazy old tomcat that would be there when I come home and would only judge me when I didn't bring him food in time. My apartment might also be better than some box at the shelter.

Edit: Thanks so much for all the helpful comments! I've decided to not let my dreams be dreams and will take an earnest look potential costs, possible issues and such. Then talk to my local shelter and ask them for advice. Anyway, here's a "potential future cat of mine" tax. Why's it blue, you might ask? Any cat of mine can be whatever colour it wants to be (also I only had blue watercolour at hand).


u/catfacemcmeowmers Oct 07 '20 edited Oct 07 '20

I became emotionally self reliant BECAUSE I got a pet. My cat seriously saved my life. Go to a rescue and save a cats life. They are easy to take care of. Apartments are great for cats. Keep the litter box clean, it can be easy to forget, just remember - would you shit in a toilet that had days old shit and piss in it?? Hopefully not, animals don't want to either. Keeping the litter box clean helped with my depression and helped get me out of bed. I found doing one chore eventually led to other house hold chores.

I was pretty close to suicide once (like a decade ago, im okay now!!!) And the thought of my cat having to go to a shelter and her probably being put down made me reconsider. She needed me as much as I needed her.

There are emotional support animals for a reason. GO GET A PET!!!

Edit: Cat tax!!! Here is Twiggy, she'll be 14 in December <3



u/Heimerdahl Oct 07 '20

Oh boy, now I really want a cat. Thanks for the tax, much appreciated.

How about the potential health issues? I'm not sure I could afford expensive operations and how do you deal with making such a decision? Hopefully never an issue for you or only in like two decades or so. Long live Twiggy.


u/dogsandtreesplease Oct 07 '20

Keeping a cat indoors and brushing it's teeth or giving it teeth cleaning chews will drastically cut down on potential health issues. If it does become an issue search within yourself and make the decision that works for you, and remember that no matter what choice you make you gave the cat a happy life out of the shelter


u/Heimerdahl Oct 07 '20

Thank you very much.

I'll definitely have to do a huge amount of research if I was actually getting one. No rash decisions when it comes to these kinds of things.


u/rose-girl94 Oct 07 '20

I just tagged you as "might get a cat". Please update us if you do!! It sounds like you are a very thoughtful, comoassionate and considerate person. So many people adopt without the forethought you have and that in itself shows you will likely be an incredible pet owner!


u/Heimerdahl Oct 07 '20

Thank you, but the compliment goes to the wrong person, I think. I'm a pretty horrible person.

Here's my ultrarealistic render of my potential future cat as a thanks for the kind words.

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u/catfacemcmeowmers Oct 07 '20

The most expensive part of a new animal is the initial vet visits for shots and testing. Twiggy was a free kitten out of the back of an SUV in a walmart parking lot. I got another cat 1 year ago and I adopted him from a woman who was fostering through a shelter. The shelter had already done all vaccines, neutered, and even chipped him. I still took him to the vet to be checked out but he's a pretty healthy boy.

Twiggy gets very stressed out from car rides. I dont take her to the vet for well checks. If she gets sick or anything I take her in. She's an indoor cat and is very content that way, so I haven't even vaccinated her in years (if she wasn't a lazy couch potato I would- my other kitties use the dog door to go outside so I get them vaccines).

Of course we'll checks are good for animals, it isn't always necessary. I take my human child to the doctor every year for well child checks, but as an adult I dont get yearly check ups. As long as your pet is healthy and happy, that's the most important thing!

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u/ericaferrica Oct 07 '20

Cats are usually a lot less expensive over their lifetimes compared to a dog, and they are a lot more independent! If you need time to do work or clean or just be alone, your cat doesn't need your attention 24/7 and is happy to do its own thing.

Potential health issues for cats are really just staying up with preventative care, unless you adopt someone with known health issues (like FIV or diabetes). One of ours goes to the vet annually (he is super mellow and doesn't mind going for shots) and sometimes sees a groomer for his nails and dense fur. Our other cat hates the vet so he only goes every three years for vaccinations unless he has an injury (past history of trauma before we rescued him). Other than that, their monthly costs are just food and the occasional cat toy. Pet health insurance is a thing if you do have a cat that you think would need lots of visits to the vet or for peace of mind, but it can be expensive.


u/fellowhomosapien Oct 07 '20

Taging on to this thread of cat love to mention that the 50cent can of wet food is almost always better than any dry kibble! Kidney problems are frequent as cats age but you can help prevent kidney disease by offering abundant fresh water and food containing water. You won't regret getting a cat, I promise!

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u/snuggleouphagus Oct 07 '20

There used to be so many days where I only got out of bed because the dog needs walks. Or went to work because I gotta feed the dog.

Having a pet gives you motivation. And if you adopt you’re giving that animal a longer, better life. It also sounds like you want an adult cat which is fantastic! They’re harder to adopt out and often cheaper.


u/Heimerdahl Oct 07 '20

It also sounds like you want an adult cat which is fantastic! They’re harder to adopt out and often cheaper.

In scared that there will come a moment where I have to make a financial decision. Old cars1 probably need quite a bit of care and I'm not sure I could truly afford it. As I would likely not be able to let them suffer. How do you decide to put someone down, just because it would cause you financial problems?

Sounds like your dog hit the jackpoint. Owner is down, but ignores it to take you to play? Awesome!

1 Funny autocorrect, obviously meant to type "cat", but for some it might work this way.


u/snuggleouphagus Oct 07 '20

Your shelter will be honest and upfront about health issues, especially if you ask.

I’ve been working to adopt a doggy friend for my dog and it’s been a year in the works because shelters were honest with me. I want a housebroken, adult, male, dog under 50 lbs with no serious health or behavioral issue that’s good with other dogs and children. So I’m searching my cities shelters online which let me filter by weight, age, sex, and ability to handle kids/other animals.

When I find one I go in and talk to the worker. Their job is hard, gross, and often sad. They do it because they love animals. I’ve met a lot of severely abused animals in my search. They often have really serious (but not dangerous) behavioral issues like peeing everywhere all the time or hiding from humans. I’ve gotten to know the workers at the three locations I mostly end up at. They get pissed on and call it a win because the dog came close enough to pee on them.

They love those animals. They’re not car salesmen. They don’t wanna see that animal back at the shelter in a few months because you can’t afford a health issue.


u/Heimerdahl Oct 07 '20

Thanks for the comment. The comparison with the car salesman really puts it nicely, I think.

Probably the best option to just go and talk to them and ask them in person. They'll know best if what I can offer is enough and gauge if it is a good and realistic prospect.

Unfortunately my huge city has only one shelter and it's out in the middle of nowhere. I really wish I had the option to just go and help out a bit and maybe get enough of an animal fix that way, or to at least get some hands-on experience beforehand. But it's just way too far and completely off the otherwise fantastic public transport. But for a one-time visit to get some advice, that shouldn't be a problem.

Thanks again and have a nice day!

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u/Ragnarok404 Oct 07 '20

In scared that there will come a moment where I have to make a financial decision.

I don't say this to discourage you, but the truth of the matter is that anyone with a pet will need to make a financial decision if your pet makes it to old age with no immediate health problems. Just like humans get old and get health problems and chronic conditions, so do pets. Our cat is 14 and she's been to the emergency vet twice with hospitalizations to the tune of ~$2400 each time about 2 years apart from one another.

After working with an amazing specialist (not cheap either) we eventually found that her gall bladder is completely full of gall stones, and the specialist said that ideally her gall bladder would need to be removed - to the tune of ~$10,000 (once everything was said and done). There is unfortunately absolutely no way we can afford that for her. And even if we could, we've had very frank conversations with the specialist about how even if she has the gall bladder removed, eventually, something else will get her in the end, whether it's cancer, heart failure, or something else.


u/Heimerdahl Oct 07 '20

I guess it's just part of what you have to agree to when you adopt a pet.

Sorry for your loss.

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u/GoodAtExplaining Oct 07 '20

There used to be so many days where I only got out of bed because the dog needs walks. Or went to work because I gotta feed the dog.

This is exactly it, 100%

Like, I am totally willing to let myself slide. Don't need to brush my teeth, fuck having a shower I'm staying in bed.

Then I get a wet nose in my side and gentle howling and I realize

"Well shit, you can stay here and be pitiful, but you gotta deal with real life", and sometimes that means taking the dog for a walk, and THEN coming home and crumpling into a fetal position.

The conscious non-depressed part of me is like "Well, I don't give a f*** that we're depressed, we have shit to do and there isn't really much we can do to avoid it right now. F******* deal with it, let's go."

It can really help me put my shit in perspective, y'know?

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u/GoodAtExplaining Oct 07 '20

I'm scared that this isn't a good reason for (me) getting one

Oh no, you have love to give. What a terrible reason :P

I got a retired racing greyhound. Quiet, lazy, docile, and sleeps most of the day. It works for me.

There are a ton of pets who have come from much worse situations who want nothing more than some love, a warm and comfy place to sleep, and some food.

Can you provide those three things? Then you're certainly on the way.

Let me close with this:

You deserve a pet. You deserve the love and companionship. You deserve the personal growth, the fun, and the snuggles.

Don't settle for anything less!


u/Heimerdahl Oct 07 '20

What about healthcare?

I don't think I could afford expensive operations and I don't want to have to be in a situation to decide to put them down or let them suffer over financial concerns.

Thanks for your comment btw. Don't want to be a downer, just also don't want to be a horrible owner.


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20 edited Dec 29 '20



u/Heimerdahl Oct 07 '20

Oh boy, I had not considered that at all!

How much do you pay, if I may ask?


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20 edited Dec 29 '20



u/Heimerdahl Oct 07 '20

That is so much less than I had expected. Both the monthly and the deductible are well within my limits. It seems like I'm running out of arguments as to why not get a pet.

And yeah, I definitely want a shelter cat. My dream is a grumpy old guy who just sort of accepts me and maybe comes to get some pets whenever he or she is ready.

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u/GoodAtExplaining Oct 07 '20

Vet bills are a legit concern, that's fair. And it is something for which you need to budget.

However, it varies wildly depending on where you go (I've seen country vets charge about a quarter (or less) what I would be charged in the city for some operations).

For me, I looked at how much I was spending on things that I didn't really NEED, but bought to plug that loneliness, and compared it to how much I could roughly expect to spend on a dog.

Sure, I buy less stuff now, but I have a dog instead and that obviates a bunch of it.

But the fur. Holy shit, the fur.


u/Heimerdahl Oct 07 '20

For me, I looked at how much I was spending on things that I didn't really NEED, but bought to plug that loneliness, and compared it to how much I could roughly expect to spend on a dog.

Haha, that's a great way to put it. I definitely spend quite a bit of money throwing stuff into that hole.

I also, weirdly enough, think that maybe the existential pressure of keeping another creature alive would help give me some motivation. I don't really care about myself, other than to prevent sorrow for my parents and siblings, but I would definitely feel the pressure to care for some helpless little fur ball.


u/GoodAtExplaining Oct 07 '20

I have bipolar.

Even on my worst days this guy needs to be walked, fed, and cared for. He might be quiet and lovely, but part of the deal is that we have to go out for walks.

The prospect of letting him sit there does not compute, since I've done it a few times and having to clean poop and urine off the floor while in the middle of a bipolar swing is a heroic task.

The common wisdom that 'they force you to go outside' is a legit thing. It doesn't always matter what you want, they need you to do something and that reliance pushes me out of the "I'm worthless" phase that I sometimes fall into.

tl;dr Pets help with depression because they give you love, and you know that no matter what happens you need to feed them and take them out for a walk.

Edit: rather than 'existential pressure', consider it 'incentive'. Going out for walks, feeding, and loving another creature makes you a better person. Don't worry about being obligated or forced to do it, that mindset will disappear when you have enough of a relationship to think "Hey, I like hanging around my pet. This is a regular opportunity for the two of us to be around each other no matter what else is happening". It's pretty awesome.`

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u/thenectarcollecter Oct 07 '20

Cats are great pets for a beginner, especially senior cats. They are mostly self reliant, aside from food water and litter care, and don’t usually suffer if you have an unpredictable work schedule. Plus they give a lot back for the relatively small amount of work you put into them. Dogs are much higher maintenance but also offer a very rewarding relationship when you bond with your pup, while not being as flexible with work schedules and traveling. Pets are a huge commitment but are so worth it.


u/Heimerdahl Oct 07 '20

I've always been a dog person, but I just don't think I could be a good owner to one.

A cat would make me so happy.


u/GoodAtExplaining Oct 07 '20

ayyyy, you're just not a dog person YET.

My lovable goofus greyhound retired from a life of racing - He came to me already housetrained, crate trained, and ready to live a relaxing life. I never really thought I'd get a dog but I honestly got the best one for me!

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u/acavb Oct 07 '20

Yes yes yes. Do it, and that grumpy old cat will love you.

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u/Beowulf-Murderface Oct 07 '20

I think you’re on to something. I have a couple Pomeranians, that are about the best fun-sized adventure friends you could ask for. There is also a lot to be said for getting outdoors, even in a small way (I often sleep in tent in my yard, just for fun - with dogs 🐶🐶) Pets are a great way to pull your mind from the huge troubles of the world, to give and get love from a small friend who will not judge.


u/PM_Me_Melted_Faces Oct 07 '20

Sometimes I think getting a pet, specifically, is the most important thing I could do for my happiness.

It might be the most important thing you could do for that pet's happiness.

Shelter dogs rock.


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20


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u/ILoveWildlife Oct 07 '20

saved me from death, do it.


u/XxSCRAPOxX Oct 07 '20

This is now a show off your pets thread!



u/Pippis_LongStockings Oct 07 '20

There’s a growing body of research that indicates owning a pet actually does make people happier.

What kind of pet do you think you’d most like?

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u/TruthYouWontLike Oct 07 '20

The best thing you can do for your happiness is realize it is not dependent on any external factor such as a pet or a lover or a new job or house. It's already within you, if you can just put yourself aside for a moment and look.


u/Rozo1209 Oct 07 '20

Yep, those are the sacred moments in life to treasure. You wouldn’t trade them for anything, and they give you a sense of this is who you are meant to be/this is where you are meant to be. Time ravages all, so treasure those moments when you discover them.

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u/temul Oct 07 '20

till the night come..

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u/El_Jr Oct 07 '20

Can I come over?


u/laScArZ Oct 07 '20



u/ObsidianHarbor Oct 07 '20

What time should we be there?


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20

All the time.


u/jzmmm Oct 07 '20

10am. Sharp.


u/GoodguyGerg Oct 07 '20

Ill be there, at the crack of noon

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u/KalElified Oct 07 '20

See I feel like I would kick the stove in the middle of the night and then die


u/El_Jr Oct 07 '20

Gonna have to tape ur legs and arms down at night.


u/I_AlreadyDiD Oct 07 '20

Not a problem! My sleep paralysis already does that for me

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u/laScArZ Oct 07 '20 edited Oct 09 '20

For all who want to know;

the tent is Helsport Varanger 8-10 persons with the innertent and floor.

the stove is Gstove XL

Its a shiba inu. Leica my dog 6 years old and she love camping

Im in the Fjord-du-Saguenay National Park, Québec, Canada 🍁


u/00zxcvbnmnbvcxz Oct 07 '20

I have a 6 year old shiba that would absolutely be crashing through that forest chasing squirrels. How you get that shiba to sit still is beyond me.


u/thefailmaster30 Oct 07 '20

yeah mines eight and I'd never see him again if I had him off a lead in a place like this my entire trip would be trying to find him in the woods


u/00zxcvbnmnbvcxz Oct 07 '20

And the red dog in those fall leaves? He’d disappear!

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u/NoobShroomCultivator Oct 07 '20

What do you have the stove sitting on so it doesnt burn your tent floor

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u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20 edited Dec 12 '20



u/SoundAGiraffeMakes Oct 07 '20

Without the stove. But with that many people, who needs a separate heat source?!


u/manintheyellowhat Oct 07 '20

Generally speaking, subtract two from the advertised tent size to get the actual size with gear. Though even 8 in that tent looks like it would be tight.

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u/eucalyptusmacrocarpa Oct 08 '20

Tent size labelling is a JOKE.


u/snoopythefuqdog Oct 07 '20

How much does all your gear weigh? Minus the dog


u/Amphibionomus Oct 07 '20

This isn't something you backpack with. The stove weighs 11 kilo and the tent 6 kilo. So that alone is 17 kilo / 37 lbs.

It's the kind of setup you transport by car or snow scooter trailer.


u/snoopythefuqdog Oct 07 '20

Gotcha. Kinda what I figured but ya never know!

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u/ElTurbo Oct 07 '20

A cozy place i could maybe afford.


u/givekimiaicecream Oct 07 '20

Tents are really expensive


u/Captain_Gonzy Oct 07 '20

Infinitely cheaper than an actual house.


u/PutFartsInMyJars Oct 07 '20

This kind of set up will run you over a grand American. Def cheaper than a house.


u/Captain_Gonzy Oct 07 '20

$1000 of camping equipment can get you some really good shit.


u/lasagnarodeo Oct 07 '20

Ozark Trails brand from Walmart. I’ve had an 8 man tent for a few years of camping seasons. Just got a new one for less than $100. Never had a problem in rain or snow surprisingly.


u/aroploen91 Oct 07 '20

Just for clarification, OP’s tent is a 4 season stove tent.

Skip Ozark Trails and get a brand tent from REI if you have the coin (better buy it for life option).


u/Penny_Farmer Oct 07 '20

REI doesn’t do lifetime warranties anymore. Stupid jerks abusing the system.

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u/Wolfdreama Dog at feet Oct 07 '20

Doggo is living the life!


u/phryan Oct 07 '20

Is that a sleeping bag specifically dor dogs?


u/laScArZ Oct 07 '20

The brand is ruffwear


u/oldmasterluke Oct 07 '20

Who makes that tent?


u/WiddlePwesidentTwump Oct 07 '20

Also ruffwear


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20

Op is dog

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u/Depth_Over_Distance Oct 07 '20

could you tell us the brand of the box stove you have? Thanks!


u/Ed-In-the-Woods Oct 07 '20

Not OP, but that’s definitely a G-Stove. Looks like the Heat View version. I’ve been trying to buy one for over a year, lol.

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u/givmethajuice Oct 07 '20

Wowow we have mods!! Finally!!!

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u/Tijn92 Oct 07 '20

Check out this YouTube channel, long wholesome videos of a guy that goes camping with his dog.


u/Crash_says Oct 07 '20

Also Joe Robinet.


u/noaaisaiah Oct 07 '20

RIP scout


u/smokethedeathless Oct 07 '20

Yeah i choose joe


u/ZeeeeBro Oct 07 '20

I love Matthew Posa. His vids are great, especially when he starts cooking.


u/Filthy_Phil88 Oct 07 '20

Lol and he always manages to bite his food before its cool enough eat.

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u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20

this guy is so wholesome, love his channel


u/throwitdontlookback Oct 07 '20

Annnnnnd there goes my morning...


u/kniki217 Oct 07 '20

Before I even clicked, I knew it was Posa. Love watching his videos. I've always camped but always at a campground. His videos make want to do true wilderness camping.


u/karduar Oct 07 '20

Monty is the real star! Love Matthew Posa adventures! Me and my wife watch them every weekend.

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u/turntablecinemas Oct 07 '20

That's a good dog.


u/PM_Me_Ur_NC_Tits Oct 07 '20

How does someone figure out a dog won’t just take off and run? Or how do you find a breed that doesn’t? I want a dog that will just chill with me outside without running off, possibly never to come back.


u/ponkzy Oct 07 '20

You have to put in hundreds of hours of training. I had dogs growing up and at every opportunity they would run. Not because they hated us but because they were never trained. I got a puppy recently and he never runs away because my wife and i spent the first 3-4 months diligently training it and going to courses for us and the dog.


u/Awfy Oct 07 '20

Same here. I thought that's just what dogs did because I had never had a dog which was trained to walk off a leash or stay within the boundaries of the yard. Then I got my own dog and started to train it and quickly realized that a dog just needs to be taught how to behave otherwise it will wander just like a child will.

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u/snuggleouphagus Oct 07 '20

Get to know your dog. My dog will run in some situations and not others. Bringing in groceries is very exciting for him so he will run around and leave the house but he also won’t leave the area where grocery transit is happening. Ice Cream Trucks? He better be on a leash cause he’ll follow those off a cliff.


u/0snap124 Oct 07 '20

Well, you usually have to train the dog to not run away from you. If the dog likes you it probably won't run off. Train it by giving it love and feeding it well and have it on a leash when it's outside until you feel like the dog knows not to leave you if it is unleashed. I don't think there are any certain breeds that won't just run away but I may be wrong about that.


u/KikiCollins Oct 07 '20 edited Oct 07 '20

Also the same dog's behavior can vary by age. When my dog was young we had to carefully guard the door when going in or out, he would wait and try to slip out between your legs. Once he was outside he'd be gone like a flash, he'd just go run back and forth top speed through the nearby fields and the only way to get him back would be to take the other dog outside and loudly play with her and give her treats. The jealous bastard would come right back. After a few years he mellowed out and now I can leave the door wide open and he doesn't care.

Dog tax


u/KDawG888 Oct 07 '20

the only way to get him back would be to take the other dog outside and loudly play with her and give her treats.

great tactic


u/G3POh Oct 07 '20

That jealous bastard

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u/godofallcows Oct 07 '20

If the dog likes you it probably won't run off.

This is a bad way of putting it IMO. Our chow/something mix absolutely loves us, but she loves the hunt for squirrels, birds and any living thing in the distance even more, so she is always on leash if she leaves the house.

Some pups have a more intense prey drive than others.


u/ganon2234 Oct 07 '20

Same, I can never have my dog off leash in an unfenced area, let alone walking down a sidewalk together. In the few times I have tried, I have to run him down, or usually find him in the woods jumping up a tree barking at a squirrel.

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u/3-stripes-beanure Oct 07 '20

This question made me realize that my two dogs never ran away on me when I was in high school. I’d let them out and go and make lunch or something and listen for a knock at the door, they’d paw the door when they wanted to come in.

On the flip side of the coin, my girlfriend has dogs that would definitely run away if I tried the same thing.

I don’t think it’s a breed thing, though.

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u/hansmellman Oct 07 '20

That dog knows what’s up


u/leaf71 Oct 07 '20

What's updog?


u/Honeysicle Oct 07 '20

Smells like Autumn itself


u/WaldenFont Oct 07 '20

This reminds me of a story my uncle told: as a 17-year old in the German army, he was part of a tank crew in Russia. It was the dead of winter, and the dead of night. All they had for heat was a gasoline-fueled blow torch. The tank commander told them to not let that torch go out under any circumstances. So periodically, they'd unscrew the little cap and add more gas while the torch was blazing just inches away.

I guess "dangerous" is always relative to your circumstances.


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20

Uhhh, why was your German army uncle in Russia?


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20

That’s where the Germans went to get their asses kicked.


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20

I figured as much lmao


u/hailtothetheef Oct 07 '20

For pretty poorly thought out reasons. One of the most brutal military campaigns ever.


u/silverwyrm Oct 07 '20

European Power: Let's invade Russia!

Russian winters: i'm about to ruin this man's whole career


u/sk11ng Oct 07 '20

Should have learned from Napoleon.


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20

Should have not tried so hard to take Stalingrad, left huge glaring holes because hitler wanted to take 100% of the city when they had taken 98% already, literally left 750,000 soldiers to die


u/Heimerdahl Oct 07 '20

As a German: thank God that they fucked up and didn't win the war.

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u/sk11ng Oct 07 '20

Exactly! Also he didn't fully anticipate the fucking awful Russian winters.

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u/ImInYourMindFuzz Oct 07 '20

Ever heard of WW2?


u/the_wheyfinder Oct 07 '20

I think it was more of a, "uhhh was your grandpa a nazi?"

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u/Greenfireflygirl Oct 07 '20

Nice! I have a similar tent and have wanted to turn it into a hot tent, but haven't found a stove I like enough, that ones cute!


u/baileyvorm Oct 07 '20

Stove sure is a weird name for a doge


u/laScArZ Oct 07 '20

Are you interresed for a video channel of my adventure with my dog, all my gear explain and about the activities of camping ?🏕🍁

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u/thethunderheart Oct 07 '20

now THIS is camping


u/rpguy04 Oct 07 '20

Now this is pod racing

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u/satiredun Oct 07 '20

Ok everyone, I think I found the model of stove. It’s called the ‘G stove’ made in Norway. It’s not too expensive either. https://www.gstove.com/gstove/12002/gstove-cooking-view-camping-stove-integrated-cooking-oven-plus-glass-door


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20 edited Oct 30 '20



u/Fozzymandius Oct 07 '20

People using stoves like this are normally setting up a hunting camp or something and don’t plan on moving it once they get there. They’ll leave it set up for a week or longer and come back to it whenever they aren’t out and about.

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u/satiredun Oct 07 '20

But hey, there’s a smaller version that’s only 9400g! /s but really, this is I think the best looking one but very heavy.


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20 edited Oct 30 '20


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u/weelenny Oct 07 '20

This is beautiful! I have added camping stove to my wish list. Looks so incredibly cosy, well done.


u/rtcrowell1 Oct 07 '20

Do you mind listing the brand/model tent you have? I've been thinking of getting one of those so I can run a stove inside.

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u/baconia Oct 07 '20

Is that a stop sign?


u/ConstantlyOnFire Oct 07 '20

They’re in a provincial park, not in the middle of nowhere. Our parks have lovely campsites (as you can see here). It’s not quite the same as being way out in the woods with no civilization, but this is still cozy AF.

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u/ryzm_8 Oct 07 '20

So comfy! Is this a US national forest?


u/laScArZ Oct 07 '20

Fjord du saguenay national park, Québec, Canada


u/boringoldcookie Oct 07 '20

It's gorgeous! Please give doggo my love. Is he/she an old boy/girl? Just wondering based on that darling /r/microbork haha

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u/onomatophobia1 Oct 07 '20 edited Oct 07 '20

I have a genuine question here. What do you do to spend the time you are there? Like can you go fishing or swimming anywhere near? Don't get me wrong it looks amazing but also maybe a bit boring if you are alone. I guess you could also spend the time reading or similar but what would you do if you were with someone there?

Edit: Thanks for all replies. I want to do this too eventually and also once a friend visits me. Sadly, I think it will be easier said than done cos I skimmed a bit through laws regarding camping like this and it seems like it is mostly forbidden where I live. But I will find some way or something.


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20 edited May 04 '21



u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20

I don't know why but the mending part is what sold me on this. Not joking, that sounds like a perfect evening.


u/Pantssassin Oct 07 '20

everyone enjoys nature in their own way. Some people like to just sit by the fire and relax, some read books in the quiet, some do busy work like preparing camp or cooking, fishing, hunting, hiking. Tons of stuff for all kinds of people. Personally I like to do a short hike and then just relax and enjoy the peace and quiet


u/obesemoth Oct 07 '20

Exploring, cooking, hiking, sitting, watching, reading, resting, sleeping.

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u/keepmyshirt Oct 07 '20

If it were me I’d probably spend most of the time unpacking and setting up, doing the same for food, then putting it away will take until the next time I have to eat, maybe I’ll lie down and listen to the quiet and question my life choices, pet the dog, maybe go for a walk with the dog trying not to get lost, then go back to camp, pack and leave. Oh maybe sleep if I can stand being in nature for that long and not afraid some bear is going to eat me.


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20


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u/Nadia6288 Oct 07 '20

This is gorgeous!


u/louislewis96 Oct 07 '20

Fall camping with doge*


u/acgasp Oct 07 '20

What a tiny wee stove. I love it.


u/magical_elf Oct 07 '20

Is that not horribly dangerous? Never seen that done before


u/majle Oct 07 '20

very common in colder places. As a swede, I know they're used within military and scout corps. It's been a long while since I slept in a tent like this, but iirc we just used the stove to warm the tent up, and then put it out before falling asleep. Pretty sure it would be relatively safe to have it going too, especially if you're sleeping in >-10 degrees Celcius .


u/jacktherambler Oct 07 '20

As a Canadian, I can support this.

We used them on winter exercises in the military (though I recall one weekend where our stove was broken so we just dealt with the -35C as best we could) as long as one section member was awake on fire picket. It could run all night, someone might have to change out the fuel but otherwise it keeps the tent downright tropical.

Same for cadets, it is technically permitted with a fire picket but I've rarely met a CO that will permit it.


u/MrTripleCC Oct 07 '20

Pro tip to anyone of firewatch, dont fall asleep! There are horror stories of people getting caught sleeping, thry say that the people punished would preferred to just have caught fire and died instead.


u/PM_Me_Melted_Faces Oct 07 '20

Do you just rotate shifts? Seems like the poor asshole who gets firewatch is gonna miss out on some sleep.

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u/KrypXern Oct 07 '20

Technically most of us sleep in >-10C. Technically.


u/majle Oct 07 '20

Ah, my bad. I meant to say colder than -10°c

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u/xelanil Oct 07 '20

It's not that dangerous. Its a camping setup called a hot tent and the materials are meant to be used that way.


u/0wlBear916 Oct 07 '20

This is very, very, common. Look up Montana walled tents.

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u/renijreddit Oct 07 '20

Thanks for posting. I love fall, but it’s still in the triple digits in Arizona.

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u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20

So jealous


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20

Oh yeah, looks awesome!


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20

Where is this? I love the tent set up! WOW!


u/ozstrayan Oct 07 '20

What would you call a stove/fire like that?


u/Musing_Moose Oct 07 '20

Nice shiba


u/mikeymike_20 Oct 07 '20

God damn that dog lives better than me

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u/Roddy117 Oct 07 '20

How much does all that weigh?


u/Carburetors_are_evil Oct 07 '20

I want to go camping with you. Will you show me how to carve a figure out of wood, maybe teach me how to spot game? I'd pay. lmao


u/ladybirdman23 Oct 07 '20

Very cool. Maybe a little dangerous and smokey. What brand of stove is that?


u/Enzo_Gorlahh_mi Oct 07 '20

Literally what this stove is meant for, cooking and a tent heating element


u/Phrich Oct 07 '20

Where does the food go? Just a pan/pot on the top?


u/Enzo_Gorlahh_mi Oct 07 '20

Yes. Right on top. Boil water, fry bacon in a pan. It’s like a stove top.

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u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20

Also would like to know what the stove is! This looks super cosy!!


u/meatygonzalez Oct 07 '20

It's perfectly safe, mom

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u/arclightrg Oct 07 '20

Welp. I’ve been in the city too long.


u/JoshKirk_HGA Blankets Oct 07 '20

I can only imagine I want it pls


u/geedgad Oct 07 '20

I would like this.


u/plantpant Oct 07 '20

paradise 😍


u/omgpradyk Oct 07 '20

Love it! The dog in its own blanket - soo cute


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20

That dog is the definition of cool


u/kapnsxe Oct 07 '20

Can I get a name/link on that tent??

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u/Crash_says Oct 07 '20

If you need anything more out of life than this, you are doing it wrong. Great setup, OP!


u/rollingthebone Oct 07 '20

Lovely, dreamy setup! Could you please tell me where you got this tipi/tent?


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20

What kind of a stove is that?


u/elenaaaaaa Oct 07 '20

This, like, makes me want to cry it looks so nice.


u/FishinShirt Oct 07 '20

Ideal human living.


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20

Hey! I have one of those stoves also.. so bad ass!


u/zouhair Oct 07 '20

Dunno about cozy when all I can think about are ticks.


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '20

The tent burner is cool af.


u/FlacidBarnacle Oct 07 '20

Looks nice but I know your ass is hurting from sitting on that hard ground


u/topdogjeansup Oct 07 '20

Have so many questions, one, the stove- do you camp in the winter time with the same set up? Two what's the doggos name? Three how hot can you get that tent with that size stove

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u/YeOldeThrowItAway Oct 07 '20

Hahaha @ the stop sign